Презентация об истории создания Севастопольских рассказов.
Л. Н. Толстой писал «Севастопольские рассказы» создавались Толстым на основе недавно произошедших событий. В первый раз Толстой был в Севастополе в конце 1854 – спустя несколько месяцев после того, как англо-французские войска начали осаждать город…
Серия книг "История в ликах городов"Ирина ПушкинаПрезентация серии книг екатеринбургского издательства "Сократ" "Урал: История в ликах городов".
Презентацию подготовила Губанова Анна Ивановна, зав. отделом краеведения МБУК "Публичная библиотека" НГО (Новоуральск, Свердловская область).
Календарь памятных дат на 2017 годnikoliblermont Календарь памятных дат выходит ежегодно и включает юбилейные даты, отражающие важнейшие события истории, общественно-политической, экономической и культурной жизни Никольского района Пензенской области, связанные с их 5-летием, 10-летием, 25-летием, 50-летием, 60-летием, 75-летием, 100-летием и т.д..
В.В.СанакоевЛилия ВоропаеваЭто небольшая презентация о В.В.Санакоеве, камчатском художнике. Автор презентации - Мельник Екатерина, 7 класс. ученица "Гуманитарной школы" в селе Мильково на Камчатке.
Внеурочное мероприятие по истории России для учащихся 9-х классов по теме «Де...DROFA-VENTANAВнеурочное мероприятие по истории России для учащихся 9-х классов по теме «Декабристы и Забайкалье»
Soviet folklor nadya sankinaNadya SankinaMy 1st presentation on this site
Come Happy, Go LuckyfatdogmusicThis is a free sample of a music score for "Come Happy, Go Lucky" by Fat Dog Music. You can listen to the song here:
Check out our website:
Mood boardevamariaaThe document discusses plans for filming a music video in various locations around London. It describes shooting from a high angle at Liverpool Street Station to show the setting and ordinary life passing by. It also mentions asking members of the public if they can be filmed to represent a relationship falling apart. Ghosting and fading effects will be used in the editing software to show the lingering of a relationship. Various shots are discussed to represent lyrics and themes, such as a woman checking her watch waiting for "God" and a couple holding hands to represent security.
Little SunflowerfatdogmusicEste documento presenta una partitura musical titulada "Little Sunflower" compuesta por Freddie Hubbard y arreglada por Murray Mason. La partitura incluye instrucciones para guitarra, bajo y batería e indica que el tempo es de 90 beats por minuto y el estilo es Latin Rock. Además, presenta la progresión de acordes y la melodía musical a lo largo de varias secciones.
ד"ר אלכס קנלר: שירות גניקולוגי מונגש לנשים עם מוגבלות - מצגתטובה אליאסףמצגת שליוותה את הרצאתו של ד"ר אלכס קנלר ובה הצגה של פעילות מרפאת הנשים הייחודית, שמונגשת לנשים עם מוגלות
פיזית ושכלית.
Серия книг "История в ликах городов"Ирина ПушкинаПрезентация серии книг екатеринбургского издательства "Сократ" "Урал: История в ликах городов".
Презентацию подготовила Губанова Анна Ивановна, зав. отделом краеведения МБУК "Публичная библиотека" НГО (Новоуральск, Свердловская область).
Календарь памятных дат на 2017 годnikoliblermont Календарь памятных дат выходит ежегодно и включает юбилейные даты, отражающие важнейшие события истории, общественно-политической, экономической и культурной жизни Никольского района Пензенской области, связанные с их 5-летием, 10-летием, 25-летием, 50-летием, 60-летием, 75-летием, 100-летием и т.д..
В.В.СанакоевЛилия ВоропаеваЭто небольшая презентация о В.В.Санакоеве, камчатском художнике. Автор презентации - Мельник Екатерина, 7 класс. ученица "Гуманитарной школы" в селе Мильково на Камчатке.
