At 7:02 pm, 31 October 2013, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake occurred 45 km (28 miles) south-southwest of the coastal city of Hualian. The shallow depth of 12 km (7.5 mi) exacerbated the ground shaking. Buildings over a wide area, including Taipei, the capital city, were shaken. A note from the past: A magnitude 7.6 earthquake in central Taiwan in 1999 killed 2,416 people. Each earthquake is an opportunity to add to the “global book of knowledge” on occurrences, consequences, and disaster risk reduction measures
The objective of this study is to evaluate the seismic hazard at the northwestern Egypt using the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment approach. The Probabilistic approach was carried out based on a recent data set to take into account the historic seismicity and updated instrumental seismicity. A homogenous earthquake catalogue was compiled and a proposed seismic sources model was presented. The doubly-truncated exponential model was adopted for calculations of the recurrence parameters. Ground-motion prediction equations that recently recommended by experts and developed based upon..
The document discusses key issues from the Second World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held in Sendai, Japan in 2015. The conference called for renewed global action to reduce vulnerabilities and accelerate disaster risk reduction through the implementation of best policies and practices. However, disaster risk remains high due to growing populations, climate change, weak infrastructure, and a lack of preparedness. The only way forward is through strengthened disaster risk reduction efforts including adopting best practices, strengthening communities, utilizing new technologies, and innovative strategic planning.
1) The document provides information about earthquakes, including 10 interesting facts about earthquakes, details about the 1960 Valdivia earthquake in Chile that was the most powerful ever recorded, and descriptions of the San Andreas fault line, the Richter scale, and divergent and thrust fault boundaries.
2) The 1960 Valdivia earthquake in Chile was measured at 9.5 on the moment magnitude scale and caused devastating tsunamis across the Pacific Ocean.
3) The Richter scale, developed by Charles Richter, assigns a single number to quantify the amount of seismic energy released by an earthquake based on a logarithmic scale.
This presentation contains the brief introduction to earthquake,its effect,causes etc..
And case study of kuchha(bhuj),Gujarat Earthquake on 26th january,2001
Global secondary indexes (GSIs) in DynamoDB were introduced to allow querying on attributes other than the primary key. Previously, workarounds like parent-child models or separate query tables were needed. GSIs automatically manage a secondary index table that can be queried using attributes from the primary table. Writes go to both the primary table and GSIs. GSIs have their own throughput capacity and are eventually consistent. They support different projection types and allow fetching missing attributes from the primary table. The document discusses how GSIs implement a read model pattern and provide more flexible querying capabilities than previous workarounds, though they have some limitations and costs.
Global secondary indexes (GSIs) in DynamoDB were introduced to allow querying on attributes other than the primary key. Previously, workarounds like parent-child models or separate query tables were needed. GSIs automatically manage a secondary index table that can be queried using attributes from the primary table. Writes go to both the primary table and GSIs. GSIs have their own throughput capacity and are eventually consistent. They support different projection types and allow fetching missing attributes from the primary table. The document discusses how GSIs implement a read model pattern and provide more flexible querying capabilities than previous workarounds, though they have some limitations and costs.