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FM Communications is the very first and leading event promotion agency in S.Korea. This file is made for sharing '2016 VR content and market trend analysis practices' with anyone who are interested.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you :)
Contact : http://www.facebook.com/fmcommunications
A Closer Look At The Technology and The Devices, Digiday WTF VR, May 11th, 2016Digiday
This document provides an overview of virtual reality technology, including definitions and descriptions of different VR devices. It discusses mobile VR options like Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR and higher-end systems like the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR. Specifications of the head-mounted displays and input devices are compared for each system. Peripherals and pricing are also covered. The document aims to explain how VR works and highlight the current leading VR options.
This document provides quarterly data on registered user accounts for various virtual worlds and online games from Q1 2009 to Q1 2012. It includes charts and graphs showing total user growth over time segmented by age group as well as listings of individual virtual worlds and their launch dates and registered user counts. KZero is described as providing consulting, analytics, and insights for various sectors including virtual worlds, gaming, augmented reality, startups, and brands.
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FM Communications is the very first and leading event promotion agency in S.Korea. This file is made for sharing '2016 VR content and market trend analysis practices' with anyone who are interested.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you :)
Contact : http://www.facebook.com/fmcommunications
A Closer Look At The Technology and The Devices, Digiday WTF VR, May 11th, 2016Digiday
This document provides an overview of virtual reality technology, including definitions and descriptions of different VR devices. It discusses mobile VR options like Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR and higher-end systems like the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR. Specifications of the head-mounted displays and input devices are compared for each system. Peripherals and pricing are also covered. The document aims to explain how VR works and highlight the current leading VR options.
This document provides quarterly data on registered user accounts for various virtual worlds and online games from Q1 2009 to Q1 2012. It includes charts and graphs showing total user growth over time segmented by age group as well as listings of individual virtual worlds and their launch dates and registered user counts. KZero is described as providing consulting, analytics, and insights for various sectors including virtual worlds, gaming, augmented reality, startups, and brands.
This is our Q4 2014 update showing companies developing hardware for the virtual reality market. We include head-mounted displays, hand/body controllers, treadmills and other input devices.