Maitri india domestic violence presentationWinnie SinghDomestic violence takes many forms including physical, sexual, verbal, psychological, and economic abuse. It affects a woman's overall health and can negatively impact children who witness it. Common myths exist that men who abuse are uneducated or that women provoke the violence. Risk factors include isolation, witnessing violence as a child, prior family violence, financial dependency, and alcoholism. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005 provides legal protections and recourse for victims, including counseling, protection and residence orders, monetary relief, and custody arrangements. IPC 498A is also intended to protect women from harassment in their marital homes.
Domestic violence act 2005Winnie SinghThe document discusses various forms of verbal, emotional, and economic violence within domestic relationships such as name calling, accusations, preventing education, not providing money or necessities. It provides information on actions one can take against domestic violence such as contacting local authorities or a non-governmental organization (NGO), filing a police report, and seeking various legal protections and orders under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005. Relief and orders available under this law include protection, residence rights, monetary aid, custody, compensation, and interim court orders.
Domestic violence presentation by maitriWinnie SinghDomestic violence is a widespread problem in India that affects women. The document discusses the various forms of domestic abuse women commonly experience, such as physical, sexual, verbal, economic and psychological abuse. It provides statistics from the National Crime Records Bureau showing high rates of crimes against women in India, including a rape every 29 minutes. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005 was implemented to provide women protection, residence, monetary relief and custody through the legal system. Prevention requires raising awareness about domestic violence and empowering women to speak up and seek help through trusted networks.
Life of a Widow Mother in VrindavanWinnie Singh
India’s elderly population has grown vastly over the last 40 years. Among India’s current population of 90 million elderly persons, 54% of people aged 60 or older are widows. An estimated 5,000 abandoned and destitute widows live in Vrindavan (Mathura, India). Maitri provides daily mid day meals, nutritional supplements, clothing and facilitates health care, which includes cataract surgeries, breast cancer screening, treatment of major diseases, to 500 elderly, abandoned widows. Maitri also ensures their respect and dignity in death by performing funeral services as per their religious needs.
With your support, we look to scale the programme to reach 1,000 elderly and abandoned women by 2013.
For more information visit:
Commission to prevent violence against women 2009 annual report Winnie SinghThe document is the 2009 annual report of the Commission to Prevent Violence Against Women. It provides a history and introduction of the Commission, outlines their priorities for 2009-2010, and summarizes activities in Arizona related to addressing those priorities. The priorities are focused on increasing offender accountability, enhancing victim services through collaboration with other providers, providing parent education in multiple languages, and establishing youth programs around healthy relationships and violence prevention. Statewide and local activities that align with each priority are described.
Domestic Violence - Cycle of LifeWinnie SinghMaitri is a non-profit organization based in New Delhi, India committed to restoring respect and dignity to vulnerable and marginalized women. The document outlines the life cycle of violence against women from pre-birth through elderly stages, including sex-selective abortion, female infanticide, child abuse, forced marriage, domestic violence, and elder abuse. Maitri provides support services and operates a 24-hour helpline to help break the silence around domestic violence and say no to abuse.
Domestic violence - A Military ProfileWinnie SinghThis document discusses profiles of domestic violence perpetrators and strategies for prevention and overcoming violence. It describes three common profiles: those with explosive temper and split personalities, who isolate and control their partners, and who are jealous of their partners. It also outlines the cycle of violence and need for the victim to feel empowered with self-esteem, dignity, and strength. Prevention strategies include education, safety planning, building self-esteem, teaching healthy relationship skills, and forming a support system. Contact information is provided for support services.
Domestic violence brochureWinnie Singh1. Domestic violence is a widespread problem in India, with a crime against women occurring every 3 minutes and other alarming statistics.
2. If experiencing domestic violence, one should contact the police immediately to file a report and seek medical attention to preserve evidence.
3. Support services are available, including NGOs that provide counseling, legal assistance, and temporary shelter. Obtaining a protection order from a magistrate can help limit the abuser's behavior.
Life cycle of violenceWinnie SinghMaitri is a non-profit organization based in New Delhi, India committed to restoring respect and dignity to vulnerable and marginalized women. The document outlines the life cycle of violence against women from pre-birth through elderly stages, including sex-selective abortion, female infanticide, child abuse, forced marriage, domestic violence, dowry killings, sexual abuse, trafficking and elder abuse. Maitri provides support services for domestic violence and violence against women and can be contacted at their address in New Delhi or through their website or 24-hour helpline.
