This document discusses generational differences and Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. It notes that Generation Y, born between 1976-1995 or 1988-2001, grew up with more digital technology proficiency than older generations. This promises to change how families interact and how young people learn in school. The document also provides references on Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory and its implications for education.
What do you do when facing unfamiliar challenge?Clint Walters
Helping students navigate tough tech problems with a boss fight perspective.
Do you:
- Improvise and try something?
- Use your resources?
- Freeze and hope it goes away?
Disability Income Protection: A Step-by-Step GuideDougIngram
This document provides an overview of disability income insurance. It discusses how disability is common and can last a long time, preventing many Americans from working and maintaining their standard of living without this type of insurance. It encourages readers to calculate their potential income over their career to understand their need to protect it with disability coverage.
Disruptive innovation refers to products or services that allow new groups of consumers access to products or services previously only available to those with more money or specialized skills. These innovations start simply and cheaply, then improve to appeal to more consumers, eventually displacing established competitors. Examples include Web 3.0, Walmart disrupting retail, Amazon disrupting shopping, Netflix disrupting theaters, Wikipedia disrupting Britannica, and e-learning disrupting brick-and-mortar schools. Sustaining innovation improves existing products for current consumers, while disruptive innovation targets new groups and eventually changes an entire industry. Successful disruptors can catalyze change in competitors who adapt to remain competitive.
The document lists common school objects found in classrooms and school bags. It includes stationery items like notebooks, pencils, pens, rulers, erasers and art supplies. Classroom fixtures mentioned are blackboards, chalk, desks, chairs, doors and other structural elements. The text also contains questions and answers to describe and identify different school objects.
- Responses to student writing should focus on the key elements and learning outcomes of the assignment rather than trying to address every issue.
- For longer assignments, focus feedback on higher-order concerns like organization and thesis before addressing minor errors.
- Use rubrics and next steps sections to provide clear and concise feedback and set expectations for future assignments.
- Balance critical feedback with praise to encourage students and avoid overwhelming them with comments.
The document provides advice on paying off a $1.9 million loan over 30 years at $63,333 per year in interest and payments. It suggests cutting the repayment period to 15 years which would save $949,999 in interest. Alternatively, saving $2 million earning 4% interest annually would provide $80,000 per year to potentially cover the loan payments and taxes, but an additional $2 million or more would still be needed for living expenses. It then discusses using a Money Merge Account program to significantly reduce interest payments on loans like a mortgage compared to traditional repayment plans.
The document is a quiz that tests knowledge of comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. It contains multiple choice questions with the correct answers being: bigger, largest, more beautiful, most powerful, better, handsomer, sweeter, most positive, cleverer, biggest, farther.
Enterprise Social Software Executive Introductionsharonmichnay
The document discusses how collective intelligence software and social tools can benefit organizations. It provides examples of how companies have realized measurable benefits such as increased speed of access to knowledge, reduced communication costs, and improved collaboration. Best practices for integration include embedding collaborative capabilities within business processes and enabling users to comment on and rate information.
E-learning is a form of electronic learning that can be done remotely using computers and the internet, similar to how cell phones allow communication from anywhere replacing the need to use pay phones at specific locations. It involves online or computer-based training through which people can learn and be trained from anywhere at any time. Many corporations have adopted e-learning to provide training and learning opportunities to employees.
This is the last part from four presentations I did to a course for young entrepreneurs. In last 3 lessons, I covered: the Idea, the Product and the Team.
You can see all the slides on my project site:
How will You Measure the Worth of Your Life - UMHBSam Henry
Jamie Wallace and Sam Henry presentation to the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor College of Business. They offer perspectives on the last 10 years in industry and challenge students with the question "How will you measure the worth of your life?"
The poem lists things the author is thankful for, including their family for loving them, their wild curly hair, pretty cats, karate school, ability to swim in Palm Springs and speak two languages, and playing Wii on weekends. But most of all, the author is thankful for their lovely teacher Laura.
The document discusses describing a painting but provides no details about the painting itself or what should be described. It repeats the phrase "DESCRIBE THE PAINTING" without any further context.
On January 12th, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Within 48 hours, DigitalGlobe's satellites collected imagery of the damage, including collapsed buildings, destroyed infrastructure, and people gathering in open areas. The images provided an initial assessment of the widespread destruction caused by the earthquake in and around the capital city.
