This document contains notes from multiple topics including the Scientific Revolution, Galileo, Johannes Kepler, and passages from the Bible. It discusses Descartes proving only one's own existence, diagrams of the solar system, the geocentric and heliocentric models of the universe, Galileo's use of telescopes, Kepler's discovery of elliptical orbits, and the Catholic Church's condemnation of Galileo's support for heliocentrism. The document appears to be class notes combining religious texts with historical scientific concepts from the 1600s.
This document contains the names of 5 photographers who have contributed photos: Sean Loyless, Enoch, Coxsj, JasonUnbound, and MaloMalverde. It encourages the reader to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare.
What Are Your Servers Doing While You¡¯re Sleeping?Tracy McKibben
You¡¯re the DBA, the guy in charge, the guy who gets pounced on first thing in the morning with complaints of ¡°my report took FOREVER to run last night, why?¡±, or ¡°customers are saying the web site was really slow at 3:00am this morning, why?¡±. You¡¯re expected to be able to answer questions like that. Can you? Do you know what your servers are doing when you¡¯re not looking?
This Solution Guide describes the data protection operations and services provided as a modular add-on to the EMC Enterprise Hybrid Cloud 2.5.1, Federation SDDC Edition: Backup Solution Guide.
This document appears to be notes from an economics class discussing foundational economic concepts. It introduces the idea that economics is about how people make choices and face trade-offs given limited resources. It discusses opportunity costs, rational decision making at the margins using cost-benefit analysis, how people respond to incentives, and how trade can make all parties better off. Students are assigned to read the introduction of an economics textbook and write a lesson plan teaching high school students about opportunity costs and marginal analysis.
Warren Buffett is the second richest man in the world who has donated $31 billion to charity. He bought his first stock at age 11 and encourages investing early. He still lives in the modest house he bought over 50 years ago, drives his own car, and does not socialize with high society or carry technology. His principles are to avoid unnecessary spending, focus on goals, and appreciate what you have rather than chasing status.
This document contains notes from several history lessons about the Protestant Reformation. It discusses Martin Luther protesting the Catholic Church's corruption in 1517 by nailing his 95 Theses to a church door in Germany. As a result, Protestant Christian denominations emerged that rejected the Pope's authority and criticized the selling of indulgences. The document also contains assignments for students to read the 95 Theses and identify some of Luther's arguments, as well as terms to use in comparing the Catholic Church in Rome to Protestant regions like Germany during the 1500s.
Relazione di presentazione del progetto svolto durante il corso di Comunicazione Visiva e Design delle Interfacce. InBicocca si propone come un aggregatore di informazioni (knowledge-based) sul quartiere Bicocca di Milano, che vuole rispondere alle esigenze eterogenee di tutti gli utenti che usufruiscono di questo spazio urbano.
Due sono gli obiettivi principali: il primo ¨¨ quello di favorire la conoscenza del quartiere in un'ottica geolocalizzata, il secondo ¨¨ quello di fornire informazioni aggiornate su novit¨¤ ed eventi, stimolando la partecipazione attiva dei cittadini anche attraverso l'utilizzo di piattaforme social. A questo scopo abbiamo realizzato un sistema informativo ibrido, ovvero accessibile anche in mobilit¨¤, attraverso tablet.
Can Cheeseburgers and Fruit Smoothies Co-Exist?Research Now
The document summarizes the results of a social media listening and survey research study about Burger King's introduction of fruit smoothies. The listening research uncovered some complaints about ice quality and perceptions that BK was copying McDonald's smoothies. However, the survey found the ice and copying concerns came from only a small minority. Most customers and even competitors' customers were open to trying the smoothies and purchasing them, suggesting the product introduction was overall successful despite some minor criticisms.
Knowmatics, Mathematics and Engineering of Knowledge, has a multi-disciplinary foundations, such as Cybernetics, Brain Research, Psycholinguistics, Education and Cognitive Science. It can be considered as a Post-Information Technology Discipline that forms the basis of Modern Knowledge Industry. It is capable of bring a Revolution in Education, Scientific Research, Decision-Making, Professional Practices and all Social Production Processes in making them Knowledge- Intensive.
VSAN is a new storage solution from VMware that is fully integrated with vSphere. It automatically aggregates server disks in a cluster to create shared storage that can be rapidly provisioned from VMware vCenter during VM creation.
The document discusses various perspectives on whether decision making can be taught and developed as a skill. Several respondents believe decision making can be improved through experience, learning from past decisions, studying processes and outcomes, and gaining maturity over time. Others note there are rational and non-rational aspects of decision making, and while the rational elements can be learned and improved, the non-rational intuitive aspects are more innate. Overall, most agree that while perfection can't be achieved, decision making as a skill can be enhanced through practice, learning from mistakes, considering different factors in decisions, and gaining experience over time.
