My account14bahnThe document discusses a student's various online accounts including for iGoogle, email, calendar, wiki, and eMac. The accounts allow the student to organize emails, access tasks, create profiles, change passwords, and customize privacy settings for activities they enjoy like blogging, chatting, and sharing music.
Iv'2012 brand mapUFPEApresentação do artigo 'Brandmap: an Information Visualization Platform for Brand Association in Blogosphere' no IV'2012, Montpellier, França.
Parada FurnicilorAMTRParada furnicilor apare in puranas. Scrise într-un stil popular, Puranele sunt privite ca fiind cărţi sacre ale hinduismului. Ele sunt scrise dupa povesti. Ele abordeaza teme cum ar fi creerea universului, distrugerea si refacerea universului, dinastiile zeilor lunii si ai soarelui, genealogia zeilor si epocile creatorilor oamenilor.
Parada Furnicilor este cea mai fascinanta perspectiva asupra timpului scrisa vreodata de o minte umana.
Se recomanda lectura impreuna cu
Classic I RomanticGemma Ajenjo RodriguezEste documento presenta una lista de obras artísticas, arquitectónicas e históricas clave del neoclasicismo y romanticismo entre los siglos XVIII y XIX. Incluye ejemplos de pintura, escultura y arquitectura de artistas como Canova, David, Goya, Delacroix, Turner y Friedrich, así como hitos históricos como la Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos y proyectos arquitectónicos como la Iglesia de Sainte Geneviève y la Puerta de Brandenburgo.
BPMNext 2013 SwensonKeith SwensonThis document discusses the concept of antifragile systems, which are systems that improve and become stronger when stressed or subjected to unpredictability. The key points made are:
1) Organizations are antifragile - they improve and learn when stressed or exercised, rather than becoming fragile.
2) Planning is important but plans are not static - organizations need variation and adaptability to unpredictable changes.
3) Enforcing a single rigid practice can make an organization fragile, instead it needs flexibility and the ability to adapt.
HeartMath Præsentation 22/10 i AlbertslundStig BrandtForedrag og præsentation a HeaRt Management's produkter og services til håndtering af stress, angst, depression og smerte med det formål, at opnå velvære glæde og energi, ved hjælp af metoder og værktøjer fra HeartMath.
Real World Haskell: Lecture 7Bryan O'SullivanThis document summarizes a lecture about practical programming in Haskell. It discusses reading files, counting words, and improving performance. It shows how to:
1) Read a file into a bytestring for efficient processing, count the words, and print the result.
2) Use the Data.Text module for Unicode support when processing text files, reading the file as bytes and decoding to text before counting words.
3) Achieve performance comparable or better than C implementations when choosing efficient data representations like bytestrings and text.
Russo Revelation on Mad Men Vol 1.7Jaci RussoThe document is a newsletter from The Russo Group, a branding and marketing agency. It includes the following:
- A summary of the TV show Mad Men and how it depicts the evolution of branding from focusing on product features to emotional benefits for consumers.
- A case study of how Don Draper's pitch for Kodak emphasized nostalgia and emotional connection rather than just product details, representing an evolution in advertising.
- Brief articles about upcoming campaigns from Nike and reviews of the TV show Mad Men from marketing experts.
- A mention of looking for "bright ideas" and innovation in marketing for 2008.
Px09683jdegra- A proposal was developed by a cross-group team to more effectively compete against low-cost competitors like Linux in large education and government deals.
- The proposal involves a $50 million fund to provide incentives for add-on products and services rather than offering low-cost software, aimed at addressing affordability, training, and other needs.
- A process is outlined for escalating deals to regional response teams who will take a full-solutions approach to understanding customer needs and how Microsoft products can address them.
Opac Advanced SearchDavid KentThe document discusses Boolean search operators that can be used to refine searches in an OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog). It explains the functions of the AND, OR, and NOT operators and provides examples of how searches using these operators would retrieve different results. It also describes other search features in an advanced OPAC search screen like truncation and limiting searches to specific fields.
3 Web Measurement Problems, SolvedCritical MassCritical Mass Marketing Science leverages innovative thinking, modeling, and technology to overcome three big challenges in web measurement: unreliable data, complex reporting needs, and cross-channel attribution. They use tag management systems and analytics auditing tools to ensure reliable data. For complex reporting, they provide web-based reporting and data warehousing for rapid, customized, and accessible reports. Their solutions help clients measure performance, find optimization opportunities, and improve marketing results.
