디지털 트윈과 핼스케어 Digital Twin and HealthcareJahee Lee기술은 곁에 있다. 시험관 아기들이 많다 보니 쌍둥이들이 많이 늘어났다. 디지털 트윈은 현실과 똑같은 디지털 쌍둥이를 만들어 더 나은 현실의 결과를 만들어 낸다. 수집한 다양한 정보를 가상에서 분석하고 최적화하는 방안을 도출하는 지능형 융합기술이다. NASA, GE가 먼저 제품 설계부터 공장 운영 감시, 작업량 예측, 생산 손실 예측, 고장 진단/예측 등에 활용했다. 제조업뿐 아니라 다양한 분야에 적용할 수 있다. 핵심기술은 모사, 관제, 모의, 연합, 자율의 단계로 진행된다. 보건의료 분야에도 인구 집단 모델링으로 헬스케어 서비스를 개선하고 의료진의 치료에 관련된 의사결정을 개선한다. 환자를 컴퓨터 모델링으로 치료법을 사전 테스트하여 최적화 후 실제 적용한다. 막대한 시간과 돈이 투자되는 신약 개발 임상 실험에도 적용하여 합병증과 위험 부담 줄일 수 있는 대안을 만들어 낸다. 국내외 사례도 담았다.
Radiomics: Novel Paradigm of Deep Learning for Clinical Decision Support towa...Wookjin Choi‘Radiomics’ is a novel process to identify ‘radiome’ in the field of imaging informatics when long-term clinical outcomes such as mortality are not immediately available, relying on first acquiring paired gene expression data and medical images at diagnosis from a study cohort, and then leveraging the public gene expression data containing clinical outcomes from a closely matched population into a personalized medicine (Stanford and Harvard University).
의료서비스분야 디자인혁신 사례집USABLE 윤* 다운로드 후 보시기 바랍니다.
의료서비스분야 디자인혁신사례집
한국디자인진흥원 전략연구팀
본 사례집은 한국디자인진흥원이 지식경제부 R&D 디자인기반기술개발 사업으로 시행된 [2011 의료기기/환경의 수요자 중심 혁신을 위한 융합형 의료서비스 디자인플랫폼 개발 사업] 에서 조사 분석된 내용 중 해외 의료서비스 디자인혁신 사례를 발췌한 것입니다.
국내외 총 100개의 사례가 의료서비스 분야, 예방/관리, 치료, 재활, 장기, 보조의료의 5개 영역으로 분류되어 있습니다.
※ 분류기준은 OECD 의료서비스산업 기준인 ICHA 코드를 기반으로 한 치료, 재활, 장기, 보조의료 등 4개 영역에 의료서비스 전반에서 그 중요성이 강조되고 있는 예방/관리 분야가 추가되었습니다.
송효식 한국디자인진흥원 전략연구팀 팀장
김신 한국디자인진흥원 전략연구팀 사무원
윤성원 한국디자인진흥원 전략연구팀 과장
양지선 한국디자인진흥원 전략연구팀 위촉연구원
김소현 한국디자인진흥원 전략연구팀 위촉연구원
한국디자인진흥원 디자인전략연구실 김신
031-780-2078 skim@kidp.or.kr
Teaser memorandum(ball ready)startupkoreaBallReady is a South Korean company established in 2013 that develops smart pet care devices using IoT technology. It debuted its first product, an automatic ball shooter and feeder for dogs, in 2015. The company aims to build a pet care platform that integrates its existing hardware with Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity to track exercise and feeding data in the cloud. This will allow users to monitor their dog's activity and health patterns through mobile and web apps. While currently small, BallReady projects significant revenue growth in 2016 and 2017 as it expands into the global market and launches a new product model. The report provides an overview of the company's history and products, key investment attractions around its IoT-enabled platform, industry trends, and
20160115 business model pitch deck ver2.0startupkoreaThe Zephyrus technology uses image recognition to provide valuable hidden information through devices like phones and tablets. Their Zephyrus Camera app allows users to scan real objects to get timely information like faces, weather, locations of restaurants and goods without needing multiple isolated apps. They aim to acquire 10 million in sales in 2016 by releasing the Zephyrus Camera beta in February and marketing it as a way to access real and virtual information simultaneously.
Wim factory introductionstartupkorea1. WimFactory is an IoT smart factory platform for small and medium sized manufacturers that uses smart sensors called WICON to monitor production facilities in real-time.
