Параметры исполнения районного бюджета в графическом виде (аналитические мате...Илья ЧеремныхПараметры исполнения районного бюджета в графическом виде (аналитические материалы)
Linear equations 2-3Chadwick International SchoolThe document discusses key concepts related to graphing lines including:
1) Horizontal and vertical lines can be represented by equations in the form of y=a constant or x=a constant.
2) The slope of a line represents the steepness and is calculated by rise over run using two points.
3) Lines can have positive, negative, zero or undefined slopes depending on their angle and direction.
4) Parallel lines have the same slope while perpendicular lines have slopes that are negative reciprocals of each other.
Clip asie sud estKostas TampakisThis document contains a summary of photos taken by Lior Dayan during travels through Southeast Asia, including Nepal, India, Myanmar, and Vietnam. The photos depict various landscapes, cultural sites, and people in locations such as the Anapurna Mountains in Nepal, rice fields in Vietnam and Nepal, monasteries and valleys in India and Ladakh, Inle Lake in Myanmar, and cities like Varanasi and Srinagar. The photos provide glimpses into the natural beauty, cultural heritage, and daily lives of people throughout Southeast Asia.
Powerpoint for Bob MeyerAndy LehmanThe document summarizes the work of Lifesong for Orphans, an organization founded in 2002 that provides orphan care through adoption funding, church partnerships, foster care programs, and direct orphan care in several countries. Lifesong's mission is to bring joy and purpose to orphans by mobilizing the church community to adopt, care for, donate to, and serve orphans worldwide. They pledge to provide orphans with food, clothing, education, Christian training, and continued support into adulthood.
Gone in 60 seconds sofiaChadwick International School1. The document analyzes a jump scene from the 2000 film "Gone in 60 Seconds" where a Shelby Mustang driven by Nicolas Cage jumps from a ramp off the Vincent Thomas Bridge in Los Angeles.
2. The author calculates the speed, angle, height, distance traveled, and force using information from the video to determine if the jump was possible.
3. The analysis finds that with a 70 degree ramp, the distance and height achieved in the video were not possible. However, with a shallower 15 degree ramp and higher initial speed, the jump could have been possible.
History of Scuting in Afghanistan (Dari and English)Global Go-To-Market ServicesThe document provides information about the PARSA Afghan Scouts Program over 3 pages. It discusses the establishment of the program in 1970 with the goal of training Afghan youth. It notes the program was established with assistance from the UN and operated in different parts of Afghanistan, training scouts in areas like survival skills, first aid, and discipline. It provides some statistics on numbers of scouts trained between certain years.
Ave maria en kathedraal de gaudiKostas TampakisLa Sagrada Familia es una de las obras más famosas del arquitecto español Antoni Gaudí. Aunque iniciada en 1882, la construcción continúa y se espera que esté terminada en 2026, el centenario de la muerte de Gaudí. El interior de la basílica está diseñado para transmitir la grandeza de Dios a través de su arquitectura única.
РИФ 2016, АНАЛИТИКА // Анализ взаимосвязи качественных показателей медиа- осв...Тарасов КонстантинАльберт Мартиросян
Агентство медийных исследований Ex Libris
Brush2 berries jeffmarshallAndy LehmanThis document discusses plans for a strawberry farming business in Zambia. The business aims to provide funding for orphan care programs through profits. The farming business will employ local caregivers and aims to double employees' salaries within 8 months. The strawberries will be sold to major grocery store chains in Zambia, utilizing existing distribution networks. The business is run separately from the orphan care ministry but aims to gift a minimum of 10% of net cash flow annually to support orphan care programs in Zambia, with a long term goal of 30-50% of profits being gifted. All ultimate profits from the business will support orphan care in Zambia.
ADADC Vegetarian DietsanimalrightsadvocatesThis document summarizes the position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada on vegetarian diets. It finds that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits. The document reviews considerations for key nutrients in vegetarian diets and finds that a vegetarian diet can meet recommendations for proteins, iron, zinc, calcium, vitamins B12 and D, and other nutrients when planned properly, potentially with fortified foods or supplements. Vegetarian diets may help reduce risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer when based on a variety of plant foods.