Experiências de aprendizagem aberta, flexível e a distância para a 4ª revoluç...UFPEO momento sinaliza para uma nova revolução industrial. Para a primeira (vapor) e a segunda(eletricidade), as modalidades presenciais de ensino, e sua origem militar, foram adequadas à formação de contingentes de cidadãs(ãos) em suas nações. A terceira revolução (Internet) e a emergência das industrias do conhecimento e criativas revelou a necessidade de se conceber sistemas educacionais que formem pessoas capazes de resolver problemas complexos mobilizando muitas formas de raciocínio, em colaboração com distintas culturas e promovendo autonomia para si e para outrem. No amanhecer da 4ª revolução industrial (Internet das coisas) e as necessidades de aprendizagem das nações são ainda mais complexas. Nesta palestra levantaremos alguns cenários futuros com experiências de aprendizagem abertas, flexíveis e a distância para o desenvolvimento humano no momento histórico contemporâneo.
Medical Self-Care Issue # 2 (1977)Gilles FrydmanThis is the second issue of Medical Self-Care magazine, created and published by Tom Ferguson, while he was a 4th year medical student at Yale, in 1976.
Critical Mass Forrester 09: Marketing Vegas in a RecessionCritical MassViva Las Vegas! Learn how Critical Mass and R&R Partners employed a 360 Degree Customer Experience strategy to drive travel to Las Vegas during these troubled economic times.
Online Reputation ManagementCritical MassOnline reputation management (ORM) involves carefully managing online information related to a brand to achieve and maintain a positive reputation. It requires managing both content a brand creates and third-party comments, as well as monitoring public reaction and dealing tactfully with negativity. ORM can boost SEO, increase consumer confidence and sales through a trustworthy reputation, and control any damage from a negative incident online since information lives forever on the internet. The presentation discusses examples of ORM used effectively in positive, negative, and potentially damaging situations.
CUFP 2009 Keynote - Real World HaskellBryan O'Sullivanݺߣs from my keynote talk at the 2009 Commercial Users of Functional Programming workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland.
China IntroMatthew LawheadThis document provides a brief overview of facts about China including:
- Pandas are native to China
- Yao Ming is very tall at 7 feet 6 inches
- The 2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony had a huge stadium and fireworks
- Jackie Chan is from China and is known for his movies
- Chinese food is popular around the world
- China has large dams like the Zipingpu Dam and Three Gorges Dam
Time Management And The Transcendental Meditation ProgramAMTRImproved time management through human development: achieving most
with least expenditure of time
Harald S. Harung
The need to improve time management
Va recomandam sa citit acest material impreuna cu Parada Furnicilor
Brand "U.0"Critical MassThis document discusses how individuals can build their personal brand on the internet. It recommends being ubiquitous by maintaining multiple online presences, being social by actively engaging communities, being interesting through sharing content, being remarkable by doing noteworthy things, and being yourself by letting your true personality shine through. The key is to act now before opportunities start disappearing.
HeartMath Præsentation 22/10 i AlbertslundStig BrandtForedrag og præsentation a HeaRt Management's produkter og services til håndtering af stress, angst, depression og smerte med det formål, at opnå velvære glæde og energi, ved hjælp af metoder og værktøjer fra HeartMath.
Real World Haskell: Lecture 7Bryan O'SullivanThis document summarizes a lecture about practical programming in Haskell. It discusses reading files, counting words, and improving performance. It shows how to:
1) Read a file into a bytestring for efficient processing, count the words, and print the result.
2) Use the Data.Text module for Unicode support when processing text files, reading the file as bytes and decoding to text before counting words.
3) Achieve performance comparable or better than C implementations when choosing efficient data representations like bytestrings and text.
Russo Revelation on Mad Men Vol 1.7Jaci RussoThe document is a newsletter from The Russo Group, a branding and marketing agency. It includes the following:
- A summary of the TV show Mad Men and how it depicts the evolution of branding from focusing on product features to emotional benefits for consumers.
- A case study of how Don Draper's pitch for Kodak emphasized nostalgia and emotional connection rather than just product details, representing an evolution in advertising.
