Barleygreen is founded by Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara and it is organically grown. It has alomost all the nutrients that our cells need with 16 vitamins 17 mineral over 300 enzymes and 18 amino acids. It is effective in detoxifying, balancing PH (alkaline/acid) balance our body and nourishing our cells. Therefore our immune system is at its peak performance.
By M. Stanton Evans. Forty years ago this month, the mortal remains of Joseph R. McCarthy were laid to rest near Appleton, Wis., not far from the modest farm where he was born. His death apparently closed a raucous, controversial saga, one of the most bitter and brutal in our nation’s history, with McCarthy typecast as the villain. Events of recent years, however, suggest the final chapters of this astounding story have yet to be recorded.
The document provides information about Pierre-Majorique Léger and his research labs, Tech3Lab and ERPsim Lab. It discusses Léger's background, research interests in user experience and serious games, labs he directs, team members, funding sources, and research being conducted in areas like emotion and attention in human-computer interaction. Over 10 years, ERPsim has been used in 200+ universities by 30,000+ students annually to simulate business processes and train on enterprise systems.
- The document is a template for a PowerPoint presentation about ThemeGallery, which is described as a design digital content and contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.
- The template includes various text boxes, images, and formatting options that can be edited by the user to customize the presentation.
- Instructions are provided throughout on how to modify aspects like titles, images, styles, and more.
The document discusses ISO 9001 and quality management systems, providing an overview of ISO 9001 requirements and certification as well as explaining several quality management tools like Ishikawa diagrams, histograms, Pareto charts, scatter plots, check sheets, and control charts. It also lists additional topics related to ISO 9001 like certification, requirements, training, standards, and procedures.
Charlene Li - Leadership In The Digital EraINBOUND
The document discusses the importance of digital leadership and engagement. It advocates that leaders should listen to digital customers, share stories to inspire employees, and engage strategically. Leaders need to help their organizations transition to more dynamic cultures that embrace sharing. Building trust through engagement is key, as is focusing on relationships and asking the right questions about value beyond just metrics. Overall it promotes the idea that engaged leadership is about using digital and social tools to connect with people and drive organizational goals.
The document discusses scaling behaviors and outlines four foundational models that can be used to scale behaviors in an organization: DiSC, Situational Leadership, Coaching by Asking, and S.B.I. Feedback. It explains that these models help ensure consistent and accurate behaviors by providing visibility into behavioral drivers, applying the right level of direction and support, developing independence in employees, and increasing the effectiveness of feedback. Leaving scaling behaviors to chance is risky, but using these models increases the likelihood of driving the necessary behaviors to scale the organization.
The elegant glamorous style meets the luxury of the finest most sophisticated materials when theperfectluxury bring out the gold colour that fit beautifully with black colour.
Tom Schwab and Dmitriy Peregudov - How Two HubSpot Customers Transformed Thei...INBOUND
This document summarizes how two HubSpot customers, Tom Schwab of Goodbye Crutches and Dmitriy Peregudov of, transformed their businesses with inbound marketing. It describes how each business struggled with generic marketing in earlier years but then found success through persona-driven content, personalization, and HubSpot's tools for lead scoring, sales tracking, workflows. It highlights plans for continued growth through personalization, repeat customer incentives, and training all employees in inbound methodology.
The document advocates for embracing trouble and troublemaking, noting that troublemakers have pragmatic optimism, believe in people, and can help develop passion and conviction. It encourages the reader that while they may not be supposed to do something, they should do it anyway and doors will open if they court trouble. The document is presented by hip hop artist and nonprofit executive Ahmen from his website.
Réalisation d’un projet en expérience utilisateur (6-764-15) : Séance 1Pierre-Majorique Léger
Séance 1 du cours Réalisation d’un projet en expérience utilisateur (6-764-15) du Microprogramme en expérience utilisateur de HEC Montréal
Measuring Flow Using Psychophysiological Data in a Multiplayer Gaming ContextPierre-Majorique Léger
Conference at Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS ( by Prof Pierre-Majorique Léger, Ph.D. co-director from TechLab on June 3rd 2015. Co-Authors : Marie-Christine Bastarache-Roberge, Fran?ois Courtemanche, Sylvain Sénécal and Marc Fredette.
Abstract: Flow is a desirable state where an individual is focused and satisfied. Traditional flow models are based on an individual’s skills and the challenges he faces. The objective of this ongoing research is to investigate, in a gaming context, how a player’s and his teammate’s personality and neurophysiological reactions can contribute in explaining a player’s flow assessment. Our preliminary results show that adding these measures significantly increases the performance of predicting flow models.
How iFarted and Came Out Smelling Like a Rose: a talk by Joel Comm on the INBOUND Bold Talks stage during Ignite INBOUND 2014.