Animal Law Talk - Maike DornanimalrightsadvocatesA talk given Maike Dorn at ARA's Animal Law forum held in November 2009 on the limited protections that exist in Western Australia for animals.
Brush2 berries t4aAndy LehmanThe document discusses plans for a sustainable strawberry farm business in Zambia run by Lifesong for Orphans to support their orphan care operations. The business aims to employ orphan graduates and caregivers. Profits will be reinvested or donated to fund Lifesong Zambia's capital costs and operational expenses, with a goal of donations covering 100% of operational costs. The strawberry variety grown is well-suited for the local market. Initial challenges include disease impacting nursery plants.
Powerpoint for Bob MeyerAndy LehmanThe document summarizes the work of Lifesong for Orphans, an organization founded in 2002 that provides orphan care through adoption funding, church partnerships, foster care programs, and direct orphan care in several countries. Lifesong's mission is to bring joy and purpose to orphans by mobilizing the church community to adopt, care for, donate to, and serve orphans worldwide. They pledge to provide orphans with food, clothing, education, Christian training, and continued support into adulthood.
Gone in 60 seconds sofiaChadwick International School1. The document analyzes a jump scene from the 2000 film "Gone in 60 Seconds" where a Shelby Mustang driven by Nicolas Cage jumps from a ramp off the Vincent Thomas Bridge in Los Angeles.
2. The author calculates the speed, angle, height, distance traveled, and force using information from the video to determine if the jump was possible.
3. The analysis finds that with a 70 degree ramp, the distance and height achieved in the video were not possible. However, with a shallower 15 degree ramp and higher initial speed, the jump could have been possible.
History of Scuting in Afghanistan (Dari and English)Global Go-To-Market ServicesThe document provides information about the PARSA Afghan Scouts Program over 3 pages. It discusses the establishment of the program in 1970 with the goal of training Afghan youth. It notes the program was established with assistance from the UN and operated in different parts of Afghanistan, training scouts in areas like survival skills, first aid, and discipline. It provides some statistics on numbers of scouts trained between certain years.
Ave maria en kathedraal de gaudiKostas TampakisLa Sagrada Familia es una de las obras más famosas del arquitecto español Antoni Gaudí. Aunque iniciada en 1882, la construcción continúa y se espera que esté terminada en 2026, el centenario de la muerte de Gaudí. El interior de la basílica está diseñado para transmitir la grandeza de Dios a través de su arquitectura única.
РИФ 2016, АНАЛИТИКА // Анализ взаимосвязи качественных показателей медиа- осв...Тарасов КонстантинАльберт Мартиросян
Агентство медийных исследований Ex Libris
Brush2 berries jeffmarshallAndy LehmanThis document discusses plans for a strawberry farming business in Zambia. The business aims to provide funding for orphan care programs through profits. The farming business will employ local caregivers and aims to double employees' salaries within 8 months. The strawberries will be sold to major grocery store chains in Zambia, utilizing existing distribution networks. The business is run separately from the orphan care ministry but aims to gift a minimum of 10% of net cash flow annually to support orphan care programs in Zambia, with a long term goal of 30-50% of profits being gifted. All ultimate profits from the business will support orphan care in Zambia.
ADADC Vegetarian DietsanimalrightsadvocatesThis document summarizes the position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada on vegetarian diets. It finds that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits. The document reviews considerations for key nutrients in vegetarian diets and finds that a vegetarian diet can meet recommendations for proteins, iron, zinc, calcium, vitamins B12 and D, and other nutrients when planned properly, potentially with fortified foods or supplements. Vegetarian diets may help reduce risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer when based on a variety of plant foods.
Animal Law Talk - Maike DornanimalrightsadvocatesA talk given Maike Dorn at ARA's Animal Law forum held in November 2009 on the limited protections that exist in Western Australia for animals.
Brush2 berries t4aAndy LehmanThe document discusses plans for a sustainable strawberry farm business in Zambia run by Lifesong for Orphans to support their orphan care operations. The business aims to employ orphan graduates and caregivers. Profits will be reinvested or donated to fund Lifesong Zambia's capital costs and operational expenses, with a goal of donations covering 100% of operational costs. The strawberry variety grown is well-suited for the local market. Initial challenges include disease impacting nursery plants.
