輪読した論文: Ola Olsson, et. al., Efficient Virtual Shadow Maps for Many Lights, Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on I3D, 2014.
Unreal Dev Day Montreal 2017における「UE4 Performance and Profiling」で使用された資料を翻訳したものです。
Talk by Fabien Christin from DICE at GDC 2016.
Designing a big city that players can explore by day and by night while improving on the unique visual from the first Mirror's Edge game isn't an easy task.
In this talk, the tools and technology used to render Mirror's Edge: Catalyst will be discussed. From the physical sky to the reflection tech, the speakers will show how they tamed the new Frostbite 3 PBR engine to deliver realistic images with stylized visuals.
They will talk about the artistic and technical challenges they faced and how they tried to overcome them, from the simple light settings and Enlighten workflow to character shading and color grading.
Attendees will get an insight of technical and artistic techniques used to create a dynamic time of day system with updating radiosity and reflections.
Intended Audience
This session is targeted to game artists, technical artists and graphics programmers who want to know more about Mirror's Edge: Catalyst rendering technology, lighting tools and shading tricks.
UE4は4.19からInput Latencyの改善を行える設定が加わりました。
(Epic Games Japan Support Manager 篠山範明)
Unreal Dev Day Montreal 2017における「UE4 Performance and Profiling」で使用された資料を翻訳したものです。
Talk by Fabien Christin from DICE at GDC 2016.
Designing a big city that players can explore by day and by night while improving on the unique visual from the first Mirror's Edge game isn't an easy task.
In this talk, the tools and technology used to render Mirror's Edge: Catalyst will be discussed. From the physical sky to the reflection tech, the speakers will show how they tamed the new Frostbite 3 PBR engine to deliver realistic images with stylized visuals.
They will talk about the artistic and technical challenges they faced and how they tried to overcome them, from the simple light settings and Enlighten workflow to character shading and color grading.
Attendees will get an insight of technical and artistic techniques used to create a dynamic time of day system with updating radiosity and reflections.
Intended Audience
This session is targeted to game artists, technical artists and graphics programmers who want to know more about Mirror's Edge: Catalyst rendering technology, lighting tools and shading tricks.
UE4は4.19からInput Latencyの改善を行える設定が加わりました。
(Epic Games Japan Support Manager 篠山範明)
輪読発表資料: Efficient Virtual Shadow Maps for Many Lights
1. E?cient Virtual Shadow
Maps for Many Lights
Ola Olsson*, Erik Sintorn*, Viktor K?mpe*, Markus Billeter*, Ulf Assarsson*
Chalmers University of Technology
3. 目次
? Introduction and Previous Work
? Basic Algorithm
? Algorithm Extensions
? Implementation
? Results and Discussion
? Conclusion and Future Work
6. 目次
? Introduction and Previous Work
? Basic Algorithm
? Algorithm Extensions
? Implementation
? Results and Discussion
? Conclusion and Future Work
7. Basic Algorithm - Flow
1.Render scene to G-Bu?ers
2.Cluster assignment - calculating the cluster keys of each view sample
3.Find unique clusters - ?nding the compact list of unique cluster keys
4.Assign lights to clusters - creating a list of in?uencing lights for each cluster.
5.Select shadow map resolution for each light.
6.Allocate shadow maps.
7.Cull shadow casting geometry for each light.
8.Rasterize shadow maps.
9.Shade samples.
8. Basic Algorithm - Flow
1.Render scene to G-Bu?ers
2.Cluster assignment - calculating the cluster keys of each view sample
3.Find unique clusters - ?nding the compact list of unique cluster keys
4.Assign lights to clusters - creating a list of in?uencing lights for each cluster.
5.Select shadow map resolution for each light.
6.Allocate shadow maps.
7.Cull shadow casting geometry for each light.
8.Rasterize shadow maps.
9.Shade samples.
Clustered Deferred Shading のプロセス
10. Basic Algorithm - Flow
1.Render scene to G-Bu?ers
2.Cluster assignment - calculating the cluster keys of each view sample
3.Find unique clusters - ?nding the compact list of unique cluster keys
4.Assign lights to clusters - creating a list of in?uencing lights for each cluster.
5.Select shadow map resolution for each light.
6.Allocate shadow maps.
7.Cull shadow casting geometry for each light.
8.Rasterize shadow maps.
9.Shade samples.
Shadow Map のプロセス
15. Basic Algorithm - Flow
1.Render scene to G-Bu?ers
2.Cluster assignment - calculating the cluster keys of each view sample
3.Find unique clusters - ?nding the compact list of unique cluster keys
4.Assign lights to clusters - creating a list of in?uencing lights for each cluster.
5.Select shadow map resolution for each light.
6.Allocate shadow maps.
7.Cull shadow casting geometry for each light.
8.Rasterize shadow maps.
9.Shade samples.
19. 目次
? Introduction and Previous Work
? Basic Algorithm
? Algorithm Extensions
? Implementation
? Results and Discussion
? Conclusion and Future Work
42. 目次
? Introduction
? Basic Algorithm
? Algorithm Extensions
? Implementation
? Results and Discussion
? Conclusion and Future Work
43. ? Conclusion
? Cluster Shading を利用して効率的なカリングが出来た
? Virtual Cube Map を利用して、メモリ利用量、さらなるカ
? Ray Tracing との Hybrid な手法を提案
? Future Work
? さらにアグレッシブなカリング手法 (max-depth culling 等)
? ライトの事前分布を利用した効率的な手法の提案
Conclusion and Future Work
44. 論文について
? Ola Olsson, Erik Sintorn, Viktor K?mpe, Markus Billeter and Ulf
Assarsson, E?cient Virtual Shadow Maps for Many Lights,
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive
3D Graphics and Games, 2014.
? 本資料の図、グラフ等は、論文中から一部引用して使わて頂いて