- Brief articles about upcoming campaigns from Nike and reviews of the TV show Mad Men from marketing experts.
- A mention of looking for "bright ideas" and innovation in marketing for 2008.
Px09683jdegra- A proposal was developed by a cross-group team to more effectively compete against low-cost competitors like Linux in large education and government deals.
- The proposal involves a $50 million fund to provide incentives for add-on products and services rather than offering low-cost software, aimed at addressing affordability, training, and other needs.
- A process is outlined for escalating deals to regional response teams who will take a full-solutions approach to understanding customer needs and how Microsoft products can address them.
Opac Advanced SearchDavid KentThe document discusses Boolean search operators that can be used to refine searches in an OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog). It explains the functions of the AND, OR, and NOT operators and provides examples of how searches using these operators would retrieve different results. It also describes other search features in an advanced OPAC search screen like truncation and limiting searches to specific fields.
3 Web Measurement Problems, SolvedCritical MassCritical Mass Marketing Science leverages innovative thinking, modeling, and technology to overcome three big challenges in web measurement: unreliable data, complex reporting needs, and cross-channel attribution. They use tag management systems and analytics auditing tools to ensure reliable data. For complex reporting, they provide web-based reporting and data warehousing for rapid, customized, and accessible reports. Their solutions help clients measure performance, find optimization opportunities, and improve marketing results.
Experiências de aprendizagem aberta, flexível e a distância para a 4ª revoluç...UFPEO momento sinaliza para uma nova revolução industrial. Para a primeira (vapor) e a segunda(eletricidade), as modalidades presenciais de ensino, e sua origem militar, foram adequadas à formação de contingentes de cidadãs(ãos) em suas nações. A terceira revolução (Internet) e a emergência das industrias do conhecimento e criativas revelou a necessidade de se conceber sistemas educacionais que formem pessoas capazes de resolver problemas complexos mobilizando muitas formas de raciocínio, em colaboração com distintas culturas e promovendo autonomia para si e para outrem. No amanhecer da 4ª revolução industrial (Internet das coisas) e as necessidades de aprendizagem das nações são ainda mais complexas. Nesta palestra levantaremos alguns cenários futuros com experiências de aprendizagem abertas, flexíveis e a distância para o desenvolvimento humano no momento histórico contemporâneo.
Medical Self-Care Issue # 2 (1977)Gilles FrydmanThis is the second issue of Medical Self-Care magazine, created and published by Tom Ferguson, while he was a 4th year medical student at Yale, in 1976.
Critical Mass Forrester 09: Marketing Vegas in a RecessionCritical MassViva Las Vegas! Learn how Critical Mass and R&R Partners employed a 360 Degree Customer Experience strategy to drive travel to Las Vegas during these troubled economic times.
Online Reputation ManagementCritical MassOnline reputation management (ORM) involves carefully managing online information related to a brand to achieve and maintain a positive reputation. It requires managing both content a brand creates and third-party comments, as well as monitoring public reaction and dealing tactfully with negativity. ORM can boost SEO, increase consumer confidence and sales through a trustworthy reputation, and control any damage from a negative incident online since information lives forever on the internet. The presentation discusses examples of ORM used effectively in positive, negative, and potentially damaging situations.
CUFP 2009 Keynote - Real World HaskellBryan O'Sullivanݺߣs from my keynote talk at the 2009 Commercial Users of Functional Programming workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland.
China IntroMatthew LawheadThis document provides a brief overview of facts about China including:
- Pandas are native to China
- Yao Ming is very tall at 7 feet 6 inches
- The 2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony had a huge stadium and fireworks
- Jackie Chan is from China and is known for his movies
- Chinese food is popular around the world
- China has large dams like the Zipingpu Dam and Three Gorges Dam
Time Management And The Transcendental Meditation ProgramAMTRImproved time management through human development: achieving most
with least expenditure of time
Harald S. Harung
The need to improve time management
Va recomandam sa citit acest material impreuna cu Parada Furnicilor
Brand "U.0"Critical MassThis document discusses how individuals can build their personal brand on the internet. It recommends being ubiquitous by maintaining multiple online presences, being social by actively engaging communities, being interesting through sharing content, being remarkable by doing noteworthy things, and being yourself by letting your true personality shine through. The key is to act now before opportunities start disappearing.