Низьковуглецева економіка: можливості України в новій глобальній кліматичній ...UAReformsНизьковуглецева економіка: можливості України в новій глобальній кліматичній угоді крізь призму євроінтеграційних зобов’язань
UCMC Annual Report 2020UAReformsThe document is the 2020 annual report of the Ukraine Crisis Media Center (UCMC). It summarizes the organization's activities and accomplishments in 2020, a challenging year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The UCMC adapted its work to online formats, hosting over 325 events and engaging over 50,000 people. It provided a platform to strengthen communications and share reliable information with citizens of Ukraine and abroad. The UCMC aims to promote an independent, democratic Ukraine that is integrated into Europe through strategic communications.
Russia's military aggression against Ukraine 21/08UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the spokesperson for Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, Russia violated the ceasefire with Ukraine over 60 times by heavily shelling positions along the contact line. Russia also supplied its militant proxies in eastern Ukraine with 360 tons of fuel, 90 tons of ammunition, 3 T-72 tanks, and a multiple rocket launcher system. Ukrainian forces reported 30 enemy militants killed, 51 wounded, and the destruction of vehicles and weapons, while 1 Ukrainian soldier was killed and 27 wounded.
Russia's military aggression against Ukraine 31/07 UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the MOD Spokesperson, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 100 times with heavy arms, resulting in 2 Ukrainian soldiers killed and 23 wounded, while 20 militants were killed and 31 wounded. Civilian casualties included 2 wounded male civilians, and damaged civilian buildings were a power line, private home, and school building.
"Грудневий тендерний базар": зловживання під час допорогових закупівельUAReformsПрезентація, оприлюднена на прес-конференції громадського активіста Олексія Тамразова та Гліба Канєвського, керівника відділу протидії корупції Центру «Ейдос» в Українському кризовому медіа-центрі 10 січня 2017 року
MoD Spox December 26, 2016UAReformsThe document provides a weekly update on Russia's military aggression against Ukraine from December 18-25. It summarizes key events including:
- Fighting at the Svitlodarsk bulge with a total of 245 ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants across three sectors.
- 12 episodes of enemy drone activity. Russia supplied 950 tons of fuel and military equipment including weapons, hardware, and 300 personnel to proxy forces.
- Ukrainian forces suffered 6 killed and 51 wounded while 18 enemy fighters were killed and 38 wounded.
- 9 civilian and 5 residential buildings were damaged along with other infrastructure like a police car and gas/power lines. Ukrainian officers provided humanitarian aid and helped fix infrastructure.
MoD Spox December 20, 2016UAReformsRussia continues to violate ceasefires and support militant forces in eastern Ukraine with military supplies and sophisticated weapons testing. Over the past week, Russia-backed militants conducted over 200 ceasefire violations including shelling with heavy arms across the Luhansk, Donetsk, and Mariupol sectors, resulting in combat casualties among Ukrainian forces and damage to civilian infrastructure. Despite the ongoing conflict, Ukraine provides humanitarian aid to over 18,000 residents left without power by the violence.
MoD Spox December 12, 2016UAReformsThe spokesperson provided a weekly update on Russia's ongoing military aggression against Ukraine from December 5-11. Key details include over 400 instances of ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants, including shelling with heavy arms that resulted in civilian and military casualties for Ukraine. Russia also supplied tanks, rocket launchers, ammunition, and fuel to the proxy forces during this period.
MoD Spox December 5, 2016UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the spokesperson for Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 200 times from November 28th to December 4th, shelling Ukrainian forces with heavy arms and conducting aerial drone reconnaissance flights, while also supplying the militants with 1,400 tons of fuel. The update also reported the losses of Russian-backed militants and Ukrainian forces, as well as civilian casualties and damages to infrastructure in the conflict zone during that period.
MoD Spox November 28, 2016UAReformsThe spokesperson provided a weekly update on Russia's ongoing military aggression against Ukraine from November 21-27, including statistics on ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants along the contact line, drone activity supporting separatist forces, military supplies delivered from Russia, combat casualties and losses among Ukrainian forces and separatists, civilian casualties and damages, and humanitarian aid delivered. The update noted over 300 ceasefire violations along the contact line, including shelling with heavy arms, and drone surveillance missions conducted in support of separatist forces.