China china highway and more Kostas TampakisChina has some of the most spectacular highways in the world, including the world's longest trans-oceanic bridge, highways built into steep mountainsides, and roads with breathtaking turns. Three highways of note are the Tianmen Mountain Winding Highway in Hunan Province, which has 99 turns over 11km ranging from 200m to 1,300m in elevation; the Aizhai Highway also in Hunan, considered the most beautiful mountain road; and the Tarim Desert Highway in Xinjiang, the longest highway crossing a desert at 552km. China also has impressive bridges and elevators, like the Bailong Elevator in Hunan, the world's tallest outdoor elevator.
Fotos !!!Kostas TampakisThis document lists 78 people who received prizes at an international competition. It includes their names, countries, and ranking or type of prize received. The winners came from a variety of countries around the world, including Russia, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Germany, Vietnam, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, China, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Hungary, Brazil, Romania, Spain, France, Italy, Oman, the United States, India, Ukraine, and more.
Siberian dreamKostas TampakisThis document discusses locations in Siberia, including a diamond mine, Novosibirsk which is connected by highway and is the site of the Transsiberian express, winter in Krasnojarsk, oil drilling on the tundra near Ulan Ude, Tobolsk on the Yenisej River, and the tundra and Angara River.
Black forest germany 11.9Kostas TampakisEl documento presenta una lista de lugares en la Selva Negra de Alemania, incluyendo ciudades como Freiburg y Rotweil, pueblos como Schiltach y Schonach, y atracciones naturales como las cataratas de Triberg y el lago Titisee. Muchos de los lugares mencionados tienen iglesias, conventos y edificios históricos datados desde el siglo XI.
CanadaKostas TampakisCanada is a North American country located between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Its capital is Ottawa. The document lists various landmarks and locations across Canada, including Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec City, Vancouver, Montreal, Niagara Falls, the Canadian Rockies, and Yukon. It provides pictures of these places from an archive.
826 hellas-east ofedem-enKostas TampakisGreece is described as a beautiful country with beaches, mountains, canyons, rivers, lakes, and volcanoes that make it one of the nicest, if not the most beautiful, countries in the world. It suggests that paradise exists close by in Greece, which represents sun, light, and culture. The document encourages the reader to take a look at Greece.
2. Μια φορά κάποιος πήγε να επισκεφτεί τον Γιαπωνέζο φίλο και γείτονά του που είχε χτυπήσει σε αυτοκινητιστικό . Ήταν στην Μονάδα Εντατικής Θεραπείας . Με το που έφτασε τον είδε ξαπλωμένο και ..καλωδιωμένο… Καλώδια παντού…
3. Στεκόταν εκεί, δίπλα στο κρεβάτι του φίλου του, σιωπηλός και κοίταζε τα ρυτιδιασμένα του μάτια καθώς εκείνος αναπαυόταν ήρεμα, συνδεδεμένος με όλα εκείνα τα μηχανήματα . Ξαφνικά, κάποια στιγμή, ο Γιαπωνέζος πετάχτηκε και με γουρλωμένα μάτια φώναξε :
6. Οι τελευταίες λέξεις του νεκρού πια φίλου του, έμειναν ανεξίτηλες στη μνήμη του πρωταγωνιστή της ιστορίας μας . Στην κηδεία του πλησίασε τη μητέρα του και τη χήρα γυναίκα του, τις αγκάλιασε και τους είπε :
7. ― Κυρία Fumiko και κυρία Shakita, ο αγαπημένος μας Fuyiro, λίγο πριν ξεψυχήσει μου είπε την εξής φράση που δεν μπορώ να βγάλω από το μυαλό μου :
10. Η μητέρα του Fuyiro σχεδόν έμεινε στον τόπο και η χήρα κοίταξε τον γείτονα έντρομη . Ο τύπος επέμεινε : ― Τι ήθελε να πει με αυτές τις λέξεις , κυρία Shakita ;
11. Η χήρα τον κοίταξε θυμωμένη και του απάντησε :