Discover Influitive Referrals 2.0InfluitiveIn this webinar, Eric Silverberg and Imran Saleh walk-through our new referral functionality and how you can drive more customer referrals through your advocacy program.
Patron Learning Program - IL2010Jennifer KoerberJennifer Koerber proposes taking library instruction programs online through a "23 Things" learning model. She discusses reasons for moving programs online, including increasing access and teaching skills. Koerber outlines potential challenges like diversity, unpredictability, and trolls. She presents continuous and fixed duration as format options and suggests promotion methods. Example programs from other libraries are cited. Koerber closes by soliciting feedback on tool options for the program, such as blogs, wikis, or content management systems.
Equilibrio químicoFatima MendozaEste documento discute varios temas relacionados con la química, incluyendo el equilibrio químico, la energía de activación, la energía de ionización, los tipos de enlaces químicos, y los factores que afectan la velocidad de las reacciones químicas y el equilibrio químico, como la temperatura, la presión y la concentración de los reactivos. También explica la teoría de las colisiones y cómo los catalizadores afectan las reacciones químicas.
Opendata benchmark - FR vs UK vs USCyrille VinceyPresentation at the Dataconnexions launch conference organized by Google France, made by qunb. This talk was an in-depth quantitative analysis about the French opendata catalog, and its comparison with the UK and the US catalogs.
qunb is a "one-stop shop for numbers", a data aggregation platform focused on quantitative information. Opendata is a significant part of the data sources of the platform.
Coding as a Practical Library ProgramJennifer KoerberThis document provides guidance and resources for libraries interested in starting coding programs. It discusses pre-planning steps like understanding community needs and library capabilities. Various program formats, technologies, and potential instructors are outlined. Case studies of successful library coding programs are also presented. The goal is to show libraries the possibilities and provide everything they need to get started.
Jim Williams - #FlipMyFunnel - Flip Your Funnel#FlipMyFunnelJim Williams, VP of Marketing at Influitive, presents "Flip Your Funnel" in Boston and Chicago #FlipMyFunnel Roadshows.
Automaattianturit vesien tilan tutkimuksessa & seurannassa sekä tulevaisuuden...Vantaan Rotaryklubi ry - Vanda Rotaryklubb rfVesien kuormitus, kosteikot, mallinnus, anturit vedenlaadun mittaamisessa
#FlipMyFunnel San Francisco - Flip the Funnel#FlipMyFunnelThe document discusses flipping the traditional sales funnel model by prioritizing customer retention over new customer acquisition. It proposes that customers will pay a premium for great service and customer service should become the strategic differentiator. Social media's real role is customer retention by building trust and improving the customer experience through ongoing dialogue and incentives. The flipped funnel model integrates both new customer acquisition and retention by closing the loop from awareness to ongoing customer relationships.
Climate change and health effects Naveen PhuyalThis document summarizes a presentation on climate change and health effects. It discusses the causes of global warming including greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. It outlines several health impacts of climate change such as changing disease patterns, food and water insecurity, effects of extreme weather events, and health risks from adaptation and mitigation activities. It emphasizes that climate change exacerbates existing health inequities. The document recommends both continuing existing public health measures but also implementing new strategies to better adapt to climate change health risks.
Opendata benchmark - FR vs UK vs USCyrille VinceyPresentation at the Dataconnexions launch conference organized by Google France, made by qunb. This talk was an in-depth quantitative analysis about the French opendata catalog, and its comparison with the UK and the US catalogs.
qunb is a "one-stop shop for numbers", a data aggregation platform focused on quantitative information. Opendata is a significant part of the data sources of the platform.
Coding as a Practical Library ProgramJennifer KoerberThis document provides guidance and resources for libraries interested in starting coding programs. It discusses pre-planning steps like understanding community needs and library capabilities. Various program formats, technologies, and potential instructors are outlined. Case studies of successful library coding programs are also presented. The goal is to show libraries the possibilities and provide everything they need to get started.
Jim Williams - #FlipMyFunnel - Flip Your Funnel#FlipMyFunnelJim Williams, VP of Marketing at Influitive, presents "Flip Your Funnel" in Boston and Chicago #FlipMyFunnel Roadshows.
Automaattianturit vesien tilan tutkimuksessa & seurannassa sekä tulevaisuuden...Vantaan Rotaryklubi ry - Vanda Rotaryklubb rfVesien kuormitus, kosteikot, mallinnus, anturit vedenlaadun mittaamisessa
#FlipMyFunnel San Francisco - Flip the Funnel#FlipMyFunnelThe document discusses flipping the traditional sales funnel model by prioritizing customer retention over new customer acquisition. It proposes that customers will pay a premium for great service and customer service should become the strategic differentiator. Social media's real role is customer retention by building trust and improving the customer experience through ongoing dialogue and incentives. The flipped funnel model integrates both new customer acquisition and retention by closing the loop from awareness to ongoing customer relationships.
Climate change and health effects Naveen PhuyalThis document summarizes a presentation on climate change and health effects. It discusses the causes of global warming including greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. It outlines several health impacts of climate change such as changing disease patterns, food and water insecurity, effects of extreme weather events, and health risks from adaptation and mitigation activities. It emphasizes that climate change exacerbates existing health inequities. The document recommends both continuing existing public health measures but also implementing new strategies to better adapt to climate change health risks.
1. 01-04 травня 2015 року гуртківці
команди «Донбас» ЦТК м.
Добропілля прийняли участь у
міжнародних змаганнях зі
спортивного орієнтування
«Ліга Компас-2015» у м. Харкові
01-04 травня 2015 року гуртківці
команди «Донбас» ЦТК м.
Добропілля прийняли участь у
міжнародних змаганнях зі
спортивного орієнтування
«Ліга Компас-2015» у м. Харкові
10. Всі гуртківці команди «Донбас»
увійшли у п'ятірку самих сильних
учасників міжнародних змагань з
орієнтування «Ліга Компас-2015» .
Результати змагань
Призові місця посіли:
Трошин Андрій (III місце у групі
М14 на середній дистанції у
нічному орієнтуванні)
Лащенко Олена (III місце у групі
Ж21-Еліта на дистанції спринт у
заданому напрямку)