домашний дворик 1DRAKON1977Цель: Воспитывать у детей познавательный интерес и бережное отношение к домашним животным.
1. Закрепить названия домашних животных
2. Развитие в детях воображения образа животного через звуки, издаваемые этим животным.
3. Уточнить представление о лакомствах животных через стихотворное произведение.
4. Развивать речь, звукоподражание, мышление, обогащать словарный запас.
Gst enrolment from WB VatCA Abhishek AgarwalThe document provides instructions for registering on the GSTN portal in India. It details the steps to generate provisional login credentials, verify the account, fill out registration forms with business and tax details, upload required documents, and submit the application either by digital signature or normally. The registration process involves completing forms in 8 tabs and uploading 5 documents before final submission.
420 Investor, Alan Brochstein CFANorman GatesReport privacy problems or identity theft to public.resource.org/privacy or call the IRS Identity Theft Hotline at 1-800-908-4490. The document encourages reporting seeing social security numbers and provides resources for reporting privacy issues or identity theft to protect personal information. It lists a website and phone number for reporting these types of problems.
CompplanNorman GatesKannaway is a hemp lifestylecompany with a focus on nutritional wellness whose products contain CBD rich hemp oil.
Caasa_taxtable_7th editionCA Abhishek AgarwalThis document discusses various transitional provisions under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) law in India. It explains that existing taxpayers will be issued a provisional registration certificate for six months under GST. It also outlines the treatment of cenvat credit carried forward from previous tax regimes. Specifically, it states that cenvat credit reflected in past returns can be carried forward if it was admissible under previous law and under GST law. The document further discusses eligibility to claim credit on inputs held in stock and unavailed cenvat credit on capital goods.
420INVESTOR Blog - Trade AlertsNorman GatesLet's discuss it here. I posted this in the
forum earlier today:
I'm definitely not that happy with the alerts
lately. I understand the reasons they are
being done: trim the paper portfolio, etc, but
let's have a little compassion for all the
underwater stock holders who have
patiently held for a couple months, & just
want now to be able to break even, let
alone make money.
Us20100286993Norman GatesThe patent application describes a method and system for communicating information pertaining to legal marijuana over a network. It allows for advertising, commerce, customer relationship management, and verification of individuals authorized to purchase, sell, possess, or use legal marijuana. The system determines an individual's location and only provides marijuana-related information if they are in an area where marijuana is legal, in order to prevent unauthorized access.
Lurent sansoucy - Stati Uniti: un mercato in forte ripresa e su cui investireCamera di Commercio di VeronaPresentazione di Lurent sansoucy - rappresentante CASE - 26 settembre 2013 - Camera di Commercio di Verona
Gianni Tacconi - Cosa manca alla pianta per essere resistente: analisi dei ge...Camera di Commercio di VeronaPresentazione di Gianni Tacconi - Consiglio per la ricerca e la sperimentazione in agricoltura - Convegno della Camera di Commercio di Verona del 3 ottobre 2013: "Kiwi 2013/2014: stime di produzione e commercializzazione"
Fitzgerald report 1953Norman GatesFitzgerald was special counsel to the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee in 1953. He was commissioned by Congressman Charles Tobey of Massachusetts to investigate the obstruction of natural cancer treatments by the American Medical Association.
His report to the committee is known as “The Fitzgerald Report” of 1953.
Alone, this information is a bombshell. But, to my knowledge the information you are about to read hasn’t been put into the same or connect-the-dots context before.
Realtime UX Design & The Growing UX Developer - UX/DEV SUMMITIgnacio Garcia-HuidobroPresentation on the concept of Real Time UX Design and the growing need for the UX Developer. Why you should add these two in your designer toolbox.
Gst enrolment from WB VatCA Abhishek AgarwalThe document provides instructions for registering on the GSTN portal in India. It details the steps to generate provisional login credentials, verify the account, fill out registration forms with business and tax details, upload required documents, and submit the application either by digital signature or normally. The registration process involves completing forms in 8 tabs and uploading 5 documents before final submission.
