Χριστουγεννιάτικο φιλανθρωπικό bazaar BSBCHRISPAP7Η παρούσα παουσίαση αποτελεί αποτέλεσμα εκπαιδευτικής εργασίας στα πλαίσια μεταπτυχιακού προγράμματος σπουδών του Ανοιχτού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου. Η στρατηγική επικοινωνίας που παρουσιάζεται ουδεμία σχέση έχει με την εταιρεία και τον οργανισμό που εμπλέκονται στην παουσίαση αυτή.
Social Media ReportDin TranThe Facebook report summarizes metrics and strategies for an RIT Facebook page from September to March. Likes, engagements, and reach all grew substantially over this period. The best performing posts celebrated student and faculty accomplishments or featured the school in a local news story. The report recommends continuing to highlight achievements, involve students and faculty, and post engaging original content 2 times per day to further grow the page. A new #RITLead campaign is proposed to engage students by sharing stories of leadership from their peers.
Puppet Camp Seattle 2014: Docker and Puppet: 1+1=3 PuppetThis document discusses Docker and Puppet and how they can be used together. It suggests using Puppet to install and configure Docker on the host system, and then using Dockerfiles to build container images in a deterministic way. While Puppet could theoretically be used to build containers, the document argues it is better to use Dockerfiles for image builds and to separate operational concerns like logging and monitoring into separate containers for better portability and flexibility.
Evualacion ilovepdf-compressedIsabel VillegasEste documento analiza el uso de las redes sociales entre los jóvenes. Explora los objetivos y factores que motivan a los jóvenes a pasar tanto tiempo en las redes sociales, como mantener el contacto con otros y compartir información. También identifica algunos riesgos potenciales como la pérdida de intimidad, el acoso cibernético y la adicción. El documento incluye estadísticas sobre el uso de redes sociales populares como Facebook y Twitter en diferentes países y regiones.
Richest darmawan susiloThis document discusses a house owned by the former president of the United Arab Emirates and ruler of Abu-Dhabi and his family, noting that while photos depict it as a hotel, it is actually a private residence. It also mentions an Audi A8 car made of silver for a sheik, and how cheap gasoline of $2.75 per gallon in the UAE allows the purchase of amazing items.
Gggggjose Brioso VicenteEl documento resume los logros de la gestión del alcalde Fernando de Los Santos como alcalde de Padre Las Casas entre 2010-2016. Se destacan importantes obras de infraestructura como un nuevo cementerio, carreteras, un puente y un centro educativo, así como mejoras a los servicios básicos. También se resaltan las acciones realizadas a través del presupuesto participativo y del programa PRODEM para el desarrollo municipal.
Dominika Korcz YSLDominika KorczThis document outlines the brand DNA of Yves Saint Laurent, including both verbal and non-verbal elements. It describes the brand as iconic, masculine, and timeless. Key aspects of the brand identity are its use of sharp silhouettes, leather materials, and the bow logo. The document recommends that Yves Saint Laurent improve its social media presence and launch an app to better engage customers online. It also suggests exploring marble prints or furniture extensions to further leverage the luxurious materials associated with the brand.
What willbecomeofthemMaritza MattarThis document provides brief biographical sketches of famous historical figures, describing aspects of their childhood and early lives. It describes Agnes Boiagiu who became Mother Theresa, John Lennon struggling in school but finding inspiration in books, Barack Obama who was destined for social work, and Albert Einstein who failed entrance exams but excelled in physics and math.
Etapas del islam en españaChristian Regidor GarcíaLa conquista musulmana de la península ibérica comenzó en el siglo VIII estableciendo un emirato dependiente del califato omeya de Damasco, luego se convirtió en un emirato independiente bajo Abd al-Rahman I, posteriormente se formó el poderoso Califato de Córdoba que gobernó gran parte de la península, el cual eventualmente se fragmentó en pequeños reinos conocidos como reinos de taifas a finales del siglo XI.
Filosofía educativa: El existencialismo. SheiLee19El Existencialismo es un movimiento desarrollado en los siglos XIX y XX que tuvo mayor influencia en Europa. La Filosofía existencialista consiste en resaltar la importancia de la existencia, la elección y la libertad individual.
