Hack languageRavindra BhadaneHack is a new programming language developed by Facebook for their HHVM runtime that interoperates with PHP. It adds static typing to PHP to enable early error detection while preserving PHP's rapid development cycle. Facebook has successfully migrated their entire PHP codebase to Hack. Hack is now open sourced along with tools to assist converting codebases and integrates static typing without disrupting the typical PHP development workflow.
Sharing-akka-pubHendri KarismaThis document provides an introduction and overview of Akka and the actor model. It begins by discussing reactive programming principles and how applications can react to events, load, failures, and users. It then defines the actor model as treating actors as the universal primitives of concurrent computation that process messages asynchronously. The document outlines the history and origins of the actor model. It defines Akka as a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM. It also distinguishes between parallelism, which modifies algorithms to run parts simultaneously, and concurrency, which refers to applications running through multiple threads of execution simultaneously in an event-driven way. Finally, it provides examples of shared-state concurrency issues
Hack languageRavindra BhadaneHack is a new programming language developed by Facebook for their HHVM runtime that interoperates with PHP. It adds static typing to PHP to enable early error detection while preserving PHP's rapid development cycle. Facebook has successfully migrated their entire PHP codebase to Hack. Hack is now open sourced along with tools to assist converting codebases and integrates static typing without disrupting the typical PHP development workflow.
Sharing-akka-pubHendri KarismaThis document provides an introduction and overview of Akka and the actor model. It begins by discussing reactive programming principles and how applications can react to events, load, failures, and users. It then defines the actor model as treating actors as the universal primitives of concurrent computation that process messages asynchronously. The document outlines the history and origins of the actor model. It defines Akka as a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM. It also distinguishes between parallelism, which modifies algorithms to run parts simultaneously, and concurrency, which refers to applications running through multiple threads of execution simultaneously in an event-driven way. Finally, it provides examples of shared-state concurrency issues
Heritage parkSheri RhodesHeritage Park is Canada's largest living history museum located in Calgary. The museum features a recreated historical town and attractions like a train and steamboat to immerse visitors in the past. Videos are available on the museum's website to give a preview of the train, town, and steamboat exhibits.
Bliblidotcom - SASS IntroductionIrfan MaulanaThis slide will intro you to SASS as CSS Preprocessor.
Contains the basic usage and feature that you can see in SASS.
Makalah sejarah fisikaSulham AhmadMakalah ini membahas sejarah penemuan partikel dasar penyusun alam semesta, dimulai dari penemuan elektron, proton, dan neutron pada abad pertengahan, hingga penemuan berbagai partikel baru seperti antiproton, kaon, dan hyperon pada paruh kedua abad ke-20 yang didorong oleh pembangunan akselerator berenergi tinggi. Teori grup simetri SU(3) digunakan untuk menjelaskan skema klasifikasi partikel-part
JavaOne LATAM 2016 - RESTful Services Simplificado com Spring Data RESTRodrigo Cândido da SilvaSpring Data REST oferece uma customização no topo do projeto Spring Data que exporta os repositórios automaticamente como serviços REST. Implementa conceitos e boas práticas em arquiteturas REST, como RESTful, ALPS, HATEOAS, permitindo os clientes encontrarem e explorarem as funcionalidades expostas de uma maneira fácil e organizada.
Esta palestra irá abordar como desenvolver rapidamente uma API de microservicos REST utilizando Spring Boot e Spring Data REST. Será principalmente orientada a exemplos de código demonstrando a implementação destas tecnologias.
Javantura v3 - ES6 – Future Is Now – Nenad PečanacHUJAK - Hrvatska udruga Java korisnika / Croatian Java User AssociationEcmaScript 6 introduces many new features to JavaScript including let and const block-scoped variables, arrow functions, classes, promises, and modules. Tooling like transpilers are currently needed to use ES6 in older browsers. Future versions will continue to evolve the language with proposals for ES7 including concurrency, streams, and better support for classes and metaprogramming. Overall ES6 and future versions aim to modernize JavaScript and better support object-oriented and asynchronous programming patterns.
Recommendations for Complex Digital Asset ManagementNuxeoGuest speaker, Melissa Webster, Program Vice President, Content and Digital Media Technologies at IDC, discusses why organizations are investing in enterprise digital asset management, and provides recommendations in application architecture, technology evaluation criteria.
John petrucci rock disciplineGerardo Daniel GalloThe document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help boost feelings of calmness, happiness and focus.
Intro To React NativeFITCIntro To React Native
with Varun Vachhar
React Native introduces a new way to write native mobile apps. You can take everything that you know and love about React and apply it to native apps. Unlike hybrid apps, it gives you access to both native APIs and UI components. The application logic uses JavaScript whereas, the UI is fully native! It also brings the best of the web to native, things like – flexbox layout model, XMLHttpRequest, requestAnimationFrame, etc.
To introduce the audience to React Native. Show how they can leverage their knowledge of web development to build native apps.
Developers familiar with React who are interested in building native mobile apps.
Basic knowledge of React, ES6 and CSS.
What is React Native
How it is an extension of hybrid
How to use polyfills to leverage the best of the web while getting native performance
How to debug React Native apps
How to use Flexbox and CSS for styling a React Native app
El libro de la folklre, partituras de folclore.Folklre Book.Brayan Paúl Moreno ArceEl documento habla sobre la importancia de la privacidad y la seguridad en la era digital. Explica que debido al gran volumen de datos personales que se comparten en línea, es crucial que las empresas protejan esta información de manera responsable para mantener la confianza de los clientes.
Συμμετοχή του 6ου Γυμνασίου Σερρών στον Διαγωνισμό Επιχειρηματικότητας 2015-2...KESYPSERRONΣυμμετοχή του 6ου Γυμνασίου Σερρών στον Διαγωνισμό Επιχειρηματικότητας 2015-2016 με τη δημιουργία της επιχείρησης Servou
JakartaJS - How I Learn Javascript From BasicIrfan MaulanaThe document shares Irfan Maulana's experience learning JavaScript from a background in Java development. It outlines some of the challenges he faced including lack of consistency and debugging skills. It provides recommendations for learning JavaScript basics through resources like JavaScript for Cats and You Don't Know JS. Irfan emphasizes the importance of practicing by building projects, asking questions on forums, and learning frameworks to strengthen JavaScript skills.
1. Προστασία λογισμικού – ιοί
Οι αιτίες για τις οποίες είναι πιθανόν να χάσουμε δεδομένα-
1. Τα μέσα αποθήκευσης μπορεί να χαλάσουν.
2. Υπάρχουν κακόβουλα προγράμματα που ονομάζονται ιοί.
3. Δεν πρέπει να ξεχνάμε τον ανθρώπινο παράγοντα.
4. Εισβολή ανεπιθύμητων στον υπολογιστή μας
Τρόποι προστασίας από τους ιούς
1. Να προσέχουμε ποια προγράμματα
«τρέχουμε» στον υπολογιστή μας.
2. Εγκατάσταση στον υπολογιστή μας ενός
αντιϊκού προγράμματος (antivirus
program) το οποίο μας προστατεύει από
τους πιο πολλούς ιούς.
3. Συχνή ανανέωση του αντιϊκού μας
προγράμματος από το Διαδίκτυο με την
τελευταία ενημερωμένη έκδοση.
4. Αν συνδέεστε στο Διαδίκτυο εγκατάσταση ενός προγράμματος
τείχους προστασίας (firewall), ώστε να ελέγχετε
την αποστολή και λήψη δεδομένων από και προς
τον υπολογιστή σας.
Δεν ξεχνάμε να παίρνουμε συχνά Αντίγραφα Ασφαλείας!!!