Определение расстояний до тел Солнечной системы и размеров этих небесных телKirrrr123Определение расстояний до тел Солнечной системы и размеров этих небесных тел
'Nurturing tomorrow's talent pool of computer scientists' by Dr Gail CardewThe Royal InstitutionDr Gail Cardew, the Royal Institution's Director of Science and Education, presents the charity's work in supporting the future of the technology industry through a national programme of Masterclasses that focus on inspiring the next generation of computer scientists.
This presentation was delivered at the BASDA 2015 annual summit on 2 June 2015.
The Royal Institution Computer Science Masterclasses are supported by Causeway Technologies.
Find out more at http://www.rigb.org/education/masterclasses.