01_03_csr_policy_esr14Masayuki SatoJGC's Basic CSR Policy outlines their commitment to:
1) Maintain quality, safety, and environmental standards in all business activities.
2) Contribute to society by utilizing their expertise and technologies.
3) Engage in fair and honest business practices in compliance with all legal requirements.
My Resume 1Rostislav ShlomaRostyslav Shloma is a security manager with over 27 years of experience in information security, physical security, security project management, risk and crisis management, and investigations. He has worked as a Security Manager for multiple large companies in Ukraine and Georgia, creating their security departments and management systems. Prior to his private sector career, he spent 15 years in the Secret Service of Ukraine, where he received three medals and rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel. He has expertise in various security standards and holds a degree in telecommunications engineering with a focus on information security.
Proyecto futbolangelaximena1124El documento describe el proceso de analizar el sistema existente, identificar áreas de mejora, y recolectar información para entender y crear mejoras. Luego, detalla los pasos para establecer un nuevo club de fútbol, incluyendo analizar los recursos disponibles, crear un cronograma de actividades, establecer cuotas de membresía asequibles, comprar equipamiento deportivo, y evaluar la satisfacción de los servicios.
Reshape09Lee AaseThis document discusses why social media is essential for the future of healthcare and how organizations can get started using social media. It argues that social media tools are free or inexpensive, consistent with organizational values of transparency, and help engage patients and employees. The document provides an overview of popular social media platforms like blogs, YouTube, Twitter and encourages organizations to claim their online identities on these channels and experiment with low-cost tools like smartphones and Flip cameras to get started.
Katelyn Kent PPPklkentMy Person Persona Project for PCP class at Full Sail University.
1. Milton Glaser said to design is to communicate,
2. By whatever means you can master or control.
3. I'm Katelyn Kent
photographed owned by Katelyn Kent.
4. A nomad
5. A fashionista
6. A lover of animals
Photograph owned by Katelyn Kent
7. But mostly a
8. Dedicated Designer
9. Art has always been my voice
10. From Painting
11. and Collaging
12. To my passion
13. Graphic Design
14. Examples of my work
screenshots of work from behance.
15. Sceenshots of work from behance.
16. My goals are
17. To see my designs all over the world
18. To design for a cause
19. And to inspire others
20. My advantages...
21. Positivity
22. Constant growth
23. Out of the box thinking
24. And the strive to help others
25. I've traveled the world
26. now it's time to make my mark
27. Katelyn Kent, klkent@fullsail.edu, https://www.behance.net/klkent
Trafikoa 2015 eu_plan estrategikoa 2015-2020 bide segurtasunerako eta mugikor...patxigalarragaplan estrategikoa 2015-2020 bide segurtasunerako eta mugikortasun segururako eta iraunkorrerako
Harry's Presentation#2(upload)Hyunjae (Harry) JungThis document discusses a garment steamer that can be tried for a week and then returned if not wanted. It provides contact information for a company that sells the steamer and has a website with product information and reviews. The document requests filling out an attached form to have the steamer sent.
виртуально литературная экскурсияBiblioteka-filial Во время экскурсии вы посетите писательские усадьбы и несколько домов-музеев, которые расскажут о своих хозяевах.
Lalitha ViswanathanLalitha VThe document provides a summary of Lalitha Viswanathan's experience as a Test Manager. She has over 11 years of experience in software testing, managing teams of up to 25 people. She has expertise in test planning, execution, defect tracking, and reporting. She is proficient with various testing tools and has experience across multiple domains including banking, healthcare, and mobile applications.
World esp fundacion mapfre_2014_en_road safety inspection manual for school z...patxigalarragaThe document provides a road safety inspection manual for school zones. It outlines a 5-phase methodology: 1) preparation, 2) data collection, 3) development of an action plan, 4) implementation of the action plan, and 5) evaluation. The goal is to identify safety problems in school zones, recommend solutions, and share best practices to improve road safety for students. The manual includes templates for surveys, inspection checklists, and provides examples of road safety programs from municipalities in Spain and around the world.
