Spring boot is a great and relatively a new project from Spring.io. The presentation discusses about basics of spring boot to advance topics. Sample demo apps are available here : https://github.com/bhagwat/spring-boot-samples
1. The document discusses microservices architecture and how Netflix transitioned from a monolithic architecture to microservices. Key aspects discussed include breaking the monolith into many small, independent services that are loosely coupled.
2. Netflix's microservices architecture is composed of hundreds of microservices running on thousands of servers. Each service focuses on doing a small, well-defined piece of work. Services communicate through well-defined APIs and share no code or databases.
3. The document provides examples of how other companies like Samsung and Vingle have also adopted microservices architectures on AWS, breaking monolithic applications into independent, scalable services. This allows for independent deployments, rapid innovation, and improved resilience.
Spring Boot is a framework that makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that can be "just run". It takes an opinionated view of the Spring platform and third-party libraries so that new and existing Spring developers can quickly get started with minimal configuration. Key features include automatic configuration of Spring, embedded HTTP servers, starters for common dependencies, and monitoring endpoints.
Spring Boot is a framework for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that can be "just run". It provides starters for auto-configuration of common Spring and third-party libraries providing features like Thymeleaf, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, and testing. It aims to remove boilerplate configuration and promote "convention over configuration" for quick development. The document then covers how to run a basic Spring Boot application, use Rest Controllers, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, and testing. It also discusses deploying the application on a web server and customizing through properties files.
Jilles van Gurp presents on the ELK stack and how it is used at Linko to analyze logs from applications servers, Nginx, and Collectd. The ELK stack consists of Elasticsearch for storage and search, Logstash for processing and transporting logs, and Kibana for visualization. At Linko, Logstash collects logs and sends them to Elasticsearch for storage and search. Logs are filtered and parsed by Logstash using grok patterns before being sent to Elasticsearch. Kibana dashboards then allow users to explore and analyze logs in real-time from Elasticsearch. While the ELK stack is powerful, there are some operational gotchas to watch out for like node restarts impacting availability and field data caching
Spring Batch is a lightweight, comprehensive framework for batch processing in Java. It provides reusable functions for processing large volumes of records, including reading, processing, and writing data. This document provides an overview of Spring Batch 2.0, including the domain model of jobs, steps, and processing items, and how to configure and run batch jobs using Spring Batch.
Model Your Application Domain, Not Your JSON StructuresMarkus Lanthaler
Presentation of the paper "Model Your Application Domain, Not Your JSON Structures" at the 4th International Workshop on RESTful Design (WS-REST 2013) at the WWW2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1. The document discusses microservices architecture and how Netflix transitioned from a monolithic architecture to microservices. Key aspects discussed include breaking the monolith into many small, independent services that are loosely coupled.
2. Netflix's microservices architecture is composed of hundreds of microservices running on thousands of servers. Each service focuses on doing a small, well-defined piece of work. Services communicate through well-defined APIs and share no code or databases.
3. The document provides examples of how other companies like Samsung and Vingle have also adopted microservices architectures on AWS, breaking monolithic applications into independent, scalable services. This allows for independent deployments, rapid innovation, and improved resilience.
Spring Boot is a framework that makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that can be "just run". It takes an opinionated view of the Spring platform and third-party libraries so that new and existing Spring developers can quickly get started with minimal configuration. Key features include automatic configuration of Spring, embedded HTTP servers, starters for common dependencies, and monitoring endpoints.
Spring Boot is a framework for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that can be "just run". It provides starters for auto-configuration of common Spring and third-party libraries providing features like Thymeleaf, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, and testing. It aims to remove boilerplate configuration and promote "convention over configuration" for quick development. The document then covers how to run a basic Spring Boot application, use Rest Controllers, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, and testing. It also discusses deploying the application on a web server and customizing through properties files.
Jilles van Gurp presents on the ELK stack and how it is used at Linko to analyze logs from applications servers, Nginx, and Collectd. The ELK stack consists of Elasticsearch for storage and search, Logstash for processing and transporting logs, and Kibana for visualization. At Linko, Logstash collects logs and sends them to Elasticsearch for storage and search. Logs are filtered and parsed by Logstash using grok patterns before being sent to Elasticsearch. Kibana dashboards then allow users to explore and analyze logs in real-time from Elasticsearch. While the ELK stack is powerful, there are some operational gotchas to watch out for like node restarts impacting availability and field data caching
Spring Batch is a lightweight, comprehensive framework for batch processing in Java. It provides reusable functions for processing large volumes of records, including reading, processing, and writing data. This document provides an overview of Spring Batch 2.0, including the domain model of jobs, steps, and processing items, and how to configure and run batch jobs using Spring Batch.
Model Your Application Domain, Not Your JSON StructuresMarkus Lanthaler
Presentation of the paper "Model Your Application Domain, Not Your JSON Structures" at the 4th International Workshop on RESTful Design (WS-REST 2013) at the WWW2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
11. ? Tomcat? Serlvet Spec ? Major ???? ???
? Servlet ??? Tomcat ??(Spec)
Servlet Spec
EL Spec WebSocket Spec Tomcat version
Support Java Versions
TBD (1.2?) 9.0.x 9.0.0.M1 (alpha) 8 and later
3.1 2.3 3.0 1.1 8.0.x 8.0.28 7 and later
3.0 2.2 2.2 1.1 7.0.x 7.0.65
6 and later
(WebSocket 1.1 requires 7 or
2.5 2.1 2.1 N/A 6.0.x 6.0.44 5 and later
2.4 2.0 N/A N/A 5.5.x (archived) 5.5.36 (archived) 1.4 and later
2.3 1.2 N/A N/A 4.1.x (archived) 4.1.40 (archived) 1.3 and later
2.2 1.1 N/A N/A 3.3.x (archived) 3.3.2 (archived) 1.1 and later
TBD : To Be Determined
Community support version : Tomcat6, Tomcat7, Tomcat8, Tomcat9
End of life for Apache Tomcat 6.0.x : 31 December 2016.
81. ? ??? ?? ?? (mod_jk Fail-over ????)
? WEB??? sticky? ??? WAS? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? WAS? Round Robin??
?? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??? ??
???? ?? ??? ?? WAS?? Request? ???
???? ??? ??, ??? WAS? Request? Round Robin?? ??
85. ? setenv ???? ??
? Catalina ???? ??? setenv ???? ???
? Tomcat ?? ???? ??
? Catalina ????
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Control Script for the CATALINA Server
# Environment Variable Prerequisites
# Do not set the variables in this script. Instead put them into a script
# setenv.sh in CATALINA_BASE/bin to keep your customizations separate.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if [ -r "$CATALINA_BASE/bin/setenv.sh" ]; then
. "$CATALINA_BASE/bin/setenv.sh"
elif [ -r "$CATALINA_HOME/bin/setenv.sh" ]; then
. "$CATALINA_HOME/bin/setenv.sh"