ทคȨคการสอนตาม Tqf3Prachyanun Nilsookโครงการพัฒนาอาจารย์ด้านนวัตกรรมและเทคโนโลยีการสอน
ด้านทคȨคการสอน การวัดผลและประเมินผล ระดับคณะและระดับวิทยาเขต
"องค์กรกับการสื่อสารในยุค Social Media
การเรียนการสอนด้วย Social Media
Active Learning ด้วย Social Media"
สถาบันการพลศึกษา วิทยาเขตสุพรรณบุรี
ระหว่างวันที่ ๔-๕ มีนาคม ๒๕๖๐
The Blended Learning Model using Collaborative and Case-based Learning to Cre...Panita Wannapiroon KmutnbThe Blended Learning Model using Collaborative and Case-based Learning to Create the Team Learning of the Graduate Students.
The Development of a Knowledge Creation Model using Action Learning and Colla...Wichit ChawahaThe Development of a Knowledge Creation Model using Action Learning and Collaborative Learning for Staff members in Higher education Institutions : a case study of Faculty of education, Chulalongkorn University
The Development of a Knowledge Creation Model using Action Learning and Colla...Wichit ChawahaThe Development of a Knowledge Creation Model using Action Learning and Collaborative Learning for Staff members in Higher education Institutions : a case study of Faculty of education, Chulalongkorn University
ทคȨคการสอนตาม Tqf3Prachyanun Nilsookโครงการพัฒนาอาจารย์ด้านนวัตกรรมและเทคโนโลยีการสอน
ด้านทคȨคการสอน การวัดผลและประเมินผล ระดับคณะและระดับวิทยาเขต
"องค์กรกับการสื่อสารในยุค Social Media
การเรียนการสอนด้วย Social Media
Active Learning ด้วย Social Media"
สถาบันการพลศึกษา วิทยาเขตสุพรรณบุรี
ระหว่างวันที่ ๔-๕ มีนาคม ๒๕๖๐
The Blended Learning Model using Collaborative and Case-based Learning to Cre...Panita Wannapiroon KmutnbThe Blended Learning Model using Collaborative and Case-based Learning to Create the Team Learning of the Graduate Students.
The Development of a Knowledge Creation Model using Action Learning and Colla...Wichit ChawahaThe Development of a Knowledge Creation Model using Action Learning and Collaborative Learning for Staff members in Higher education Institutions : a case study of Faculty of education, Chulalongkorn University
The Development of a Knowledge Creation Model using Action Learning and Colla...Wichit ChawahaThe Development of a Knowledge Creation Model using Action Learning and Collaborative Learning for Staff members in Higher education Institutions : a case study of Faculty of education, Chulalongkorn University
Show case global smart learning environmentTar Btวิธีการที่ใช้เทคโนโลยีเข้าไปเปลี่ยนรูปการปฏิบัติด้านสอนและการเรียนรู้ของครูและผู้เรียน สำหรับการเรียนรู้ในศตวรรษที่ 21
Scopus_07Tar BtThe document is a letter informing three individuals that their abstract titled "Development and Efficiency Improvement of the Learning Innovation Enhancing Learners’Thinking Potential" has been selected for presentation at the 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences in Barcelona, Spain from February 2-5, 2012. It provides instructions on submitting the full paper by November 30, 2011 and notes the paper will be published in the conference proceedings if an author registers and attends the conference.
Scopus_06Tar BtThe authors Chisanu Jiambunsri, Issara Kanjug, and Charuni Samat have been informed that their abstract titled "Design and Develop of Constructivist Learning Environment on Learning Management System" has been selected for presentation at the 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences being held from February 2-5, 2012 in Barcelona, Spain. The authors are instructed to submit their full paper by November 30, 2011 and are advised to ensure it is 5 pages or less and complies with the conference's formatting requirements.
Scopus_05Tar BtThe authors Nuttariya Khanla-ong, Sumalee Chaijaroen, Isara Kanjak Kanjak, and Charuni Samat have been informed that their abstract titled "Design and Development of multimedia learning environment to enhance problem solving transfer" has been selected for presentation at the 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences being held from February 2-5, 2012 at the University of Barcelona, Spain. They have been asked to submit the full paper by November 30, 2011 through the conference website and have been notified of requirements regarding paper length and registration to ensure publication in the conference proceedings.
Scopus_04Tar BtThe authors Parama Kwangmuang, Sumalee Chaijaroen, Charuni Samat, and Isara Kanjak have been informed that their abstract titled "Framework for Development of Cognitive Innovation to Enhance Knowledge Construction and Memory Process" has been selected for presentation at the 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences. They have been asked to submit the full paper by November 30th, 2011 through the conference website. The paper must be no more than 5 pages and any additional pages will require a fee of 21 Euros per page. The authors have also been notified that accepted papers will be published in Procedia-Social and Behavioral Journal and indexed in various databases, provided that at least one author registers
Scopus_03Tar BtThe authors Sumalee Chaijaroen, Charuni Samat, and Issara Kanjug have been informed that their abstract titled "The Study of Learners’ Critical Thinking Potential, Learning with innovation Enhancing Thinking Potential" has been selected for presentation at the 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences in Barcelona, Spain from February 2-5, 2012. They have been asked to submit the full paper by November 30, 2011 through the conference website. The paper will be reviewed to ensure it matches the abstract and meets requirements of being less than 5 pages, with extra pages costing 21 Euro each. The accepted papers will be published in Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences journal and indexed in several databases
Scopus_02Tar BtThe authors Parama Kwangmuang, Sumalee Chaijaroen, Charuni Samat, and Isara Kanjak have been informed that their abstract titled "Framework for Development of Cognitive Innovation to Enhance Knowledge Construction and Memory Process" has been selected for presentation at the 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences. They have been asked to submit the full paper by November 30th, 2011 through the conference website. The paper must be no more than 5 pages and any additional pages will require a fee of 21 Euros per page. The authors have also been notified that accepted papers will be published in Procedia-Social and Behavioral Journal and indexed on ScienceDirect, Scopus and Thomson Reuters. At
Scopus_01Tar BtThe document is a letter informing ISSARA KANJUG that their abstract titled "The Design of Web-based Learning Environments enhancing Mental Model Construction" has been selected for presentation at the 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences in Barcelona, Spain from February 2-5, 2012. The letter requests the full paper be submitted by November 30th and notes the paper must be less than 5 pages or extra fees will be charged. It also states accepted papers will be published in the Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences journal and indexed in several databases if at least one author registers for the conference.