Monica's Narrative 2.8Monica SotoNexus Academy of Indianapolis uses extensive marketing strategies including flyers, emails, mailings, community events, open houses, and social media to promote its blended learning model and provide information to parents and students about the school's practices, expectations, and manuals outlining its operations and code of conduct.
EMAIV_ENDr. Jay Krishna ThakurEMAIV is a webGIS application developed by UIZ for monitoring, analyzing, and visualizing environmental data over the internet. It has three main components: 1) a monitoring system that tracks disaster sites and environmental conditions, 2) a database that stores monitoring data, field data, and user-submitted data, and 3) an analysis and warning system that analyzes monitoring data, identifies trends in potential disasters, and issues warning information.
Network system administrator perfomance appraisal 2tonychoper6604This document contains materials for evaluating the job performance of a network system administrator, including:
1) A multi-page performance evaluation form with sections to assess an administrator's performance in areas like technical skills, communication, decision-making, and more. Ratings include outstanding, exceeds expectations, meets expectations, below expectations, and unsatisfactory.
2) Links to online resources for performance appraisal materials like sample phrases, forms, and tips for writing self-appraisals.
3) Sections within the evaluation form for reviewing job descriptions, noting an administrator's strengths and areas for improvement, and obtaining signatures to finalize the review.
The 35 hour day manifestoYann Ruello“A 35-hour week? No! A 35-hour day is what we need
to fit everything in”
2013: paradoxically, the economic environment for small businesses has never been as dynamic or as complex – from changes to regulations on a virtually daily basis to international competition and demanding customers.
To make ends meet and secure their margins, SME business owners have to adapt to this infernal pace but the working day isn’t long enough to fit everything in. What they need is a 35-hour day.
The time has come to change the rules of the game.
The 35-hour Day Collective
First day at the new jobslothsarecoolOn their first day at a new job at a bar in Tampere, Finland, the author found their new co-workers to be very nice and welcoming. The bar employs 9 people total and there seems to be good chemistry between the owner and employees. It was a busy first night and while the author felt excitement, they also experienced some anxiety about working at a new job.
receptionist optical cover letterRicardo PereiraThe applicant, Ricardo Pereira, is applying for the receptionist position advertised on He has extensive sales experience interacting with clients, upselling products, and assisting customers. His CV demonstrates strong communication skills, an ability to quickly learn product knowledge, and a focus on providing excellent customer service by exceeding customer expectations. He is available for an interview and hopes the employer will see his potential to perform well and contribute to the business based on reviewing his CV.
Frogs Are Green - Frog and Amphibian Education plus Art Frogs Are GreenThis New Jersey nonprofit organization is called FROGS ARE GREEN because we believe that healthy frogs mean a healthy planet. By saving the frogs, we will also save our planet—and ourselves.
In this presentation learn about all the ways we're reaching parents, teachers and students through events, art exhibitions, and environmental science education combined with creating art.
лог.сопровождениеШкола 1770Логопедическое сопровождение обучающихся дошкольного и начального обраазования в условиях реализации ФГОС
Trabajo de informaticaAdsalonFloresEste documento proporciona instrucciones para crear un blog en 7 pasos. Estos incluyen registrarse en un servicio de blogs gratuito como Blogger o WordPress, completar un perfil de usuario, activar el blog, seleccionar una plantilla, escribir entradas, volver a ingresar usando el nombre de usuario y contraseña, y personalizar la configuración. El objetivo es enseñar a las personas a crear fácilmente su propio blog para publicar contenido en línea.
presentation 2Marie ZeleninaThis document discusses using eye tracking data for natural language processing applications. It provides an overview of eye tracking, including what it measures and examples of how it has been used. Specifically, it discusses using gaze features like fixation duration and skipping rate to train models for part-of-speech tagging. It proposes collecting more diverse eye tracking data from multiple languages and readers with varying abilities. This data would be used to extract additional word-level and text-level features to improve models for fine-grained part-of-speech tagging.