MoD Spox November 21, 2016UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the MOD Spokesperson, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 125 times from November 14-20, shelling Ukrainian forces with heavy arms. During this period, Russian military supplies to the proxy forces included 7 tanks, 2 military vehicles, 1 infantry fighting vehicle, over 2,000 tons of fuel and 290 tons of ammunition. Combat led to the killing of 13 militants and wounding of 11 others, while 1 Ukrainian soldier was killed and 16 wounded.
MoD Spox November 14, 2016UAReformsThis weekly update from a MOD spokesperson discusses Russia's ongoing military aggression against Ukraine. It provides data on Russian drone routes over Ukraine, numbers of ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants in different sectors, enemy and Ukrainian forces casualties, civilian casualties, infrastructure damages, and volume of humanitarian aid delivered.
MoD Spox November 7, 2016UAReformsOver the period of October 31 to November 6, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire 61 times, shelling Ukrainian forces with heavy arms and causing casualties among Ukrainian soldiers. A total of 3 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 18 wounded, while 4 civilians were also injured. The shelling damaged 9 private homes, 3 buildings and 17 infrastructure facilities. During this time, Ukrainian forces also provided 835 tons of humanitarian aid to people in the conflict area.
MoD Spox October 31 , 2016UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the MOD Spokesperson in Ukraine, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 920 times between October 24-30, shelling Ukrainian positions with heavy arms and causing civilian and military casualties. During an armed clash near Avdiivka, Ukrainian forces repelled an enemy attempt to seize positions, killing 45 Russian militants and destroying military vehicles and weapons. The hostilities also damaged civilian infrastructure and injured two men, while the Ukrainian military suffered 4 deaths and 38 injuries over the week.
MoD Spox En 24.10UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the spokesperson of Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 400 times, most intensely on October 17th near Vodiane where they shelled with 122-mm artillery rounds. One Ukrainian soldier was killed and 20 were wounded, while one civilian in Stanytsia Luhanska was also injured. The humanitarian aid delivered was 1,500 tons.
Бюджет 2017: презентація МЕРТUAReformsПрезентація Степана Кубіва, міністра економічного розвитку і торгівлі України, до прес-конференції в УКМЦ 20 жовтня 2016
MoD Spox October 17, 2016UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the spokesperson for Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 250 times between October 10-16, shelling positions in the Luhansk, Donetsk, and Mariupol sectors with heavy arms. The most intensive shelling occurred on October 12 in Shyrokyne, involving 320 122-mm artillery rounds. Three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 31 wounded, while two civilians were injured. A total of 24 buildings including 17 homes and a hospital were damaged by the shelling. Notable war criminal Arsen Pavlov was also killed in Donetsk on October 16.
Lettre ouverte au président de la républiqueUAReformspar Hélène Roudier de Lara
MoD Spox October 3, 2016UAReformsRussia-backed militants violated the ceasefire with Ukraine 71 times in the Luhansk sector, 85 times in the Donetsk sector, and 106 times in the Mariupol sector between September 26 and October 2 according to Ukraine's military spokesperson. During this period, Ukrainian forces suffered 2 killed in action and 12 wounded in action from the ceasefire violations which included shelling with heavy arms and shootings by the militants.
MoD Spox En 26.09 2UAReformsRussia-backed militants violated the ceasefire with Ukraine's military (UAF) over 60 times between September 19-25, with the highest number of violations (60) occurring in the Donetsk sector. Shelling involved the use of heavy arms. One Ukrainian soldier was killed in action and 14 were wounded during this period according to the weekly update from the Ukrainian military spokesperson.
MoD Spox 19.09UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the MOD Spokesperson, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 200 times from September 12-18, firing mortar shells and heavy arms at Ukrainian positions in Donetsk. Five Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 29 wounded during this period, with the most shelling reported in Avdiivka, Zaitseve, and Pisky in Donetsk.
Updates MoD ENG Spox 12.09UAReformsRussia continued its military aggression against Ukraine over the past week, shelling Ukrainian positions in the Luhansk, Donetsk, and Mariupol sectors a total of 181 times according to a MOD spokesperson. The shellings resulted in 5 Ukrainian soldiers killed in action and 8 wounded in action. The shellings included the use of heavy arms on some days.
