Grant Yackimec is seeking an operations position to further his career goals and gain operating experience. He has worked as an operator and student at a SAGD facility where he operated and maintained steam and utilities units. He also has experience loading air tankers as well as securing loads for a mobile crane truck. Yackimec has obtained his 3rd class power engineering certificate and safety tickets including confined space entry and transportation of dangerous goods. He references his supervisors from his previous operator role who can speak to his skills and work.
The document provides sources for images and a video about environmental pollution. It includes 5 image links from Wikimedia Commons and Pixabay showing garbage, pollution, and the health effects of pollution. It also includes a link to a YouTube video about environmental pollution.
Adriana Jacqueline Alarc¨®n Flores es una estudiante de 22 a?os de la carrera de Psicolog¨ªa Educativa en la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Tiene un hijo de 9 meses llamado Mat¨ªas a quien dedica la mayor parte de su tiempo, y sus padres y hermanas viven en Guaranda. Le gusta pasar tiempo con amigas, leer libros y pel¨ªculas rom¨¢nticas, y su objetivo es culminar sus estudios para convertirse en una excelente profesional.
Este documento contiene preguntas y respuestas sobre los deberes y derechos de los aprendices en el SENA. Se explican aspectos como el derecho a recibir el carn¨¦ de aprendiz, la importancia de que los funcionarios conozcan el reglamento, los canales para hacer peticiones respetuosas, la responsabilidad de mantener actualizados los datos personales, la obligaci¨®n de participar en visitas t¨¦cnicas, las medidas formativas y sanciones por faltas, y los est¨ªmulos e incentivos para los aprendices.
This document analyzes two potential hotel investment opportunities:
1. The Angler's hotel in Miami Beach - A risky investment due to complex valuation and competition from new projects. Further investigation of loan terms and management agreements is needed.
2. Comfort Suites airport hotel in Atlanta - A more favorable opportunity with steady growth in the airport market and acceptable capitalization rate. More information is needed on loan terms and franchise agreement. Overall it seems a good candidate for investment pending further review.
Este documento presenta 10 programas en C desarrollados por un estudiante. Cada programa resuelve un problema matem¨¢tico o l¨®gico diferente, como mostrar n¨²meros ingresados por el usuario, calcular sumas, productos y expresiones matem¨¢ticas. Los programas utilizan funciones como scanf, printf y getch para entrada, salida y pausa de datos.
This document provides examples of using and finding exponential functions. It explains that exponential functions have the form f(x) = ab^x, where a and b are positive numbers and b is not equal to 1. It gives examples of using given function values to find the parameters a and b. It also discusses exponential growth and decay functions that can be written in two forms and explains how to find the interest rate from these functions.
Este documento resume las tendencias de la educaci¨®n superior a nivel mundial y en Am¨¦rica Latina y el Caribe. Tambi¨¦n describe el e-learning, incluyendo sus caracter¨ªsticas, ventajas y desventajas. Finalmente, detalla los componentes y pasos necesarios para desarrollar un curso de e-learning exitoso.
Media Popular Culture, and the American CenturyKate Doronina
Edited by Kingsley Bolton and Jan Olsson,
Sweden, 2010
Introduction: Mediated America: Americana as Hollywoodiana
Part 1: Cinema and Americanization
Part 2: Americans at the Margins
Part 3: American Dreams/American Nightmares
Part 4: America Goes Digital
Grant Yackimec is seeking an operations position to further his career goals and gain operating experience. He has worked as an operator and student at a SAGD facility where he operated and maintained steam and utilities units. He also has experience loading air tankers as well as securing loads for a mobile crane truck. Yackimec has obtained his 3rd class power engineering certificate and safety tickets including confined space entry and transportation of dangerous goods. He references his supervisors from his previous operator role who can speak to his skills and work.
The document provides sources for images and a video about environmental pollution. It includes 5 image links from Wikimedia Commons and Pixabay showing garbage, pollution, and the health effects of pollution. It also includes a link to a YouTube video about environmental pollution.
Adriana Jacqueline Alarc¨®n Flores es una estudiante de 22 a?os de la carrera de Psicolog¨ªa Educativa en la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo. Tiene un hijo de 9 meses llamado Mat¨ªas a quien dedica la mayor parte de su tiempo, y sus padres y hermanas viven en Guaranda. Le gusta pasar tiempo con amigas, leer libros y pel¨ªculas rom¨¢nticas, y su objetivo es culminar sus estudios para convertirse en una excelente profesional.
Este documento contiene preguntas y respuestas sobre los deberes y derechos de los aprendices en el SENA. Se explican aspectos como el derecho a recibir el carn¨¦ de aprendiz, la importancia de que los funcionarios conozcan el reglamento, los canales para hacer peticiones respetuosas, la responsabilidad de mantener actualizados los datos personales, la obligaci¨®n de participar en visitas t¨¦cnicas, las medidas formativas y sanciones por faltas, y los est¨ªmulos e incentivos para los aprendices.
This document analyzes two potential hotel investment opportunities:
1. The Angler's hotel in Miami Beach - A risky investment due to complex valuation and competition from new projects. Further investigation of loan terms and management agreements is needed.
2. Comfort Suites airport hotel in Atlanta - A more favorable opportunity with steady growth in the airport market and acceptable capitalization rate. More information is needed on loan terms and franchise agreement. Overall it seems a good candidate for investment pending further review.
Este documento presenta 10 programas en C desarrollados por un estudiante. Cada programa resuelve un problema matem¨¢tico o l¨®gico diferente, como mostrar n¨²meros ingresados por el usuario, calcular sumas, productos y expresiones matem¨¢ticas. Los programas utilizan funciones como scanf, printf y getch para entrada, salida y pausa de datos.
This document provides examples of using and finding exponential functions. It explains that exponential functions have the form f(x) = ab^x, where a and b are positive numbers and b is not equal to 1. It gives examples of using given function values to find the parameters a and b. It also discusses exponential growth and decay functions that can be written in two forms and explains how to find the interest rate from these functions.
Este documento resume las tendencias de la educaci¨®n superior a nivel mundial y en Am¨¦rica Latina y el Caribe. Tambi¨¦n describe el e-learning, incluyendo sus caracter¨ªsticas, ventajas y desventajas. Finalmente, detalla los componentes y pasos necesarios para desarrollar un curso de e-learning exitoso.
Media Popular Culture, and the American CenturyKate Doronina
Edited by Kingsley Bolton and Jan Olsson,
Sweden, 2010
Introduction: Mediated America: Americana as Hollywoodiana
Part 1: Cinema and Americanization
Part 2: Americans at the Margins
Part 3: American Dreams/American Nightmares
Part 4: America Goes Digital