Power pt on shapes and molecules1Andrew Matovu1) The shapes of molecules are determined by electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR), which predicts molecular geometry based on the number of electron pairs around a central atom.
2) Electron pairs repel one another, seeking positions as far apart as possible to minimize repulsion. The greatest repulsions are between lone pairs, followed by lone pairs and bond pairs, with the weakest being between bond pairs.
3) Common molecular geometries predicted by VSEPR include tetrahedral for 4 electron pairs, trigonal planar for 3 pairs, and linear for 2 pairs. Deviations from the ideal angles can occur due to unequal repulsions between different types of electron pairs.
Ionisationgroups[1]Andrew MatovuThe document discusses how the ionization energies of elements can indicate their position in the periodic table. It notes that potassium, as a group 1 element, has a jump in energy needed to remove its second electron. Similarly, it identifies jumps for elements in groups 2 through 5 that correspond to removing the third, fourth, fifth and sixth electrons respectively, demonstrating how ionization energies reflect the electron configuration of elements.
Ppt ionic formulaeAndrew MatovuWhen metals react with non-metals, electrons are transferred from the metal atoms to the non-metal atoms. This results in the metal atoms becoming positively charged ions with fewer electrons than protons and the non-metal atoms becoming negatively charged ions with more electrons than protons. Examples of common ionic charges are provided for elements in different groups of the periodic table. The document also explains how to write chemical formulas for ionic compounds by writing the symbols for the cation and anion.
Observaciones Ministerio Coordinador Seguridad Reformas COIP Enero 2016mariangel1982El documento presenta información sobre reformas al Código Orgánico Integral Penal relacionadas con delitos como narcotráfico, minería ilegal y grupos armados ilegales. Describe factores de riesgo para el estado como la violencia focalizada y la cadena logística de actividades delictivas. Incluye modus operandi y casos en provincias como Esmeraldas y Sucumbíos. Finalmente, hace recomendaciones sobre reformas al artículo 265 relacionado con tráfico de combustible en zonas fronterizas.
P pt ionic formulaeAndrew MatovuWhen metals react with non-metals, electrons are transferred from the metal atoms to the non-metal atoms. This results in the metal atoms becoming positively charged ions with fewer electrons than protons and the non-metal atoms becoming negatively charged ions with more electrons than protons. Examples of common monatomic ions formed include Na+, Ca2+, Al3+, Cl-, O2-, and N3-. Polyatomic ions such as NO3- and SO42- also exist. Ionic compounds are formed by combining these ions following rules based on their charges.
Electron configurations (1)Andrew MatovuEnergy levels are given the levels 1,2, 3, 4 etc at AS/A2 level. The level 1 is the lowest energy level and closest to the nucleus.The Sub-levels are given the letters s, p, d, f and so on. The different sub-levels contain different numbers of electrons.
AIUkraine 2015: Cut on burning your dinosaurs dude IIIvan Sobolevݺߣs for Vadym Kuzmenko talk for AIUkraine 2015. Where do we get Load Curve Archetypes from and which products are based on that.
HomeworkLuis Andrés Pillajo GuasumbaThe document discusses the origins of Christmas being celebrated on December 25th. It notes that the earliest reference to this date is in a 4th century Roman calendar from 336 AD. The celebration of Christmas then spread from Rome to other areas, being observed in Africa by 360 AD and introduced to Constantinople in 380 AD. The feast of Christmas was first celebrated in Antioch, Syria on December 25th in 386 AD, having been adopted from Roman tradition rather than connected to the Epiphany on January 6th.
Web TalkMardirossian Facial Aesthetics The document discusses several topics related to optimizing websites for changes in digital media consumption and search engine algorithms. It notes that mobile usage now surpasses desktop usage and recommends a mobile-first approach. It emphasizes the importance of responsive design, user experience, and addressing issues found through tools like Google PageSpeed Insights. The document also covers structured data, voice search optimization, and analyzing metrics through Google Analytics.
Letrature jewelry trunkNEW DELHI Shatrughan MahtoThis document describes a jewelry trunk measuring 50x35x100 cms with a volume of 0.30 cubic meters and weight of 75 kilograms. The trunk has a close up material on the outside and multiple inside view functions.
Gloweasy promotions-writing-catalogueGloweasy PromotionsGloweasy Promotions was formed in the year 2000 and won many awards. Gloweasy aim is to offer you the best products and designs whilst maximising and meeting your budget.
Nevera Aeg S93930CMX2Alsako Electrodomésticos1. O documento é um manual de instruções para um frigorífico-congelador combinado da marca AEG. Apresenta informações sobre segurança, funcionamento, manutenção e resolução de problemas.
2. Inclui instruções detalhadas sobre o painel de controle e como regular a temperatura, ativar funções como COOLMATIC e FROSTMATIC, e modo ECO de baixo consumo.
3. Também fornece detalhes sobre limpeza e manutenção, além de alertas sobre segurança e descarte correto do aparelho no
Curs Fotografia IIGerard EncaboCurs teoricopràctic amb sessions de treball de camp amb les càmeres i les òptiques, encàrrecs setmanals, retoc fotogràfic i metodologia a l'aula, història i teoria fotogràfica i projecte final de curs
Letrature mini barNEW DELHI Shatrughan MahtoThis document describes a mini bar with dimensions of 80x50x100 cms and a volume capacity of 120 kgs. Images show the front view and close up of the material and functions both on the outside and inside of the mini bar.