MoD Spox December 12, 2016UAReformsThe spokesperson provided a weekly update on Russia's ongoing military aggression against Ukraine from December 5-11. Key details include over 400 instances of ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants, including shelling with heavy arms that resulted in civilian and military casualties for Ukraine. Russia also supplied tanks, rocket launchers, ammunition, and fuel to the proxy forces during this period.
MoD Spox December 5, 2016UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the spokesperson for Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 200 times from November 28th to December 4th, shelling Ukrainian forces with heavy arms and conducting aerial drone reconnaissance flights, while also supplying the militants with 1,400 tons of fuel. The update also reported the losses of Russian-backed militants and Ukrainian forces, as well as civilian casualties and damages to infrastructure in the conflict zone during that period.
MoD Spox November 28, 2016UAReformsThe spokesperson provided a weekly update on Russia's ongoing military aggression against Ukraine from November 21-27, including statistics on ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants along the contact line, drone activity supporting separatist forces, military supplies delivered from Russia, combat casualties and losses among Ukrainian forces and separatists, civilian casualties and damages, and humanitarian aid delivered. The update noted over 300 ceasefire violations along the contact line, including shelling with heavy arms, and drone surveillance missions conducted in support of separatist forces.
MoD Spox November 21, 2016UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the MOD Spokesperson, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 125 times from November 14-20, shelling Ukrainian forces with heavy arms. During this period, Russian military supplies to the proxy forces included 7 tanks, 2 military vehicles, 1 infantry fighting vehicle, over 2,000 tons of fuel and 290 tons of ammunition. Combat led to the killing of 13 militants and wounding of 11 others, while 1 Ukrainian soldier was killed and 16 wounded.
MoD Spox November 14, 2016UAReformsThis weekly update from a MOD spokesperson discusses Russia's ongoing military aggression against Ukraine. It provides data on Russian drone routes over Ukraine, numbers of ceasefire violations by Russian-backed militants in different sectors, enemy and Ukrainian forces casualties, civilian casualties, infrastructure damages, and volume of humanitarian aid delivered.
MoD Spox November 7, 2016UAReformsOver the period of October 31 to November 6, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire 61 times, shelling Ukrainian forces with heavy arms and causing casualties among Ukrainian soldiers. A total of 3 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 18 wounded, while 4 civilians were also injured. The shelling damaged 9 private homes, 3 buildings and 17 infrastructure facilities. During this time, Ukrainian forces also provided 835 tons of humanitarian aid to people in the conflict area.
MoD Spox October 31 , 2016UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the MOD Spokesperson in Ukraine, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 920 times between October 24-30, shelling Ukrainian positions with heavy arms and causing civilian and military casualties. During an armed clash near Avdiivka, Ukrainian forces repelled an enemy attempt to seize positions, killing 45 Russian militants and destroying military vehicles and weapons. The hostilities also damaged civilian infrastructure and injured two men, while the Ukrainian military suffered 4 deaths and 38 injuries over the week.
MoD Spox En 24.10UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the spokesperson of Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 400 times, most intensely on October 17th near Vodiane where they shelled with 122-mm artillery rounds. One Ukrainian soldier was killed and 20 were wounded, while one civilian in Stanytsia Luhanska was also injured. The humanitarian aid delivered was 1,500 tons.
Бюджет 2017: презентація МЕРТUAReformsПрезентація Степана Кубіва, міністра економічного розвитку і торгівлі України, до прес-конференції в УКМЦ 20 жовтня 2016
MoD Spox October 17, 2016UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the spokesperson for Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 250 times between October 10-16, shelling positions in the Luhansk, Donetsk, and Mariupol sectors with heavy arms. The most intensive shelling occurred on October 12 in Shyrokyne, involving 320 122-mm artillery rounds. Three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 31 wounded, while two civilians were injured. A total of 24 buildings including 17 homes and a hospital were damaged by the shelling. Notable war criminal Arsen Pavlov was also killed in Donetsk on October 16.
