Go 語言 (又稱Golang) 是 Google 推出新一代的強大語言,今年 3 月 Google 公佈了去年底統計的問卷結果,發現 63% 用 Go 來寫網站,38% 用來開發系統程式,35% 用來做 DevOps,本次議題將會帶您瞭解為什麼 Go 語言適合打造微服務架構,Go 語言大給微服務什麼樣的特性以及 Go 語言適合用來開發什麼樣的系統?
Go 語言 (又稱Golang) 是 Google 推出新一代的強大語言,今年 3 月 Google 公佈了去年底統計的問卷結果,發現 63% 用 Go 來寫網站,38% 用來開發系統程式,35% 用來做 DevOps,本次議題將會帶您瞭解為什麼 Go 語言適合打造微服務架構,Go 語言大給微服務什麼樣的特性以及 Go 語言適合用來開發什麼樣的系統?
This document discusses how Istio can be used to provide routing and service discovery capabilities for Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry environments. It describes how Istio integrates with Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry components like Diego cells, the Diego brain, and the router. Key components of Istio like Envoy, Pilot, and its support for features like mTLS, load balancing and circuit breaking are also summarized. The document positions Istio as a way to provide consistent application networking capabilities across Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry platforms.
This document discusses Kubernetes and related technologies like Kubespray, Kops, and Kube-aws for deploying and managing containerized applications on infrastructure. It also describes Project Kubo for deploying Kubernetes on BOSH and mentions Cloud Foundry as a platform for applications. Key technologies discussed include BOSH, stemcells, releases, and deployments for infrastructure automation.
Cloud Foundry V2 | Intermediate Deep DiveKazuto Kusama
Cloud Foundry uses buildpacks to compile applications and produce executable droplets. A buildpack detects the application type, compiles dependencies and runtimes, and produces metadata to run the application. The DEA executes the buildpack stages - detect, compile, and release - to download the application, run the appropriate buildpack, and build a droplet containing the compiled application and dependencies that can run on Cloud Foundry.
- The Cloud Controller is responsible for providing the API interface and controlling application lifecycles. It receives application deployment requests from cf commands and works with the DEA to start and stop applications. It also controls creation of services.
- The Router receives "router.register" messages from components and directs traffic based on URL to the appropriate component instance(s). It acts as a load balancer.
- The DEA (Droplet Execution Agent) is where applications are run. It hosts application droplets/containers and monitors their health. The Health Manager monitors the health of DEAs.