Every Ignite event is a series of five-minute presentations or rapid-fire ideas, and Ignite events have been held all over the world. Each speaker uses 20 slides that auto-advance after 15 seconds. Ignite INBOUND debuted as a feature on the Bold Talks stage in 2014.
INBOUND Bold Talks are bold, powerful talks from diverse, exciting, and influential people. These riveting presentations will educate, challenge, and impress you in 12 minutes or less!
Jeff Gothelf - Product Is The New MarketingINBOUND
The document discusses lean product design. It notes that lean product design focuses on continuous learning, experimentation, iteration and a user-centered point of view. The document provides examples of companies like Cooking Light, Taproot and Real Simple Magazine that have adopted lean product design principles. It argues that lean product design can help companies get products to market faster by fostering a culture of learning across product, marketing, technology and design.
Jeremy Goldman - Using Analytics to Create ContentINBOUND
Jeremy Goldman discusses using analytics to create content. He recommends using your own analytics like data from Hubspot or Google Analytics to understand your audience demographics and what content is performing well. He also suggests using third party analytics to identify trending topics on platforms like Google Trends, YouTube Trends, Twitter, and Facebook to find new content ideas. Some best practices for content creation include not overthinking content, limiting production time, and ensuring relevance to your target audience.
Barleygreen is founded by Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara and it is organically grown. It has alomost all the nutrients that our cells need with 16 vitamins 17 mineral over 300 enzymes and 18 amino acids. It is effective in detoxifying, balancing PH (alkaline/acid) balance our body and nourishing our cells. Therefore our immune system is at its peak performance.
By M. Stanton Evans. Forty years ago this month, the mortal remains of Joseph R. McCarthy were laid to rest near Appleton, Wis., not far from the modest farm where he was born. His death apparently closed a raucous, controversial saga, one of the most bitter and brutal in our nation’s history, with McCarthy typecast as the villain. Events of recent years, however, suggest the final chapters of this astounding story have yet to be recorded.
The document provides information about Pierre-Majorique Léger and his research labs, Tech3Lab and ERPsim Lab. It discusses Léger's background, research interests in user experience and serious games, labs he directs, team members, funding sources, and research being conducted in areas like emotion and attention in human-computer interaction. Over 10 years, ERPsim has been used in 200+ universities by 30,000+ students annually to simulate business processes and train on enterprise systems.
- The document is a template for a PowerPoint presentation about ThemeGallery, which is described as a design digital content and contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.
- The template includes various text boxes, images, and formatting options that can be edited by the user to customize the presentation.
- Instructions are provided throughout on how to modify aspects like titles, images, styles, and more.
The document discusses ISO 9001 and quality management systems, providing an overview of ISO 9001 requirements and certification as well as explaining several quality management tools like Ishikawa diagrams, histograms, Pareto charts, scatter plots, check sheets, and control charts. It also lists additional topics related to ISO 9001 like certification, requirements, training, standards, and procedures.
Charlene Li - Leadership In The Digital EraINBOUND
The document discusses the importance of digital leadership and engagement. It advocates that leaders should listen to digital customers, share stories to inspire employees, and engage strategically. Leaders need to help their organizations transition to more dynamic cultures that embrace sharing. Building trust through engagement is key, as is focusing on relationships and asking the right questions about value beyond just metrics. Overall it promotes the idea that engaged leadership is about using digital and social tools to connect with people and drive organizational goals.
The document discusses scaling behaviors and outlines four foundational models that can be used to scale behaviors in an organization: DiSC, Situational Leadership, Coaching by Asking, and S.B.I. Feedback. It explains that these models help ensure consistent and accurate behaviors by providing visibility into behavioral drivers, applying the right level of direction and support, developing independence in employees, and increasing the effectiveness of feedback. Leaving scaling behaviors to chance is risky, but using these models increases the likelihood of driving the necessary behaviors to scale the organization.
The elegant glamorous style meets the luxury of the finest most sophisticated materials when theperfectluxury bring out the gold colour that fit beautifully with black colour.
Tom Schwab and Dmitriy Peregudov - How Two HubSpot Customers Transformed Thei...INBOUND
This document summarizes how two HubSpot customers, Tom Schwab of Goodbye Crutches and Dmitriy Peregudov of, transformed their businesses with inbound marketing. It describes how each business struggled with generic marketing in earlier years but then found success through persona-driven content, personalization, and HubSpot's tools for lead scoring, sales tracking, workflows. It highlights plans for continued growth through personalization, repeat customer incentives, and training all employees in inbound methodology.
The document advocates for embracing trouble and troublemaking, noting that troublemakers have pragmatic optimism, believe in people, and can help develop passion and conviction. It encourages the reader that while they may not be supposed to do something, they should do it anyway and doors will open if they court trouble. The document is presented by hip hop artist and nonprofit executive Ahmen from his website.
