2v2 defending pressure coverprembicThe 2v2 defensive situation is one of the most important for players to master. For successful defending, the 1st defender must apply pressure to the ball carrier while the 2nd defender covers by maintaining proper distance and communication. The defenders must be prepared to switch roles when the ball is passed. Repeated practice in small sided games allows players to learn the roles of applying pressure as the 1st defender and providing cover as the 2nd defender through first-hand experience.
Acerchem Superfood RangeMiranda CurrieOn your marks, Get set, Go!
Acerchem has launched our all NEW Superfoods Range. So make a dash for the finish line and check out our quality range of premium sourced products now!
We provide the solution whether you’re developing your own superfoods range or want a ready made formulation ready to pack, brand and GO!
Don’t stumble at the first hurdle. Check out Acerchem’s Superfoods Range NOW.
Healthy, Wealthy & Wise: A 7 Step Business HealthcheckSmart FranchiseThis document summarizes a presentation given at a Just Cuts Franchise Conference in August 2014 about doing a health check on your business. It discusses 7 key areas franchisees should evaluate: paying bills by looking ahead financially; managing pride and ego; empowering their team; avoiding risky behaviors as businesses change; establishing business rigor; dealing with difficulties; and adapting to change. For each area, it provides questions for franchisees to consider and actions they can take to improve. The presentation emphasizes creating an action plan to address any issues identified and following through on improvement.
Ban ve Liveshow nguoi ha noi 0949.373.813 - 0949.373.815LIVESHOWHAY.comBan ve Liveshow nguoi ha noi 0949.373.813 - 0949.373.815
Ban ve Liveshow nguoi ha noi, ve liveshow nguoi ha noi, mua ve liveshow nguoi ha noi, ban ve liveshow nguoi ha noi
Tanzania's Southern Circuit Tour ItinerariesMwema HudsonIts all about Travel and Tours to Tanzania majestic Tourism attractions, meet Mwema Hudson at Isana Travel and Tours Services. www.isanatours.com or write to safarimaniac@gmail.com
Call:+255 757 533 186 or +255 719 622 379
GrowCommerce 2016 — Live Case Study Analysis: Getting the Most from Your Mark...Grow.co GrowCommerce 2016
Panel — 11:35am - 12:05pm
Ever wonder if you’re marketing mix is optimal, whether your core metrics are in-line with industry standards or whether your message is attracting the right type of customer? Now is your chance to ask the experts! This panel will analyze audience-submitted marketing challenges and provide immediate and actionable insights that you can put to use. Our marketing experts are going to show you how it’s done -- see what happens live!
Emily Hickey, Co-Founder @ OnTapp Media
Matt Kritzer, Former Vice President of Ecommerce @ Tommy John
Brian Suh, AVP of Analytics & Solution Architecture @ Visual IQ
Moderated by:
Cassie Mecsery, Consultant
Multithreaded programming (as part of the the PTT lecture)Ralf LaemmelThis document discusses multithreading and concurrency in Java. It introduces key concepts like threads, thread pools, runnables, callables, and futures. It discusses how to implement parallelism using these concepts. It also covers concurrency issues like synchronization, deadlocks, and solutions like semaphores. Examples provided include a multithreaded string length summing program, a dining philosophers problem, and synchronized banking transactions.
Filipino hiphop presentationElaine LeeHip-hop music originated in the Philippines in the 1990s and became popular with the help of local and international artists. American colonization from 1898-1946 influenced Philippine culture and introduced hip-hop. Filipino immigrants exposed to hip-hop in the US in the 1960s-70s helped popularize the genre in the Philippines. Notable artists like Francis Magalona and Andrew E. were early pioneers, merging rap with local music and genres. Their songs in the 1990s helped establish hip-hop in the Philippines. Elements like graffiti and turntablism also emerged alongside underground rap battles and groups.
Teaching session in italyCristina DrăniceanuThe document describes how to turn milk into plastic by heating milk to 50 degrees Celsius, adding acetic acid to form a precipitate, molding the precipitate while wet, and allowing it to dry overnight to produce a plastic object. The procedure involves using a beaker, thermometer, measuring glass, acetic acid, milk, heating plate, and glass rod to heat milk to 50C, add acetic acid while stirring, remove the precipitate, shape it, and let it dry.