Внеурочное мероприятие по истории России для учащихся 9-х классов по теме «Де...DROFA-VENTANAВнеурочное мероприятие по истории России для учащихся 9-х классов по теме «Декабристы и Забайкалье»
Come Happy, Go LuckyfatdogmusicThis is a free sample of a music score for "Come Happy, Go Lucky" by Fat Dog Music. You can listen to the song here:
Check out our website:
Mood boardevamariaaThe document discusses plans for filming a music video in various locations around London. It describes shooting from a high angle at Liverpool Street Station to show the setting and ordinary life passing by. It also mentions asking members of the public if they can be filmed to represent a relationship falling apart. Ghosting and fading effects will be used in the editing software to show the lingering of a relationship. Various shots are discussed to represent lyrics and themes, such as a woman checking her watch waiting for "God" and a couple holding hands to represent security.
Little SunflowerfatdogmusicEste documento presenta una partitura musical titulada "Little Sunflower" compuesta por Freddie Hubbard y arreglada por Murray Mason. La partitura incluye instrucciones para guitarra, bajo y batería e indica que el tempo es de 90 beats por minuto y el estilo es Latin Rock. Además, presenta la progresión de acordes y la melodía musical a lo largo de varias secciones.
ד"ר אלכס קנלר: שירות גניקולוגי מונגש לנשים עם מוגבלות - מצגתטובה אליאסףמצגת שליוותה את הרצאתו של ד"ר אלכס קנלר ובה הצגה של פעילות מרפאת הנשים הייחודית, שמונגשת לנשים עם מוגלות
פיזית ושכלית.
DDS Travel Tags for BagsMK DaniDDS Travel Tags are passive, intelligent tags that can be attached to luggage, laptops, bags, and other items. The tags store mobile numbers in a secure manner. When an NFC-enabled phone touches the tag, it will identify the correct bag. If the bag is lost or misplaced, the finder can touch their phone to the tag to send a text message to the owner with the location and a contact number. The tags help establish ownership and instantly connect lost items to their owners, while keeping information in the tag safe and secure.
Power pointgopikakg1990The liver is the largest gland in the body, located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen under the diaphragm. It acts as the major purifying station, regulating blood glucose levels by storing excess glucose as glycogen or breaking it down as needed, and breaking down amino acids and converting ammonia to urea to remove toxins from the blood. The liver performs vital functions like detoxification, storage of nutrients, breakdown of old red blood cells, bile secretion, and synthesis of proteins and cholesterol.
Halloween Party Ideas - Candy RelayKen SappThe document describes a Halloween party game called the Candy Relay. It involves forming teams and assigning each team a color of candy. The candy is spread on paper towels on the floor. Teams take turns rushing forward, picking up candy of their color using their teeth, and returning to show their team. If the color is wrong, they eat it and try again. The objective is to be the first team to collect all their colored candy. The document also advertises a Holiday Collection book with over 300 pages of holiday event ideas.
Halloween Party Ideas - Candy Round 1Ken SappYouth will take part in a learning simulation experiencing what it is like when gifts are not appropriately utilized as a blessing to all members of the body of Christ. Makes a great activity for a Halloween Alternative or for a creative Bible Study lesson.
HousingNZ Water Demand NZWWA07 PaperPriscilla ChungThis document presents the findings of a pilot study conducted by Housing New Zealand Corporation (HNZC) and Manukau Water Limited (MWL) to analyze water usage patterns of HNZC tenants compared to non-HNZC households. The study focused on households in the Mangere East area. Initial results found that the average daily water consumption of HNZC households was 60% higher than non-HNZC households. A higher percentage of HNZC households fell into the "high" and "very high" usage categories. However, the authors note that further per capita analysis is needed before conclusions can be drawn, as household occupancy rates may differ between the two groups. If HNZC tenants are ultimately found to use more
EDITED BEVERLY CVBeverly NkiroteBeverly Nkirote Mutwiri is a 22-year-old Kenyan woman seeking a position. She has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Sociology from the University of Nairobi. She has work experience in administrative roles and as a volunteer helping youth and those in need. Her skills include leadership, communication, problem solving, and mentoring. She is passionate about creating positive change and is a motivated and hard worker.
Introduction to intuit productsMohammad Aman AhmadiIntuit offers a variety of accounting and business management software products including QuickBooks accounting software in desktop and online versions at different price points as well as products for payroll, database management, point of sale, and field service.
Un idp september 2015 b giftedAndrew Benson Greene JrPeace is essential in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. B-Gifted Foundation attended the UN International of Peace