Victory of the commonsJoost de ValkThe document discusses the "Tragedy of the Commons" concept and how open source software development relates to it. It argues that open source developers need business models that allow them to make money from their work in order to sustain ongoing development, while still benefiting the common good. The author proposes a model where profits are reinvested into further developing open source software, creating a "Victory of the Commons" through a balance of individual and community interests.
Ferdinand de saussureRumaana264Ferdinand de Saussure was a Swiss linguist and semiotician born in 1857 who is considered the father of 20th century linguistics. He showed early talent and attempted to write a book on general linguistics in the 1880s-1890s. Saussure is best known for his work in his famous Course in General Linguistics, published after his death, which influenced fields like linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. He changed our understanding of signs and language, seeing words not as labels but as social products essential to how humans constitute their world.
Sunoco Pipeline v Teter - Ohio Seventh District Court of AppealsMarcellus Drilling NewsAn Ohio landowner whose land Sunoco Logistics Partners wants to traverse with the Mariner East 2 pipeline tried a novel legal argument. The landowner's attorneys argued in the Ohio Seventh District Court of Appeals that pure propane and pure butane--both of which would be transported through the pipeline from eastern Ohio all the way to the Marcus Hook refinery near Philadelphia--are not "petroleum." At least, not petroleum for the purposes of the permit which grants Sunoco the right to build the pipeline to transport petroleum products. The Court of Appeals justices rejected that argument and said, in essence, that propane and butane fit under the definition of petroleum as that word has been used for generations. This is the court's ruling.
Χριστουγεννιάτικο φιλανθρωπικό bazaar BSBCHRISPAP7Η παρούσα παουσίαση αποτελεί αποτέλεσμα εκπαιδευτικής εργασίας στα πλαίσια μεταπτυχιακού προγράμματος σπουδών του Ανοιχτού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου. Η στρατηγική επικοινωνίας που παρουσιάζεται ουδεμία σχέση έχει με την εταιρεία και τον οργανισμό που εμπλέκονται στην παουσίαση αυτή.
Social Media ReportDin TranThe Facebook report summarizes metrics and strategies for an RIT Facebook page from September to March. Likes, engagements, and reach all grew substantially over this period. The best performing posts celebrated student and faculty accomplishments or featured the school in a local news story. The report recommends continuing to highlight achievements, involve students and faculty, and post engaging original content 2 times per day to further grow the page. A new #RITLead campaign is proposed to engage students by sharing stories of leadership from their peers.
Puppet Camp Seattle 2014: Docker and Puppet: 1+1=3 PuppetThis document discusses Docker and Puppet and how they can be used together. It suggests using Puppet to install and configure Docker on the host system, and then using Dockerfiles to build container images in a deterministic way. While Puppet could theoretically be used to build containers, the document argues it is better to use Dockerfiles for image builds and to separate operational concerns like logging and monitoring into separate containers for better portability and flexibility.
Evualacion ilovepdf-compressedIsabel VillegasEste documento analiza el uso de las redes sociales entre los jóvenes. Explora los objetivos y factores que motivan a los jóvenes a pasar tanto tiempo en las redes sociales, como mantener el contacto con otros y compartir información. También identifica algunos riesgos potenciales como la pérdida de intimidad, el acoso cibernético y la adicción. El documento incluye estadísticas sobre el uso de redes sociales populares como Facebook y Twitter en diferentes países y regiones.
Richest darmawan susiloThis document discusses a house owned by the former president of the United Arab Emirates and ruler of Abu-Dhabi and his family, noting that while photos depict it as a hotel, it is actually a private residence. It also mentions an Audi A8 car made of silver for a sheik, and how cheap gasoline of $2.75 per gallon in the UAE allows the purchase of amazing items.
Gggggjose Brioso VicenteEl documento resume los logros de la gestión del alcalde Fernando de Los Santos como alcalde de Padre Las Casas entre 2010-2016. Se destacan importantes obras de infraestructura como un nuevo cementerio, carreteras, un puente y un centro educativo, así como mejoras a los servicios básicos. También se resaltan las acciones realizadas a través del presupuesto participativo y del programa PRODEM para el desarrollo municipal.