2v2 defending pressure coverprembicThe 2v2 defensive situation is one of the most important for players to master. For successful defending, the 1st defender must apply pressure to the ball carrier while the 2nd defender covers by maintaining proper distance and communication. The defenders must be prepared to switch roles when the ball is passed. Repeated practice in small sided games allows players to learn the roles of applying pressure as the 1st defender and providing cover as the 2nd defender through first-hand experience.
Acerchem Superfood RangeMiranda CurrieOn your marks, Get set, Go!
Acerchem has launched our all NEW Superfoods Range. So make a dash for the finish line and check out our quality range of premium sourced products now!
We provide the solution whether you’re developing your own superfoods range or want a ready made formulation ready to pack, brand and GO!
Don’t stumble at the first hurdle. Check out Acerchem’s Superfoods Range NOW.
Healthy, Wealthy & Wise: A 7 Step Business HealthcheckSmart FranchiseThis document summarizes a presentation given at a Just Cuts Franchise Conference in August 2014 about doing a health check on your business. It discusses 7 key areas franchisees should evaluate: paying bills by looking ahead financially; managing pride and ego; empowering their team; avoiding risky behaviors as businesses change; establishing business rigor; dealing with difficulties; and adapting to change. For each area, it provides questions for franchisees to consider and actions they can take to improve. The presentation emphasizes creating an action plan to address any issues identified and following through on improvement.
Ban ve Liveshow nguoi ha noi 0949.373.813 - 0949.373.815LIVESHOWHAY.comBan ve Liveshow nguoi ha noi 0949.373.813 - 0949.373.815
Ban ve Liveshow nguoi ha noi, ve liveshow nguoi ha noi, mua ve liveshow nguoi ha noi, ban ve liveshow nguoi ha noi
Tanzania's Southern Circuit Tour ItinerariesMwema HudsonIts all about Travel and Tours to Tanzania majestic Tourism attractions, meet Mwema Hudson at Isana Travel and Tours Services. www.isanatours.com or write to safarimaniac@gmail.com
Call:+255 757 533 186 or +255 719 622 379
GrowCommerce 2016 — Live Case Study Analysis: Getting the Most from Your Mark...Grow.co GrowCommerce 2016
Panel — 11:35am - 12:05pm
Ever wonder if you’re marketing mix is optimal, whether your core metrics are in-line with industry standards or whether your message is attracting the right type of customer? Now is your chance to ask the experts! This panel will analyze audience-submitted marketing challenges and provide immediate and actionable insights that you can put to use. Our marketing experts are going to show you how it’s done -- see what happens live!
Emily Hickey, Co-Founder @ OnTapp Media
Matt Kritzer, Former Vice President of Ecommerce @ Tommy John
Brian Suh, AVP of Analytics & Solution Architecture @ Visual IQ
Moderated by:
Cassie Mecsery, Consultant
Multithreaded programming (as part of the the PTT lecture)Ralf LaemmelThis document discusses multithreading and concurrency in Java. It introduces key concepts like threads, thread pools, runnables, callables, and futures. It discusses how to implement parallelism using these concepts. It also covers concurrency issues like synchronization, deadlocks, and solutions like semaphores. Examples provided include a multithreaded string length summing program, a dining philosophers problem, and synchronized banking transactions.
Filipino hiphop presentationElaine LeeHip-hop music originated in the Philippines in the 1990s and became popular with the help of local and international artists. American colonization from 1898-1946 influenced Philippine culture and introduced hip-hop. Filipino immigrants exposed to hip-hop in the US in the 1960s-70s helped popularize the genre in the Philippines. Notable artists like Francis Magalona and Andrew E. were early pioneers, merging rap with local music and genres. Their songs in the 1990s helped establish hip-hop in the Philippines. Elements like graffiti and turntablism also emerged alongside underground rap battles and groups.