1. Under a command economy, government planners decide what and how much is produced rather than corporations or consumers.
2. The passage provides a short quiz about economic concepts including opportunity cost, incentives, and thinking at the margin.
3. It discusses key economic models like the circular flow model to illustrate the interconnectivity of firms, households, and factor and product markets in a free market system.
Life Sciences at RENCI - Big Data IT to Manage, Decipher, and InformEMC
This white paper provides best practices planning and use cases for using array-based and native replication solutions with EMC VPLEX Local and EMC VPLEX Metro.
Napoleon invaded Russia in 1812 and won several early victories, but when he reached Moscow, the Russians had burned the city. As winter approached, Napoleon was unable to retreat back to Poland in time and lost over 500,000 men to the harsh conditions. A few years later after being exiled from France, Napoleon attempted to regain power in 1815 but was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium, marking the final end of his rule.
Warren Buffett is the second richest man in the world who has donated $31 billion to charity. He bought his first stock at age 11 and encourages investing early. He still lives in the modest house he bought over 50 years ago, drives his own car, and does not socialize with high society or carry technology. His principles are to avoid unnecessary spending, focus on goals, and appreciate what you have rather than chasing status.
This document contains notes from several history lessons about the Protestant Reformation. It discusses Martin Luther protesting the Catholic Church's corruption in 1517 by nailing his 95 Theses to a church door in Germany. As a result, Protestant Christian denominations emerged that rejected the Pope's authority and criticized the selling of indulgences. The document also contains assignments for students to read the 95 Theses and identify some of Luther's arguments, as well as terms to use in comparing the Catholic Church in Rome to Protestant regions like Germany during the 1500s.
Relazione di presentazione del progetto svolto durante il corso di Comunicazione Visiva e Design delle Interfacce. InBicocca si propone come un aggregatore di informazioni (knowledge-based) sul quartiere Bicocca di Milano, che vuole rispondere alle esigenze eterogenee di tutti gli utenti che usufruiscono di questo spazio urbano.
Due sono gli obiettivi principali: il primo ¨¨ quello di favorire la conoscenza del quartiere in un'ottica geolocalizzata, il secondo ¨¨ quello di fornire informazioni aggiornate su novit¨¤ ed eventi, stimolando la partecipazione attiva dei cittadini anche attraverso l'utilizzo di piattaforme social. A questo scopo abbiamo realizzato un sistema informativo ibrido, ovvero accessibile anche in mobilit¨¤, attraverso tablet.
Can Cheeseburgers and Fruit Smoothies Co-Exist?Research Now
The document summarizes the results of a social media listening and survey research study about Burger King's introduction of fruit smoothies. The listening research uncovered some complaints about ice quality and perceptions that BK was copying McDonald's smoothies. However, the survey found the ice and copying concerns came from only a small minority. Most customers and even competitors' customers were open to trying the smoothies and purchasing them, suggesting the product introduction was overall successful despite some minor criticisms.
Knowmatics, Mathematics and Engineering of Knowledge, has a multi-disciplinary foundations, such as Cybernetics, Brain Research, Psycholinguistics, Education and Cognitive Science. It can be considered as a Post-Information Technology Discipline that forms the basis of Modern Knowledge Industry. It is capable of bring a Revolution in Education, Scientific Research, Decision-Making, Professional Practices and all Social Production Processes in making them Knowledge- Intensive.
VSAN is a new storage solution from VMware that is fully integrated with vSphere. It automatically aggregates server disks in a cluster to create shared storage that can be rapidly provisioned from VMware vCenter during VM creation.
The document discusses various perspectives on whether decision making can be taught and developed as a skill. Several respondents believe decision making can be improved through experience, learning from past decisions, studying processes and outcomes, and gaining maturity over time. Others note there are rational and non-rational aspects of decision making, and while the rational elements can be learned and improved, the non-rational intuitive aspects are more innate. Overall, most agree that while perfection can't be achieved, decision making as a skill can be enhanced through practice, learning from mistakes, considering different factors in decisions, and gaining experience over time.
1. Under a command economy, government planners decide what and how much is produced rather than corporations or consumers.
2. The passage provides a short quiz about economic concepts including opportunity cost, incentives, and thinking at the margin.
3. It discusses key economic models like the circular flow model to illustrate the interconnectivity of firms, households, and factor and product markets in a free market system.
Life Sciences at RENCI - Big Data IT to Manage, Decipher, and InformEMC
This white paper provides best practices planning and use cases for using array-based and native replication solutions with EMC VPLEX Local and EMC VPLEX Metro.
Napoleon invaded Russia in 1812 and won several early victories, but when he reached Moscow, the Russians had burned the city. As winter approached, Napoleon was unable to retreat back to Poland in time and lost over 500,000 men to the harsh conditions. A few years later after being exiled from France, Napoleon attempted to regain power in 1815 but was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium, marking the final end of his rule.