4th grade curriculum night classroom 10 11Bret Biornstad
The teacher welcomed parents to the 4th grade curriculum night. They provided an introduction and background about their teaching experience. They outlined the 4th grade curriculum which includes units on math, science, social studies and literacy. Core subjects will focus on key standards and concepts. The teacher explained the school's grading system and policies. Various resources and services were mentioned to support student learning and communication between home and school. Parents were thanked for their attendance.
This document appears to be an "About Me" page for someone named Klaudia. It includes quotes about topics like music, friendship, nature, dreams, and humor. Klaudia lists things she appreciates like her favorite country and seasons. The page aims to provide insights into Klaudia's personality and interests through included quotes and references to pictures.
This document discusses message queues, which allow for the asynchronous and reliable communication between systems. Message queues provide benefits like durability, scalability, and offline processing. Examples are given where message queues could be used for asynchronous tasks like sending notification emails after a photo upload or processing videos after upload. Common message queue services and servers are listed.
1) The passage discusses how in God's kingdom, there are people intended for noble purposes and others for common purposes, and how we can cleanse ourselves for noble service.
2) It also talks about accepting one another in Christ and not judging others or putting stumbling blocks in their way.
3) We are each responsible before God and should pursue peace and building up of one another rather than disputes over disputable matters.
Collaborative Assessment: Working Together Toward Institutional ChangeElizabeth Nesius
This presentation discusses methods of collaborative assessment used at Passaic County Community College to assess student writing, critical thinking, and information literacy skills across writing intensive courses, as well as to assess the courses and the overall writing program. Assessment methods include the use of rubrics to evaluate student work, surveys of students and faculty, and analysis of student ePortfolios, which collect student assignments and reflections. The goal is to improve student learning outcomes through improved course design and professional development for faculty.
IGNITE MySQL - Backups Don't Make Me Moneysarahnovotny
Backups aren't exciting or glamorous. They don't make you money and there's no such thing as a valid backup. But, understanding your restores is exciting! Let me draw you a few pictures of database restores at their most ironic, entertaining, and even thrilling.
The document is a quiz that tests knowledge of comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. It contains multiple choice questions with the correct answers being: bigger, largest, more beautiful, most powerful, better, handsomer, sweeter, most positive, cleverer, biggest, farther.
Enterprise Social Software Executive Introductionsharonmichnay
The document discusses how collective intelligence software and social tools can benefit organizations. It provides examples of how companies have realized measurable benefits such as increased speed of access to knowledge, reduced communication costs, and improved collaboration. Best practices for integration include embedding collaborative capabilities within business processes and enabling users to comment on and rate information.
E-learning is a form of electronic learning that can be done remotely using computers and the internet, similar to how cell phones allow communication from anywhere replacing the need to use pay phones at specific locations. It involves online or computer-based training through which people can learn and be trained from anywhere at any time. Many corporations have adopted e-learning to provide training and learning opportunities to employees.
This is the last part from four presentations I did to a course for young entrepreneurs. In last 3 lessons, I covered: the Idea, the Product and the Team.
You can see all the slides on my project site:
How will You Measure the Worth of Your Life - UMHBSam Henry
Jamie Wallace and Sam Henry presentation to the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor College of Business. They offer perspectives on the last 10 years in industry and challenge students with the question "How will you measure the worth of your life?"
The poem lists things the author is thankful for, including their family for loving them, their wild curly hair, pretty cats, karate school, ability to swim in Palm Springs and speak two languages, and playing Wii on weekends. But most of all, the author is thankful for their lovely teacher Laura.
The document discusses describing a painting but provides no details about the painting itself or what should be described. It repeats the phrase "DESCRIBE THE PAINTING" without any further context.
On January 12th, 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Within 48 hours, DigitalGlobe's satellites collected imagery of the damage, including collapsed buildings, destroyed infrastructure, and people gathering in open areas. The images provided an initial assessment of the widespread destruction caused by the earthquake in and around the capital city.
4th grade curriculum night classroom 10 11Bret Biornstad
The teacher welcomed parents to the 4th grade curriculum night. They provided an introduction and background about their teaching experience. They outlined the 4th grade curriculum which includes units on math, science, social studies and literacy. Core subjects will focus on key standards and concepts. The teacher explained the school's grading system and policies. Various resources and services were mentioned to support student learning and communication between home and school. Parents were thanked for their attendance.
This document appears to be an "About Me" page for someone named Klaudia. It includes quotes about topics like music, friendship, nature, dreams, and humor. Klaudia lists things she appreciates like her favorite country and seasons. The page aims to provide insights into Klaudia's personality and interests through included quotes and references to pictures.