Teaching session in italyCristina DrăniceanuThe document describes how to turn milk into plastic by heating milk to 50 degrees Celsius, adding acetic acid to form a precipitate, molding the precipitate while wet, and allowing it to dry overnight to produce a plastic object. The procedure involves using a beaker, thermometer, measuring glass, acetic acid, milk, heating plate, and glass rod to heat milk to 50C, add acetic acid while stirring, remove the precipitate, shape it, and let it dry.
Hospitality Industry in Tanzania_HAT Presentation to Hon. Minister Prof Rev1SW Associates, LLCThis document summarizes a meeting between the Hotels Association of Tanzania (HAT) and the Ministry of Natural Resources & Tourism. HAT represents 119 member facilities with over 5,000 rooms. Tourism in Tanzania is growing, but high taxes and fees mean much money leaves the country after visitors arrive. HAT requests solutions to make the industry more profitable so it can continue growing jobs and the economy. The government is considering tax reforms to support sustainability and competitiveness. Opportunities exist to develop coastal and southern tourism circuits and expand visits to Wildlife Management Areas.
Portfolio 2017Kevin HustingsKevin Hustings provides a portfolio of experience including developing strategic account and product teams, creating action lists and metrics to track progress, managing inventory and sales reports, building customer scorecards, documenting processes through checklists and manuals, and training others. His contact information and links to further details are included at the beginning.
2. Територија ове области била је насељена
Трачанима још у праисторијско доба.
Природна плодност земљишта привлачила
је праисторијске људе да се на њему настане.
Ппалеолитски налази откривени су на више
Лазаревац лежи у
живописном делу
Шумадијске Колубаре, у
непосредној близини
реке Колубаре, на
надморској висини 157м.
Шумадијска Колубара
нагнута је према реци
Колубари, по којој је и
добила своје име.
Северозападна страна
колубарске равни, на
којој лежи Лазаревац, је
равничарска, а
југоисточна је брдовита и
претежно воћарска.
4. Сунчани брег Збеговац, изнад
Шопића, својим положајем
привлачио је и староседеоце и
досељенике. Ове друге
Шопићани су звали јабанцима,
јабанџијама или јабанлијама.
На њему је 1858. године
саграђена прва кућа па се њен
власник Негован Недељковић из
Шопића може сматрати
утемељивачем будућег града.
Две године касније, кућу подиже
и Раја Рајић, такође из Шопића.
5. Обичаји
Први фолклорни кораци у Лазаревцу
Фестивал хумора Оно је у почетку
имало драмску, фолклорну,
литерарну и хорску секцију. Од 1952.
године друштво мења име и
наставља рад под именом
“Димитрије Туцовић”. „
Циљ фестивала је афирмација
хумора као значајне, а дуго времена
запостављене категорије у
уметничком стваралаштву за децу.
По тематици је Фестивал хумора за
децу јединствена манифестација у
Србији, а њена тематска
опредељеност и особеност разлог су
велике подршке.
6. Волим
Izmeštanje toka reke Kolubare - razlog izmeštanja je
otvaranje novog polja za eksploataciju uglja. Na delu gde
reka Kolubara iz svog sadašnjeg toka prelazi u novi tok,
izgrađen je objekat "Kaskada", koji je denivelisan jedan
metar u odnosu na dno reke sadašnjeg toka. Funkcija
kaskade je da umiri reku u svom novom koritu.
Do sada je u evropi izmešteno samo korito reke u bivšoj
Istočnoj Nemačkoj. Međutim ona je imala čak 10 puta
manje vode u odnosu na Kolubaru.
8. И још...
Izmeštanje toka reke Kolubare - razlog
izmeštanja je otvaranje novog polja za
eksploataciju uglja. Na delu gde reka
Kolubara iz svog sadašnjeg toka prelazi u
novi tok, izgrađen je objekat "Kaskada",
koji je denivelisan jedan metar u odnosu na
dno reke sadašnjeg toka. Funkcija kaskade
je da umiri reku u svom novom koritu.
Do sada je u evropi izmešteno samo korito
reke u bivšoj Istočnoj Nemačkoj. Međutim
ona je imala čak 10 puta manje vode u
odnosu na Kolubaru.