2. The platform collects sensor data, analyzes it using big data and machine learning, and provides notifications to managers about potential issues or malfunctions.
3. Setting up WimFactory takes only 15-25 days and requires no employee training - it allows remote real-time monitoring of facilities from smartphones.
01.12 cm echosssmartstamp_introduction_v1.3_engstartupkorea1. The document introduces echoss, a smartphone stamp service that replaces traditional paper stamps. It uses smartphone recognition technology to allow stamps to be applied and verified digitally.
2. The echoss stamp service consists of check-in, membership, certification, and utility services. It has a roadmap to expand its lineup of services in these areas using smartphone recognition of locations, users, information, and processes.
3. Echoss has fully commercialized its stamp technology, which is patented and used in various business partnerships and services in Korea. It expects to create convergence with other smart device industries and services.
Teaser memorandum(ball ready)startupkoreaBallReady is a South Korean company established in 2013 that develops smart pet care devices using IoT technology. It debuted its first product, an automatic ball shooter and feeder for dogs, in 2015. The company aims to build a pet care platform that integrates its existing hardware with Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity to track exercise and feeding data in the cloud. This will allow users to monitor their dog's activity and health patterns through mobile and web apps. While currently small, BallReady projects significant revenue growth in 2016 and 2017 as it expands into the global market and launches a new product model. The report provides an overview of the company's history and products, key investment attractions around its IoT-enabled platform, industry trends, and
20160115 business model pitch deck ver2.0startupkoreaThe Zephyrus technology uses image recognition to provide valuable hidden information through devices like phones and tablets. Their Zephyrus Camera app allows users to scan real objects to get timely information like faces, weather, locations of restaurants and goods without needing multiple isolated apps. They aim to acquire 10 million in sales in 2016 by releasing the Zephyrus Camera beta in February and marketing it as a way to access real and virtual information simultaneously.
Wim factory introductionstartupkorea1. WimFactory is an IoT smart factory platform for small and medium sized manufacturers that uses smart sensors called WICON to monitor production facilities in real-time.
2. The platform collects sensor data, analyzes it using big data and machine learning, and provides notifications to managers about potential issues or malfunctions.
3. Setting up WimFactory takes only 15-25 days and requires no employee training - it allows remote real-time monitoring of facilities from smartphones.
01.12 cm echosssmartstamp_introduction_v1.3_engstartupkorea1. The document introduces echoss, a smartphone stamp service that replaces traditional paper stamps. It uses smartphone recognition technology to allow stamps to be applied and verified digitally.
2. The echoss stamp service consists of check-in, membership, certification, and utility services. It has a roadmap to expand its lineup of services in these areas using smartphone recognition of locations, users, information, and processes.
3. Echoss has fully commercialized its stamp technology, which is patented and used in various business partnerships and services in Korea. It expects to create convergence with other smart device industries and services.
1. "메디컬아이피"는
기존의 의료영상(CT, MR, US 등)만으로는 판단이 어려운 질홖의 진단, 치료, 그리고 정확한 수술을 위해,
수술 계획수립 및 평가, 홖자-의사-부서간의 의사소통 수단, 수술 숙렦도를 높이기 위한 교육도구 등, 광범
위한 분야에 인체 복제 장기 기술을 서비스합니다.
다차원(2/3/4차원) 의료영상에서 원하는 장기의 영역을 정확하게 분할, 분석, 가시화 할 수 있고, 이를 다양
한 구조(volume, mesh, etc)로 변홖하여 상황에 맞는 맞춤형 인체 장기 모델을 맞춤 제작된 3D 프린터를
통해 서비스할 수 있는 SW/HW 원천기술을 보유하고 있습니다.
자사의 보유기술을 통해 전세계적 의료과실을 최소화하고, 병원의 내외과 경쟁력을 고취시킬 수 있으며,
나아가 인류 개개인의 삶의 질을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.
문의 : life@medicalip.co.kr
“Medical IP” provides patient-specific organ printing service with own
their original technology like below: 1) medical segmentation & modeling
software, 2) multi-materials 3D printing techniques, 3) clinically-
collaborative process. Thus “Medical IP” can help doctors and patients for
pre-operating planning and surgical decision in every medical situation
with high quality printing models.
Contact : life@medicalip.co.kr
<2015.07.31 SBS 창업스타 "메디컬아이피" 방송 출연분>