420 Investor, Alan Brochstein CFANorman GatesReport privacy problems or identity theft to public.resource.org/privacy or call the IRS Identity Theft Hotline at 1-800-908-4490. The document encourages reporting seeing social security numbers and provides resources for reporting privacy issues or identity theft to protect personal information. It lists a website and phone number for reporting these types of problems.
CompplanNorman GatesKannaway is a hemp lifestylecompany with a focus on nutritional wellness whose products contain CBD rich hemp oil.
Caasa_taxtable_7th editionCA Abhishek AgarwalThis document discusses various transitional provisions under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) law in India. It explains that existing taxpayers will be issued a provisional registration certificate for six months under GST. It also outlines the treatment of cenvat credit carried forward from previous tax regimes. Specifically, it states that cenvat credit reflected in past returns can be carried forward if it was admissible under previous law and under GST law. The document further discusses eligibility to claim credit on inputs held in stock and unavailed cenvat credit on capital goods.
420INVESTOR Blog - Trade AlertsNorman GatesLet's discuss it here. I posted this in the
forum earlier today:
I'm definitely not that happy with the alerts
lately. I understand the reasons they are
being done: trim the paper portfolio, etc, but
let's have a little compassion for all the
underwater stock holders who have
patiently held for a couple months, & just
want now to be able to break even, let
alone make money.
Us20100286993Norman GatesThe patent application describes a method and system for communicating information pertaining to legal marijuana over a network. It allows for advertising, commerce, customer relationship management, and verification of individuals authorized to purchase, sell, possess, or use legal marijuana. The system determines an individual's location and only provides marijuana-related information if they are in an area where marijuana is legal, in order to prevent unauthorized access.
Lurent sansoucy - Stati Uniti: un mercato in forte ripresa e su cui investireCamera di Commercio di VeronaPresentazione di Lurent sansoucy - rappresentante CASE - 26 settembre 2013 - Camera di Commercio di Verona
Gianni Tacconi - Cosa manca alla pianta per essere resistente: analisi dei ge...Camera di Commercio di VeronaPresentazione di Gianni Tacconi - Consiglio per la ricerca e la sperimentazione in agricoltura - Convegno della Camera di Commercio di Verona del 3 ottobre 2013: "Kiwi 2013/2014: stime di produzione e commercializzazione"
Fitzgerald report 1953Norman GatesFitzgerald was special counsel to the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee in 1953. He was commissioned by Congressman Charles Tobey of Massachusetts to investigate the obstruction of natural cancer treatments by the American Medical Association.
His report to the committee is known as “The Fitzgerald Report” of 1953.
Alone, this information is a bombshell. But, to my knowledge the information you are about to read hasn’t been put into the same or connect-the-dots context before.
Realtime UX Design & The Growing UX Developer - UX/DEV SUMMITIgnacio Garcia-HuidobroPresentation on the concept of Real Time UX Design and the growing need for the UX Developer. Why you should add these two in your designer toolbox.
обучение грамотеВспомогательный образовательный сайтНекрасова Светлана Павловна учитель начальных классов КГУ "Каратальская средняя школа района Шал акына"
урок естествознания какие бывают животныеAsem SarsembayevaКоркина Наталья Викторовна
Учитель начальных классов
КГУ «Школа-лицей №6 отдела образования акимата города Экибастуза»
1. EEEEllllKKKKooootttt
Открытое занятие по развитию речи
«Моя семья»
(средняя группа)
Цель занятия: воспитывать
уважение к членам семьи, чувство
любви и уважение к близким.
Группа «Фантазёры»
2. EEllKKoott
Семья- это мы.
Семья- это я.
Семья – это папа и
мама моя.
Семья – это
Семья- это
3. EEEEllllKKKKooootttt
Этот пальчик –
Этот пальчик –
Этот пальчик –
Этот пальчик –
Этот пальчик – я,
И вся моя семья!
10. EEEEllllKKKKooootttt
Любили тебя без особых причин
За то, что ты – внук или внучка,
За то, что ты – сын или дочка,
За то, что малыш,
За то, что растешь,
За то, что на маму и папу похож.
И эта любовь до конца твоих дней
Станет надежной опорой твоей.