The document appears to be a catalog listing specifications for various steel tubes and hollow sections. It includes tables with information like nominal bore size, outside diameter, thickness, weight, and tolerances for different series of steel tubes. There are also tables listing dimensions, thicknesses, weights for square, rectangular, and circular hollow steel sections. The document provides technical specifications for steel products likely used in industrial applications.
Att sk?rma av arbetsplatsen ?r ett enkelt s?tt att skapa en b?ttre arbetsmilj? med f?rre sjukskrivningar och ?kad effektivitet.
V?ra flexibla l?sningar reducerar den st?rande ljudniv?n och ger samtidigt en bra grund f?r att planera f?r ljuss?ttning,
transportfl?den och ordning. Vi guidar dig till hj?lpmedlen som g?r h?rbar skillnad.
The document outlines a message that was delivered supernaturally over an eight year period from 2006 to 2014. It claims the message comes from God and was guided by the Spirit of Truth. The message is described as comprehensive and credible, teaching concepts from the Bible like "Love your Enemies" to guide humanity into a new age. It concludes that the messenger is the Spirit of Truth and the message's purpose is to communicate God's love for all people through a universal truth.
Gazeta "JEMI EDHE NE" NR.54 Muaji MAJ 2015ALB-AID Kukes
Gazeta "JEMI EDHE NE" - Mujore p?r f?mij?, botim i ALB-AID.
Donator: Norwegian Embassy, Prishtina, Kosove
04-prill Dita Nd?rkomb?tare e Nd?rgjegj?simit ndaj Minave
Me mb?shtetjen e Handicap International shoqata ALB-AID ka
organizuar nj? s?r? aktivitetesh n? kuad?r t? Dit?s
nd?rkomb?tare t? Nd?rgjegj?simit ndaj Minave.
K?shtu me dat? 3 prill ?sht? hapur nj? ekspozit? vizatimi me
vizatimet e nx?n?sve t? shkollave 9-vje?are t? Kuk?sit me
q?llimin p?r t? rritur nd?rgjegj?simin p?r t? drejtat e t? mbijetuarve nga municionet e paplasura (UXO)n? Shqip?ri.
Gjithashtu u organizua edhe krosi pranveror me nx?n?sit e 5
shkollave 9-vje?are t? qytetit t? Kuk?sit. N? fund ta aktiviteteve t? k?saj dit? n? fjal?n e saj Ardjana Mani – e mbijetuar e minave i ka b?r? thirrje qeveris? shqiptare n? em?r t? t? mbijetuarit e minave / UXO dhe Personave me Aft?si t? Kufizuar
Study on Loss of FOI case: COA flu Epedimic InfoKenneth Peng
政府資訊透明公開是民主社會的重要指標, 如何兼顧資訊安全與民眾「知」的權利, 透過農委會的案例研析, 可以有更好的瞭解和作法。One of important index to democracy is Freedom of Info. Through the study and the case from COA, we shall be better acquainted with how balancing between security and public right to "know".
Study on Loss of FOI case: COA flu Epedimic InfoKenneth Peng
政府資訊透明公開是民主社會的重要指標, 如何兼顧資訊安全與民眾「知」的權利, 透過農委會的案例研析, 可以有更好的瞭解和作法。One of important index to democracy is Freedom of Info. Through the study and the case from COA, we shall be better acquainted with how balancing between security and public right to "know".
This document summarizes the key points of an economic cooperation agreement between Taiwan and Belize. It was discussed and approved at Taiwan's 3725th Executive Yuan meeting. The agreement aims to strengthen economic and trade relations between the two countries by gradually reducing and eliminating tariffs and non-tariff barriers. It covers 11 chapters on issues like tariffs, rules of origin, trade remedies, investment promotion, and dispute resolution. The agreement and its annexes detailing tariff reductions were submitted to Taiwan's legislature for review.