Havis september 2014 updatedhavissmonthlyHaviss is a Malayalam Spiritual Magazine, published by a spiritually inclined group from Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India to spread awareness of practical spirituality in day to day life among Malayalees all over the world..
Order of the Kerala Public information commissioner kerala - Rate of survey ...Jamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502Order of the Kerala Public information commissioner kerala - Rate of survey fee uploaded by T James Joseph Adhikarathil .
Miracle of qurananeebkmctDescribes why the holy quran is the one and only true word from the creature of the universe.Describes various scientific facts that quran has explained 1400 years ago.The presentation is fully in Malayalam
അറിയാനും അറീയിക്കാനും-everything about RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT.Jamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502അറിയാനും അറീയിക്കാനും-everything about RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT. up loaded by T James Joseph Adhikarathil mob-9447464502
Citizen charter IHRD 2012 uploaded by James Joseph Adhikarathil 9447464502Jamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502Citizen charter IHRD 2012 uploaded by James Joseph Adhikarathil 9447464502
02 ipv6-cpe-panel securityHaris PadinharethilThis document discusses security considerations for residential gateways (RGs) and customer premise equipment (CPE) with IPv6. It questions whether IPv6 security policies should be the same as IPv4 and considers using more advanced techniques like intrusion prevention systems and dynamic policy updates. The proposal is for an individual RFC documenting an "advanced IPv6 security" approach leveraging modern capabilities rather than a simpler policy that matches IPv4. This could provide better security while preserving end-to-end connectivity as threats emerge.
Havis september 2014 updatedhavissmonthlyHaviss is a Malayalam Spiritual Magazine, published by a spiritually inclined group from Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India to spread awareness of practical spirituality in day to day life among Malayalees all over the world..
Order of the Kerala Public information commissioner kerala - Rate of survey ...Jamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502Order of the Kerala Public information commissioner kerala - Rate of survey fee uploaded by T James Joseph Adhikarathil .
Miracle of qurananeebkmctDescribes why the holy quran is the one and only true word from the creature of the universe.Describes various scientific facts that quran has explained 1400 years ago.The presentation is fully in Malayalam
അറിയാനും അറീയിക്കാനും-everything about RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT.Jamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502അറിയാനും അറീയിക്കാനും-everything about RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT. up loaded by T James Joseph Adhikarathil mob-9447464502
Citizen charter IHRD 2012 uploaded by James Joseph Adhikarathil 9447464502Jamesadhikaram land matter consultancy 9447464502Citizen charter IHRD 2012 uploaded by James Joseph Adhikarathil 9447464502
02 ipv6-cpe-panel securityHaris PadinharethilThis document discusses security considerations for residential gateways (RGs) and customer premise equipment (CPE) with IPv6. It questions whether IPv6 security policies should be the same as IPv4 and considers using more advanced techniques like intrusion prevention systems and dynamic policy updates. The proposal is for an individual RFC documenting an "advanced IPv6 security" approach leveraging modern capabilities rather than a simpler policy that matches IPv4. This could provide better security while preserving end-to-end connectivity as threats emerge.
F7 ac2d01Haris PadinharethilThe document describes the new online professional accreditation system launched by the Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE) in 2011. It allows applicants to complete the registration process electronically without visiting SCE offices. Applicants fill an online form, receive a request number, and if accepted pay the registration fee to receive their accredited status. The summary provides an overview of the key steps and requirements for engineers to register professionally in Saudi Arabia through the new online system.
Document1Haris PadinharethilThe document appears to be election results from various municipalities and panchayaths in Kerala showing the breakdown of seats won by various political parties. It lists the name of the municipality/panchayath, total number of wards or divisions, and the number of seats won by the Left Democratic Front (LDF), United Democratic Front (UDF), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and others. A large majority of the seats are won by LDF and UDF with BJP and others winning very few seats.
Islam HouseHaris PadinharethilThis document discusses the concept of shirk in Islam. It provides three examples of shirk practices and discusses how some groups claim they are not committing shirk while clearly associating partners with God. It also asks what is the essence of how people see themselves in the light of God's message and mentions a Bible verse about how people reject God's message.
V6 v4-threatsHaris PadinharethilThis document analyzes and compares security threats in IPv4 and IPv6 networks. It finds that while some threats are similar between the two protocols, IPv6 introduces new challenges and opportunities for attackers. Specifically, reconnaissance attacks are more difficult in IPv6 due to very large subnet sizes, but certain multicast addresses may allow attackers to more easily find key systems like routers. The document provides technical details on differences in reconnaissance techniques between IPv4 and IPv6, and outlines areas for further research. It aims to help network architects, security researchers, and policymakers secure emerging IPv6 deployments.