This document discusses message queues, which allow for the asynchronous and reliable communication between systems. Message queues provide benefits like durability, scalability, and offline processing. Examples are given where message queues could be used for asynchronous tasks like sending notification emails after a photo upload or processing videos after upload. Common message queue services and servers are listed.
1) The passage discusses how in God's kingdom, there are people intended for noble purposes and others for common purposes, and how we can cleanse ourselves for noble service.
2) It also talks about accepting one another in Christ and not judging others or putting stumbling blocks in their way.
3) We are each responsible before God and should pursue peace and building up of one another rather than disputes over disputable matters.
Collaborative Assessment: Working Together Toward Institutional ChangeElizabeth Nesius
This presentation discusses methods of collaborative assessment used at Passaic County Community College to assess student writing, critical thinking, and information literacy skills across writing intensive courses, as well as to assess the courses and the overall writing program. Assessment methods include the use of rubrics to evaluate student work, surveys of students and faculty, and analysis of student ePortfolios, which collect student assignments and reflections. The goal is to improve student learning outcomes through improved course design and professional development for faculty.
IGNITE MySQL - Backups Don't Make Me Moneysarahnovotny
Backups aren't exciting or glamorous. They don't make you money and there's no such thing as a valid backup. But, understanding your restores is exciting! Let me draw you a few pictures of database restores at their most ironic, entertaining, and even thrilling.
The document discusses common mistakes and pitfalls when developing with Ruby on Rails, including:
1) Not understanding the difference between 'and' and '&&' operators and operator precedence issues this can cause.
2) Not sanitizing user input passed to functions like strip_tags, which can lead to security issues.
3) Caching controller actions without checking for initialized instance variables, which can cause crashes.
4) Issues with validating database uniqueness across multiple processes that can lead to duplicate entry errors.
5) Problems composing conditions for queries when categories or subcategories are empty.
6) Breaking the callback chain filter by returning from callbacks.
7) Perform
The document discusses using Ruby and Rails for enterprise development. It covers using Ruby as both a primary development language and as a glue language to connect legacy systems. It also discusses designing applications for automated testing and decoupling design from production environments. Lastly, it provides an example of automating source control tasks like adding, committing, and updating files using a Ruby namespace and Rake tasks.
Maximes Presentation For Rubyconf China 2009Robbin Fan
The document appears to be an agenda or program for RubyConf China on May 21, 2009. It lists several speakers, including Robbin Fan, Ouspec, Stephen Kung, Zhang Yuan Yi, Maggie Meng, Nini Sum, Scott Ballantyne, Daniel Lv, and Koz Masumitsu. It also includes brief sections on innovation, GitHub traffic by country, pair programming, the Scrum methodology, burn-down charts, and links to photos.
This document contains the transcript of a talk given by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto about why he created the Ruby programming language and its history and use. Some key points discussed include:
- Matz created Ruby in the 1990s as a hobby initially to have fun and build a tool he wanted to use.
- Ruby was designed to be conservative but combine good aspects of previous languages for scripting, object orientation, and fun programming.
- Ruby on Rails popularized Ruby for web development in the 2000s due to its productivity.
- Ruby is well-suited for tasks like text processing, web programming, and GUI applications due to its simplicity, consistency and ability to make programmers
The document discusses design patterns in Ruby compared to Java. Some key points:
- Ruby classes are objects while Java uses classes and objects. Ruby uses message passing while Java uses method calls.
- Ruby has built-in support for common patterns like Singleton, Observer, Iterator through mixins. These are implemented differently in Java.
- Other patterns like Factory Method, Command are easily implemented in Ruby thanks to features like mixins and blocks/procs.
- The document provides an overview of several design patterns and how they translate from Java to Ruby.
The document discusses JavaEye, a popular Chinese technical blog. It describes the evolution of JavaEye's architecture over time from a single server running Ruby on Rails to a more complex distributed system with front-end web servers, backend application servers, a search server, database servers, and caching. It highlights the technologies used at each stage, including Lighttpd, Memcached, and search tools like Ferret and Lucene, and how caching improved performance by reducing SQL queries.
52. Lean Principle
? 创业第一天就设定收入目标 Revenue Goal from Day
? 持续的客户互动 Continuous Customer Interaction
? 如果没有收入,就不要扩张 No Scaling until Revenue
? 产物开发周期-以小时计而不是月或者年 Product
release cycle in hours not years
? 产物开发功能- 最少的功能,最大的客户覆盖
Minimum Feature Sets, Maximum Customer Coverage
? 产物开发 – 与客户拓展并驾 Coupled with Customer