Space Apps 2015jacobtomlinsonThis year I ran a local event for the NASA Space Apps Challenge in Exeter at the Met Office. This talk covers the events of the weekend along with some insights into the organisation of the event.
First day at the new jobslothsarecoolOn their first day at a new job at a bar in Tampere, Finland, the author found their new co-workers to be very nice and welcoming. The bar employs 9 people total and there seems to be good chemistry between the owner and employees. It was a busy first night and while the author felt excitement, they also experienced some anxiety about working at a new job.
receptionist optical cover letterRicardo PereiraThe applicant, Ricardo Pereira, is applying for the receptionist position advertised on He has extensive sales experience interacting with clients, upselling products, and assisting customers. His CV demonstrates strong communication skills, an ability to quickly learn product knowledge, and a focus on providing excellent customer service by exceeding customer expectations. He is available for an interview and hopes the employer will see his potential to perform well and contribute to the business based on reviewing his CV.
Frogs Are Green - Frog and Amphibian Education plus Art Frogs Are GreenThis New Jersey nonprofit organization is called FROGS ARE GREEN because we believe that healthy frogs mean a healthy planet. By saving the frogs, we will also save our planet—and ourselves.
In this presentation learn about all the ways we're reaching parents, teachers and students through events, art exhibitions, and environmental science education combined with creating art.
лог.сопровождениеШкола 1770Логопедическое сопровождение обучающихся дошкольного и начального обраазования в условиях реализации ФГОС
Trabajo de informaticaAdsalonFloresEste documento proporciona instrucciones para crear un blog en 7 pasos. Estos incluyen registrarse en un servicio de blogs gratuito como Blogger o WordPress, completar un perfil de usuario, activar el blog, seleccionar una plantilla, escribir entradas, volver a ingresar usando el nombre de usuario y contraseña, y personalizar la configuración. El objetivo es enseñar a las personas a crear fácilmente su propio blog para publicar contenido en línea.
presentation 2Marie ZeleninaThis document discusses using eye tracking data for natural language processing applications. It provides an overview of eye tracking, including what it measures and examples of how it has been used. Specifically, it discusses using gaze features like fixation duration and skipping rate to train models for part-of-speech tagging. It proposes collecting more diverse eye tracking data from multiple languages and readers with varying abilities. This data would be used to extract additional word-level and text-level features to improve models for fine-grained part-of-speech tagging.
Space Apps 2015jacobtomlinsonThis year I ran a local event for the NASA Space Apps Challenge in Exeter at the Met Office. This talk covers the events of the weekend along with some insights into the organisation of the event.
рекомендації батькам по вихованню дитини160289yfnfif
про зміну назви міста
1. Жителі Іллічівська вибрали "некомуністичну" назву для міста
У четвер, 12 листопада, у Іллічівську, що на Одещині, пройшли громадські
слухання щодо зміни назви міста, яка підпадає під "законпро
У фінальному голосуванні місцеві жителі обирали між двоманазвами —
Чорноморськта Іллячівськ (в честь святого Іллі). За Чорноморськ
проголосувало 348 учасників з 385, в тому числі і мер міста.
Серед інших варіантів, які пропонувались, були Пальміра, Порто-Франко,
Приморськ, Святослав, Геліос, Миропіль, Портополій, Саус Парк, Добромир,
Скіфів, Портомаре, Миринськ, Берморія, Ілліс, Сонцеморськ, Бугаз,
Тепер міськрада Іллічівська має звернутися з пропозицієюдо Верховної
Ради, яка і має прийняти рішення про перейменування міста. Перейменувати
Іллічівськ вимагає закон"Про засудження фашистського і комуністичного
тоталітарних режимів".
До слова, Чорноморськ — вигадане місто з повісті Ільфа і Петрова "Золоте
теля", прототипом якого вважають Одесу.