This document discusses multi-agency situational awareness and alert implementation procedures. It outlines the typical vertical and horizontal integration of different agencies, and presents a management platform for collecting, transmitting, and controlling alert information. The document also discusses establishing a national Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) profile by defining the types of incidents covered, intended audiences, languages, geographic areas, and communication technologies used. It provides an example authority hierarchy register from the Philippines and information on the World Meteorological Organization's register of alerting authorities.
The document discusses maximizing the value of a SharePoint investment by avoiding false starts, strategizing and architecting appropriately, and establishing governance. It recommends identifying business needs and validating requirements through prototyping. SharePoint can be leveraged as an internal collaboration platform, information hub, and business applications platform. Proper architecture, information architecture, and governance models are important to achieve optimal value from SharePoint implementations.
This document discusses multi-agency situational awareness and alert implementation procedures. It outlines the typical vertical and horizontal integration of different agencies, and presents a management platform for collecting, transmitting, and controlling alert information. The document also discusses establishing a national Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) profile by defining the types of incidents covered, intended audiences, languages, geographic areas, and communication technologies used. It provides an example authority hierarchy register from the Philippines and information on the World Meteorological Organization's register of alerting authorities.
The document discusses maximizing the value of a SharePoint investment by avoiding false starts, strategizing and architecting appropriately, and establishing governance. It recommends identifying business needs and validating requirements through prototyping. SharePoint can be leveraged as an internal collaboration platform, information hub, and business applications platform. Proper architecture, information architecture, and governance models are important to achieve optimal value from SharePoint implementations.
2. 维基经济学 维基经济学,是一個新的詞彙,源自於近年開放、共享、集體創作的維基百科,它亦是一本書,作者是唐.泰普史考特( Don Tapscott )及安東尼.威廉斯( Anthony D. Williams ),他們鑄造出维基经济学一詞,是用來強說明 「集體協作」 ( Mass Collaboration )的現象與機會。 首先以加拿大黃金脈礦公司破題,該公司執行長羅伯.麥克伊文在一場中,聆聽演講者解釋拖瓦茲如何將程式碼公諸於世,讓數以千計的匿名程式設計師驗證程式碼,並貢獻一己之力。因此他靈光一現,將金礦探勘過程公開,如同拖瓦茲所做的,公開 Linux 的原始碼,並上線辦理競賽。