My Resume 1Rostislav ShlomaRostyslav Shloma is a security manager with over 27 years of experience in information security, physical security, security project management, risk and crisis management, and investigations. He has worked as a Security Manager for multiple large companies in Ukraine and Georgia, creating their security departments and management systems. Prior to his private sector career, he spent 15 years in the Secret Service of Ukraine, where he received three medals and rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel. He has expertise in various security standards and holds a degree in telecommunications engineering with a focus on information security.
Proyecto futbolangelaximena1124El documento describe el proceso de analizar el sistema existente, identificar áreas de mejora, y recolectar información para entender y crear mejoras. Luego, detalla los pasos para establecer un nuevo club de fútbol, incluyendo analizar los recursos disponibles, crear un cronograma de actividades, establecer cuotas de membresía asequibles, comprar equipamiento deportivo, y evaluar la satisfacción de los servicios.
Reshape09Lee AaseThis document discusses why social media is essential for the future of healthcare and how organizations can get started using social media. It argues that social media tools are free or inexpensive, consistent with organizational values of transparency, and help engage patients and employees. The document provides an overview of popular social media platforms like blogs, YouTube, Twitter and encourages organizations to claim their online identities on these channels and experiment with low-cost tools like smartphones and Flip cameras to get started.
Katelyn Kent PPPklkentMy Person Persona Project for PCP class at Full Sail University.
1. Milton Glaser said to design is to communicate,
2. By whatever means you can master or control.
3. I'm Katelyn Kent
photographed owned by Katelyn Kent.
4. A nomad
5. A fashionista
6. A lover of animals
Photograph owned by Katelyn Kent
7. But mostly a
8. Dedicated Designer
9. Art has always been my voice
10. From Painting
11. and Collaging
12. To my passion
13. Graphic Design
14. Examples of my work
screenshots of work from behance.
15. Sceenshots of work from behance.
16. My goals are
17. To see my designs all over the world
18. To design for a cause
19. And to inspire others
20. My advantages...
21. Positivity
22. Constant growth
23. Out of the box thinking
24. And the strive to help others
25. I've traveled the world
26. now it's time to make my mark
27. Katelyn Kent, klkent@fullsail.edu, https://www.behance.net/klkent
Trafikoa 2015 eu_plan estrategikoa 2015-2020 bide segurtasunerako eta mugikor...patxigalarragaplan estrategikoa 2015-2020 bide segurtasunerako eta mugikortasun segururako eta iraunkorrerako
Harry's Presentation#2(upload)Hyunjae (Harry) JungThis document discusses a garment steamer that can be tried for a week and then returned if not wanted. It provides contact information for a company that sells the steamer and has a website with product information and reviews. The document requests filling out an attached form to have the steamer sent.
виртуально литературная экскурсияBiblioteka-filial Во время экскурсии вы посетите писательские усадьбы и несколько домов-музеев, которые расскажут о своих хозяевах.
Lalitha ViswanathanLalitha VThe document provides a summary of Lalitha Viswanathan's experience as a Test Manager. She has over 11 years of experience in software testing, managing teams of up to 25 people. She has expertise in test planning, execution, defect tracking, and reporting. She is proficient with various testing tools and has experience across multiple domains including banking, healthcare, and mobile applications.
World esp fundacion mapfre_2014_en_road safety inspection manual for school z...patxigalarragaThe document provides a road safety inspection manual for school zones. It outlines a 5-phase methodology: 1) preparation, 2) data collection, 3) development of an action plan, 4) implementation of the action plan, and 5) evaluation. The goal is to identify safety problems in school zones, recommend solutions, and share best practices to improve road safety for students. The manual includes templates for surveys, inspection checklists, and provides examples of road safety programs from municipalities in Spain and around the world.