Réalisation d’un projet en expérience utilisateur (6-764-15) : Séance 1Pierre-Majorique Léger
Séance 1 du cours Réalisation d’un projet en expérience utilisateur (6-764-15) du Microprogramme en expérience utilisateur de HEC Montréal
Measuring Flow Using Psychophysiological Data in a Multiplayer Gaming ContextPierre-Majorique Léger
Conference at Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS ( by Prof Pierre-Majorique Léger, Ph.D. co-director from TechLab on June 3rd 2015. Co-Authors : Marie-Christine Bastarache-Roberge, Fran?ois Courtemanche, Sylvain Sénécal and Marc Fredette.
Abstract: Flow is a desirable state where an individual is focused and satisfied. Traditional flow models are based on an individual’s skills and the challenges he faces. The objective of this ongoing research is to investigate, in a gaming context, how a player’s and his teammate’s personality and neurophysiological reactions can contribute in explaining a player’s flow assessment. Our preliminary results show that adding these measures significantly increases the performance of predicting flow models.
How iFarted and Came Out Smelling Like a Rose: a talk by Joel Comm on the INBOUND Bold Talks stage during Ignite INBOUND 2014.
Every Ignite event is a series of five-minute presentations or rapid-fire ideas, and Ignite events have been held all over the world. Each speaker uses 20 slides that auto-advance after 15 seconds. Ignite INBOUND debuted as a feature on the Bold Talks stage in 2014.
INBOUND Bold Talks are bold, powerful talks from diverse, exciting, and influential people. These riveting presentations will educate, challenge, and impress you in 12 minutes or less!
Jeff Gothelf - Product Is The New MarketingINBOUND
The document discusses lean product design. It notes that lean product design focuses on continuous learning, experimentation, iteration and a user-centered point of view. The document provides examples of companies like Cooking Light, Taproot and Real Simple Magazine that have adopted lean product design principles. It argues that lean product design can help companies get products to market faster by fostering a culture of learning across product, marketing, technology and design.
Jeremy Goldman - Using Analytics to Create ContentINBOUND
Jeremy Goldman discusses using analytics to create content. He recommends using your own analytics like data from Hubspot or Google Analytics to understand your audience demographics and what content is performing well. He also suggests using third party analytics to identify trending topics on platforms like Google Trends, YouTube Trends, Twitter, and Facebook to find new content ideas. Some best practices for content creation include not overthinking content, limiting production time, and ensuring relevance to your target audience.
「物競天擇、適者生存」相信多數人對160年前達爾文提出的演化論基本精神並不陌生,但是,你可知道科普書的出版與閱讀也有一番「演化」歷程嗎?公司茶水間裡可以談科學、文科生不必再懼怕讀不懂科學、好萊塢商業大片裡也融入了最尖端的科學研究成果,連爸爸媽媽都跟孩子一起瘋科學!泛科學、Readmoo閱讀最前線、INSIDE專欄作家,同時也是清大生科系助理教授黃貞祥,將從他主持馬可孛羅出版「Life and Science」書系的選書規劃,討論科普閱讀的本質與發展趨勢,給你10個閱讀科普書的好理由。
5. Nothing in Biology Makes SenseNothing in Biology Makes Sense
Except in the Light of EvolutionExcept in the Light of Evolution
杜布藍斯基(杜布藍斯基( TheodosiusTheodosius
Dobzhansky,Dobzhansky, Теодос?йТеодос?й
ДобжанськийДобжанський, 1900 -, 1900 -
19751975 ))
8. 我們的身體裡有一條魚我們的身體裡有一條魚(( Your InnerYour Inner
Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-YearFish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year
History of the Human BodyHistory of the Human Body ))
9. 多語言的譯本多語言的譯本
| Brazil
| Great Britain
| China
| Czech Republic
| France
| Germany
| Greece
| Israel
| Hungary
| Iceland
| Italy
| Japan
| Netherlands
| Poland
| Portugal
| Russia
| South Korea
| Spain
| Taiwan
| Thailand
| Turkey
18. from Neil Shubin’s
Your Inner Fish
A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body
Text and Photo ? Neil Shubin
Paul Olsen finding footprints in the tidal flats of Nova Scotia. At high tide, the water would come all the
way to the cliffs at left. The arrowhead points to a spot where, if we timed our trip wrong, we would be
stuck on the cliffs for hours at a time.
34. from Neil Shubin’s
Your Inner Fish
A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body
Illustration ? Kalliopi MonoyiosText ? Neil Shubin
Teeth, breasts, feathers, and hair all
develop from the interactions between
layers of skin.
78. 最衰者生存最衰者生存(( Survival of the Sickest: TheSurvival of the Sickest: The
Surprising Connections Between Disease andSurprising Connections Between Disease and
LongevityLongevity ))