Dominika Korcz YSLDominika KorczThis document outlines the brand DNA of Yves Saint Laurent, including both verbal and non-verbal elements. It describes the brand as iconic, masculine, and timeless. Key aspects of the brand identity are its use of sharp silhouettes, leather materials, and the bow logo. The document recommends that Yves Saint Laurent improve its social media presence and launch an app to better engage customers online. It also suggests exploring marble prints or furniture extensions to further leverage the luxurious materials associated with the brand.
What willbecomeofthemMaritza MattarThis document provides brief biographical sketches of famous historical figures, describing aspects of their childhood and early lives. It describes Agnes Boiagiu who became Mother Theresa, John Lennon struggling in school but finding inspiration in books, Barack Obama who was destined for social work, and Albert Einstein who failed entrance exams but excelled in physics and math.
Etapas del islam en españaChristian Regidor GarcíaLa conquista musulmana de la península ibérica comenzó en el siglo VIII estableciendo un emirato dependiente del califato omeya de Damasco, luego se convirtió en un emirato independiente bajo Abd al-Rahman I, posteriormente se formó el poderoso Califato de Córdoba que gobernó gran parte de la península, el cual eventualmente se fragmentó en pequeños reinos conocidos como reinos de taifas a finales del siglo XI.
Filosofía educativa: El existencialismo. SheiLee19El Existencialismo es un movimiento desarrollado en los siglos XIX y XX que tuvo mayor influencia en Europa. La Filosofía existencialista consiste en resaltar la importancia de la existencia, la elección y la libertad individual.
Victory of the commonsJoost de ValkThe document discusses the "Tragedy of the Commons" concept and how open source software development relates to it. It argues that open source developers need business models that allow them to make money from their work in order to sustain ongoing development, while still benefiting the common good. The author proposes a model where profits are reinvested into further developing open source software, creating a "Victory of the Commons" through a balance of individual and community interests.
Ferdinand de saussureRumaana264Ferdinand de Saussure was a Swiss linguist and semiotician born in 1857 who is considered the father of 20th century linguistics. He showed early talent and attempted to write a book on general linguistics in the 1880s-1890s. Saussure is best known for his work in his famous Course in General Linguistics, published after his death, which influenced fields like linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. He changed our understanding of signs and language, seeing words not as labels but as social products essential to how humans constitute their world.
Sunoco Pipeline v Teter - Ohio Seventh District Court of AppealsMarcellus Drilling NewsAn Ohio landowner whose land Sunoco Logistics Partners wants to traverse with the Mariner East 2 pipeline tried a novel legal argument. The landowner's attorneys argued in the Ohio Seventh District Court of Appeals that pure propane and pure butane--both of which would be transported through the pipeline from eastern Ohio all the way to the Marcus Hook refinery near Philadelphia--are not "petroleum." At least, not petroleum for the purposes of the permit which grants Sunoco the right to build the pipeline to transport petroleum products. The Court of Appeals justices rejected that argument and said, in essence, that propane and butane fit under the definition of petroleum as that word has been used for generations. This is the court's ruling.
The Hero's Journey to Catharsis Το Ταξίδι του Ήρωα προς την ΚάθαρσηNiki Lambropoulos PhDThe Hero's Journey to Catharsis
Δημιουργική Γραφή / Αφήγηση και Νέες Τεχνολογίες στην Εκπαίδευση
ΤΑ ΚΡΥΜΜΕΝΑ ΠΑΙΔΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΚΑΤΟΧΗΣ Ιστορίες παιδιών που σώθηκαν κρυμμένα.Σ.pptxSevastoulaTsirigoti1Πώς σώθηκαν τα παιδιά στην Κατοχή; Ποιοι ήταν αυτοί που έβαλαν σε κίνδυνο τη ζωή τους και τις οικογένειές τους για να σώσουν παιδιά;
ΧΟΥΝΤΑ ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΑ_ υποστηρικτική τεχνολογία στα άτομα με νοητική αναπηρίαSasaHounta1Εργασία για την υποστηρικτική τεχνολογία στα άτομα με νοητική αναπηρία