Лужский оборонительный рубежirilesКурсанты ленинградского высшего командного училища имени С.М.Кирова на Лужском оборонительном рубеже. Целью работы является: показать роль курсантов Ленинградского училища имени С. М. Кирова в строительстве и обороне Лужского рубежа в период июль-август 1941 г.
Brand VoiceBrandTuitiveUsing a consistent brand voice enhances brand value by connecting with audiences across touchpoints. A brand voice expresses a brand's personality through its style of writing and speaking. It brings a brand's spirit to life for customers and employees. An authentic brand voice that invites conversation helps cut through noise and rise above competition. Discovery Channel's voice of intrigue, adventure and discovery supported a 20% increase in viewership and ranking as a top global brand valued at $5.8 billion by expressing what's interesting for audiences. Finding an authentic brand voice through worksheets helps animate a brand's personality.
Vender Mais!Helio RosaO documento fornece diretrizes para vendas bem-sucedidas em 7 etapas: 1) planejar as visitas diárias, 2) usar quebra-gelos, 3) se apresentar, 4) demonstrar o produto, 5) destacar benefícios, 6) chamar o cliente pelo nome, 7) falar pouco e ouvir mais. Também aborda como lidar com objeções dos clientes de forma a construir relacionamentos, e estabelecer metas semanais e diárias para alcançar resultados.
HomeworkLuis Andrés Pillajo GuasumbaThe document discusses the origins of Christmas being celebrated on December 25th. It notes that the earliest reference to this date is in a 4th century Roman calendar from 336 AD. The celebration of Christmas then spread from Rome to other areas, being observed in Africa by 360 AD and introduced to Constantinople in 380 AD. The feast of Christmas was first celebrated in Antioch, Syria on December 25th in 386 AD, having been adopted from Roman tradition rather than connected to the Epiphany on January 6th.
Web TalkMardirossian Facial Aesthetics The document discusses several topics related to optimizing websites for changes in digital media consumption and search engine algorithms. It notes that mobile usage now surpasses desktop usage and recommends a mobile-first approach. It emphasizes the importance of responsive design, user experience, and addressing issues found through tools like Google PageSpeed Insights. The document also covers structured data, voice search optimization, and analyzing metrics through Google Analytics.
Letrature jewelry trunkNEW DELHI Shatrughan MahtoThis document describes a jewelry trunk measuring 50x35x100 cms with a volume of 0.30 cubic meters and weight of 75 kilograms. The trunk has a close up material on the outside and multiple inside view functions.
Gloweasy promotions-writing-catalogueGloweasy PromotionsGloweasy Promotions was formed in the year 2000 and won many awards. Gloweasy aim is to offer you the best products and designs whilst maximising and meeting your budget.
Nevera Aeg S93930CMX2Alsako Electrodomésticos1. O documento é um manual de instruções para um frigorífico-congelador combinado da marca AEG. Apresenta informações sobre segurança, funcionamento, manutenção e resolução de problemas.
2. Inclui instruções detalhadas sobre o painel de controle e como regular a temperatura, ativar funções como COOLMATIC e FROSTMATIC, e modo ECO de baixo consumo.
3. Também fornece detalhes sobre limpeza e manutenção, além de alertas sobre segurança e descarte correto do aparelho no
Curs Fotografia IIGerard EncaboCurs teoricopràctic amb sessions de treball de camp amb les càmeres i les òptiques, encàrrecs setmanals, retoc fotogràfic i metodologia a l'aula, història i teoria fotogràfica i projecte final de curs
Letrature mini barNEW DELHI Shatrughan MahtoThis document describes a mini bar with dimensions of 80x50x100 cms and a volume capacity of 120 kgs. Images show the front view and close up of the material and functions both on the outside and inside of the mini bar.
Лужский оборонительный рубежirilesКурсанты ленинградского высшего командного училища имени С.М.Кирова на Лужском оборонительном рубеже. Целью работы является: показать роль курсантов Ленинградского училища имени С. М. Кирова в строительстве и обороне Лужского рубежа в период июль-август 1941 г.
Brand VoiceBrandTuitiveUsing a consistent brand voice enhances brand value by connecting with audiences across touchpoints. A brand voice expresses a brand's personality through its style of writing and speaking. It brings a brand's spirit to life for customers and employees. An authentic brand voice that invites conversation helps cut through noise and rise above competition. Discovery Channel's voice of intrigue, adventure and discovery supported a 20% increase in viewership and ranking as a top global brand valued at $5.8 billion by expressing what's interesting for audiences. Finding an authentic brand voice through worksheets helps animate a brand's personality.
Vender Mais!Helio RosaO documento fornece diretrizes para vendas bem-sucedidas em 7 etapas: 1) planejar as visitas diárias, 2) usar quebra-gelos, 3) se apresentar, 4) demonstrar o produto, 5) destacar benefícios, 6) chamar o cliente pelo nome, 7) falar pouco e ouvir mais. Também aborda como lidar com objeções dos clientes de forma a construir relacionamentos, e estabelecer metas semanais e diárias para alcançar resultados.