SymbolsHaris PadinharethilThe document provides symbols that have been allotted by the Election Commission of India and the State Election Commission of Kerala to represent various national and state political parties. It lists 39 symbols such as an elephant, lotus, hand, chair, scales, boat, television, lion, conch, almirah, apple, bicycle and others that are used to identify different registered and unregistered political parties in elections.
Iuml mankada mandalam commiteeHaris PadinharethilThe document provides instructions for transferring money to a bank account in India. It lists the account holder's name as Garakkalium L, the bank name as Federal Bank, the account number as 13294, and the branch location as Angadippuram. The summary also notes that the document contains contact information for the account holder.
3howsHaris PadinharethilThe document outlines an agenda for a 3HOWs event discussing IPv6 and MPLS technology. The morning sessions will cover how to deal with IPv6, including why it is important now due to limited IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addressing details, and how to connect to IPv6. The afternoon will discuss how to connect with MPLS technology, the benefits it provides for interconnecting offices, and actual customer case studies. Questions from attendees will conclude the event.
Haj 2010 Application FormHaris PadinharethilThis document provides instructions and guidelines for applicants applying for Haj registration for the year 1431 Hijri (2010 AD). It outlines various requirements including submitting a completed application form in capital letters, attaching passport photos, and providing details of any previous applications. Applicants who were rejected in the last 3 years must furnish rejection details. No more than one application per individual or group of 5 is allowed. Only correct and complete information in the application will be accepted. The Haj Committee of India is responsible for final selection and will consider all eligible Indian Muslims based on rules set by the Saudi government. Those who have performed Haj in the last 5 years or have certain medical conditions are not eligible to apply.
QurdawiHaris Padinharethil1. The document discusses the benefits of practicing compassion according to Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism. It states that compassion cultivates goodwill and benevolence in a person.
2. True compassion does not mean feeling pity for others or making their lives easier through handouts. It means understanding others' hardships but allowing them to overcome difficulties through their own effort.
3. The story of a man who helps a fox exemplifies true compassion by helping the fox but letting it fend for itself in the future, teaching it to survive on its own.
QurdawiHaris Padinharethil1. The document discusses the benefits of practicing compassion according to Aesop's fables. It states that compassion provides inner peace and strengthens relationships.
2. It describes a fable where a man refuses to help an injured animal and later needs help himself, but receives it from an unexpected source because he had previously shown compassion.
3. The moral of the story is that cultivating compassion through our actions builds a reserve of goodwill that we may someday need from others.
Gogo6 I Pv6 Access 2010 SaharaHaris PadinharethilThis document summarizes gogo6's IPv6 access and IPv4 coexistence solutions. It introduces gogo6's TSP tunneling technology which allows IPv6 connectivity over IPv4 networks using plug-and-play CPE devices. The solution scales gradually by adding more gateway servers as traffic increases and provides a way to transition networks to IPv6 without replacing entire infrastructures.
Gogo Client GuideHaris PadinharethilThe document provides instructions for configuring and using the gogoCLIENT software to establish static data tunnels through a gogoSERVER. It describes the gogoCLIENT components and how they interact with the local operating system and gogoSERVER. Configuration is done through the gw6c.conf file, with options categorized as basic, router mode, and advanced. Deployment scenarios and advanced features like multi-site operation and different encapsulation modes are also covered.
Hameed VanimelHaris Padinharethil1. Many student organizations in India conduct various activities without pause throughout the year.
2. However, the quality and impact of these activities are diminishing due to a lack of reflection and issues facing student communities like commercialization and loss of ideals.
3. Unless student organizations address problems like unrealistic competition and focus on commercial interests over community service, their positive impact will continue declining.
VelamHaris PadinharethilThis document discusses several topics related to community and society. It mentions the importance of balancing individual liberties with social harmony. It also talks about how traditions can both unite and divide people, and finding common ground is important. Overall it promotes understanding between different groups.
VelamHaris PadinharethilThis document discusses several topics related to community and society. It mentions the importance of balancing individual liberties with social harmony. It also talks about how traditions can both unite and divide people, and finding common ground is important. Overall it promotes understanding between different groups.
SmkHaris PadinharethilThis summary provides the key details from the lengthy document in 3 sentences:
The document discusses a story written by Jeo^m Da¿ about a doctor caring for a patient. It describes the difficult conditions the doctor worked in and his compassion for his patient. It also mentions another account by _m_p `c-ZzmPv about an encounter with a family during a storm and their message of hope.