AutumnLusy GasparyanThe document describes the season of autumn through short poems about the falling autumn leaves of different colors, the changing weather with colder temperatures and darker nights, and how autumn signals the end of summer and beginning of winter. It notes the red, orange, yellow, brown, and green leaves that can be seen as well as the need for warmer coats as autumn brings colder weather and ends the sunny days of summer.
United statesLusy GasparyanThe document summarizes key symbols and facts about the United States. It notes that the bald eagle is the national bird, rose is the national flower, and oak is the national tree. It provides that the United States has a federal republic government with the President as head of state, Washington D.C. as the capital, and English as the official language. Additionally, it describes Washington D.C. as located along the Potomac River and not part of any state, and lists New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago as the three most populous cities in the country.
Merry chritsmasLusy GasparyanA child wrote a letter to Santa Claus requesting two gifts for Christmas: a parrot and an iPod 3. The child wished Santa a green Christmas and a good day.
6. яСебастаци
Школа _ это не просто здание.
Это мир, в котором мы живём,
это место, ставшее родным,
своим. Ведь здесь мы не только
проводим значительную часть
своего времени, здесь мы учимся,
постигаем основы знаний.
7. яСебастаци
я себе чувствую прекрасно,
в школе очень весело и интересно.
Когда учишься, то с нетерпением
ждёшь каникул, особенно летних.
Но пройдёт месяц другой, и
начинаешь скучать по любимой
школе и друзьям. Так скучают
только по родному дому.