F05 corrosive sulfurpresentationanjanakoolkarni1) Two new transmission lines in Brazil's grid experienced issues with corrosive sulfur in the insulating oil of some of their reactors after 6 months and 1 year of service respectively.
2) Initial ASTM D1275 tests of the oils did not detect corrosive sulfur but subsequent tests of some units did detect it.
3) One reactor was returned for examination after 1 year of service, and was found to have copper winding contamination, though it had not failed.
F05 corrosive sulfurpresentationanjanakoolkarni1) Two new transmission lines in Brazil's grid experienced issues with corrosive sulfur in the insulating oil of some of their reactors after 6 months and 1 year of service respectively.
2) Initial ASTM D1275 tests of the oils did not detect corrosive sulfur but subsequent tests of some units did detect it.
3) One reactor was returned for examination after 1 year of service, and was found to have copper winding contamination, though it had not failed.
Three phase transformersZiyaulhaqThis document discusses various types of three-phase transformer connections including:
- Delta-delta, which produces no phase shift between input and output voltages.
- Delta-wye, which produces a 30 degree phase shift.
- Wye-delta, which also produces a 30 degree phase shift with primary and secondary connections reversed from delta-wye.
- Wye-wye requires special precautions like connecting the neutral or using a tertiary winding to prevent voltage distortion.
- Open-delta can transform voltage using only two transformers in an emergency situation but has lower capacity.
- Autotransformers are more economical than conventional transformers for moderate voltage changes between 0.5-2 times.
Tablet owners who they areVanessa LiTablet shipments have grown rapidly but ownership remains concentrated among high-income households in a few markets, particularly the US. Within the US, tablet ownership skews toward older age groups between 30-64 rather than younger adults. The document forecasts that tablet shipments will reach 122 million in 2012 and 442 million by 2016, with growth coming from emerging markets, lower-cost mini tablets, and falling prices over time. Currently, tablet ownership is heavily concentrated in developed regions like the US and Europe, but this is likely to change as prices drop and tablets proliferate in developing areas like China.
PtB TEEB for Policy Makers Webinar/Earthcast 7 april 2011Institute for European Environmental Policy IEEPThe document discusses the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) in policy making. It provides an overview of TEEB's genesis, aims, and progress. TEEB works to demonstrate the economic benefits of biodiversity and ecosystem services to influence policymaking. The document outlines TEEB's engagement with various international organizations and countries. It also summarizes some of TEEB's key reports and their findings on valuing natural capital and incorporating those values into decision making.
Patrick ten Brink of IEEP on IPBES an economists perspective EP 29 May 2012 f...Institute for European Environmental Policy IEEPPatrick ten Brink of IEEP on an economist's perspective on the importance of economic value of nature for decision making within the context of IPBES
AOT-компиляция JavaTech Talks @NSUhttp://techtalks.nsu.ru
Видеозапись: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blXQTBiYbzs"
10 декабря 2014. Никита Липский (Excelsior) рассказывает про AOT-компиляцию
Ahead-of-time (AOT) компиляция, или статическая компиляция, не так давно объявлена компанией Oracle как одно из нововведений Java 9 — следующего мажорного релиза Java. Это объявление вызвало разнообразную реакцию в сообществе Java-программистов: некоторые удивляются почему только сейчас, кто-то в недоумении, потому что всегда считал, что AOT-компилятор для Java не возможен теоретически из-за богатых динамических возможностей Java, многие убеждены, что AOT не нужен для Java, потому что он не может конкурировать по производительности с JIT, который использует динамический профиль исполнения для оптимизации программ на лету.
В этом докладе я попробую развеять распространенные мифы, которые сложились вокруг AOT-компиляции Java, расскажу почему AOT-компиляция возможна с сохранением всех динамических особенностей Java, покажу где этот подход имеет преимущества в производительности перед динамической компиляцией (JIT) с технической точки зрения, а также обрисую для чего вообще может быть полезна AOT-компиляция для Java.
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Подробности: http://techtalks.nsu.ru
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