Lettre ouverte au président de la républiqueUAReformspar Hélène Roudier de Lara
MoD Spox October 3, 2016UAReformsRussia-backed militants violated the ceasefire with Ukraine 71 times in the Luhansk sector, 85 times in the Donetsk sector, and 106 times in the Mariupol sector between September 26 and October 2 according to Ukraine's military spokesperson. During this period, Ukrainian forces suffered 2 killed in action and 12 wounded in action from the ceasefire violations which included shelling with heavy arms and shootings by the militants.
MoD Spox En 26.09 2UAReformsRussia-backed militants violated the ceasefire with Ukraine's military (UAF) over 60 times between September 19-25, with the highest number of violations (60) occurring in the Donetsk sector. Shelling involved the use of heavy arms. One Ukrainian soldier was killed in action and 14 were wounded during this period according to the weekly update from the Ukrainian military spokesperson.
MoD Spox 19.09UAReformsAccording to a weekly update from the MOD Spokesperson, Russia-backed militants violated the ceasefire over 200 times from September 12-18, firing mortar shells and heavy arms at Ukrainian positions in Donetsk. Five Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 29 wounded during this period, with the most shelling reported in Avdiivka, Zaitseve, and Pisky in Donetsk.
Updates MoD ENG Spox 12.09UAReformsRussia continued its military aggression against Ukraine over the past week, shelling Ukrainian positions in the Luhansk, Donetsk, and Mariupol sectors a total of 181 times according to a MOD spokesperson. The shellings resulted in 5 Ukrainian soldiers killed in action and 8 wounded in action. The shellings included the use of heavy arms on some days.
2. ДП «Укрзалізничпостач»
Підприємство, яке
постачання ТМЦ для
українських залізниць
Паливо та мастильні
Запасні частини для
рухомого складу
Реалізація металобрухту
Хто ми є Закупівлі
3. Річний об'єм закупівель (млн. грн.)
486 1695 290
ПММ Запасні частини Матеріали Обладнання
4. Проблеми
Низькій рівень конкурентного середовища
Практично зруйнована ділова репутація серед системних і
прозорих постачальників
Неефективність внутрішніх закупівельних процедур
Низький рівень організації логістичних процесів
Непрозорість практично всіх процесів, пов'язаних із
Рівень постачання попередніх років
5. Що зроблено
Проблема Рішення - Результати
Прозорість Он-лайн трансляції розкриття та
Висвітлення на сайті підприємства
повного циклу процедури закупівель
Ділова репутація Своєчасне виконання фінансових
зобов'язань перед постачальниками
Розширення конкурентного
Залучення виробників до участі у
Спрощення кваліфікаційної та технічної
частин тендерної документації
7. Інтерпайп. Закупівлі (USD)
753 847
2012 2013 2014 2015
Колеса Бандаж
Зниження ціни на колеса
в порівнянні з 2014 р. на
Зниження ціни на
бандажі в порівнянні з
2014 р. на 27,4%
Економія на загальному
обсязі закупівель ~ 5 000
000 долл. США
8. Інтерпайп. Реалізація металобрухту
рекомендована ціна
м» - 3 488 грн./т
(початкова) ціна
комісії УЗ – 3 672
Змінено процедуру
подання комерційних
Середня ціна - 4 426
При плановій реалізації
160 тис. тонн,
економічний ефект –
119 млн. грн.
9. Дизельне паливо
Загальний об’єм - 100
000 тонн
Остання ціна закупівлі –
21 970 грн./т
Нова ціна контракту – 18
999 грн./т
Економія – 2,9 млн. в
день/89,1 млн. в
місяць/297,1 млн. на
загальному обсязі
ціноутворення з
використанням Platts
Постачання «до
Поточний контракт Перспективи
10. Маємо зробити
Визначення місця і значення «вертикалі» закупівель і
логістики в майбутньому АТ
Провадження нових політик і процедур у сфері закупівель
Створення повноцінної Наглядової/Громадської Ради
Радикальне розширення кола постачальників
Побудова сучасних логістичних процесів
Впровадження повноцінної ERP системи
11. Створення повноцінної
Наглядової/Громадської Ради
Експерт у
Організація з
боротьби з
• Результати конкурсних
• Умови проведення торгів
• Політика і процедури
• Управлінський персонал
• IT
• Медіа
• Консалтинг
• Комунікації