Protection of women from domestic violence act 2005Winnie SinghMAITRI is a humanitarian and developmental NGO established in 2005. Its mission is to
establish basic health, promote education and restore human rights to empower India’s
vulnerable populations. Maitri defends human rights and strengthens communities through
individual and community empowerment with advocacy, education, community-based program
development, and networking. Maitri is committed to improving the quality of life and dignity
of the vulnerable populations it works with, which include:
Domestic violence presentation by maitri indiaWinnie SinghThis document discusses domestic violence against women in India. It defines domestic violence as any form of abuse that harms a woman physically or mentally. The main forms of domestic violence are physical, sexual, verbal, psychological, and economic abuse. Common myths about domestic violence are debunked, such as the myths that only uneducated men are abusive or that women provoke violence. Risk factors for domestic violence are outlined, and India's Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005 is summarized, which provides legal protections and orders like protection orders, residence orders, and monetary relief for victims.
Maitri india domestic violence presentationWinnie SinghDomestic violence is a significant problem in India that disproportionately impacts women. Some key points:
- 1 in 3 women in India will experience domestic violence during their lifetime. Crimes against women are reported every 3 minutes in India.
- Domestic violence includes physical, sexual, psychological, emotional and economic abuse within intimate relationships, usually involving male perpetrators and female victims.
- Exposure to domestic violence increases women's risk of depression, sexual/reproductive health issues, injury, death and contracting HIV/AIDS.
- The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005 provides legal protections and relief for affected women, including protection orders, residence orders, and compensation.
- My
Commission to prevent violence against women 2009 annual report Winnie SinghThe document is the 2009 annual report of the Commission to Prevent Violence Against Women. It provides a history and introduction of the Commission, outlines their priorities for 2009-2010, and summarizes activities in Arizona related to addressing those priorities. The priorities are focused on increasing offender accountability, enhancing victim services through collaboration with other providers, providing parent education in multiple languages, and establishing youth programs around healthy relationships and violence prevention. Statewide and local activities that align with each priority are described.
Domestic Violence - Cycle of LifeWinnie SinghMaitri is a non-profit organization based in New Delhi, India committed to restoring respect and dignity to vulnerable and marginalized women. The document outlines the life cycle of violence against women from pre-birth through elderly stages, including sex-selective abortion, female infanticide, child abuse, forced marriage, domestic violence, and elder abuse. Maitri provides support services and operates a 24-hour helpline to help break the silence around domestic violence and say no to abuse.
Domestic violence - A Military ProfileWinnie SinghThis document discusses profiles of domestic violence perpetrators and strategies for prevention and overcoming violence. It describes three common profiles: those with explosive temper and split personalities, who isolate and control their partners, and who are jealous of their partners. It also outlines the cycle of violence and need for the victim to feel empowered with self-esteem, dignity, and strength. Prevention strategies include education, safety planning, building self-esteem, teaching healthy relationship skills, and forming a support system. Contact information is provided for support services.
Domestic violence brochureWinnie Singh1. Domestic violence is a widespread problem in India, with a crime against women occurring every 3 minutes and other alarming statistics.
2. If experiencing domestic violence, one should contact the police immediately to file a report and seek medical attention to preserve evidence.
3. Support services are available, including NGOs that provide counseling, legal assistance, and temporary shelter. Obtaining a protection order from a magistrate can help limit the abuser's behavior.
Life cycle of violenceWinnie SinghMaitri is a non-profit organization based in New Delhi, India committed to restoring respect and dignity to vulnerable and marginalized women. The document outlines the life cycle of violence against women from pre-birth through elderly stages, including sex-selective abortion, female infanticide, child abuse, forced marriage, domestic violence, dowry killings, sexual abuse, trafficking and elder abuse. Maitri provides support services for domestic violence and violence against women and can be contacted at their address in New Delhi or through their website or 24-hour helpline.
Protection of women from domestic violence act 2005Winnie SinghMAITRI is a humanitarian and developmental NGO established in 2005. Its mission is to
establish basic health, promote education and restore human rights to empower India’s
vulnerable populations. Maitri defends human rights and strengthens communities through
individual and community empowerment with advocacy, education, community-based program
development, and networking. Maitri is committed to improving the quality of life and dignity
of the vulnerable populations it works with, which include:
Domestic violence presentation by maitri indiaWinnie SinghThis document discusses domestic violence against women in India. It defines domestic violence as any form of abuse that harms a woman physically or mentally. The main forms of domestic violence are physical, sexual, verbal, psychological, and economic abuse. Common myths about domestic violence are debunked, such as the myths that only uneducated men are abusive or that women provoke violence. Risk factors for domestic violence are outlined, and India's Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005 is summarized, which provides legal protections and orders like protection orders, residence orders, and monetary relief for victims.
Maitri india domestic violence presentationWinnie SinghDomestic violence is a significant problem in India that disproportionately impacts women. Some key points:
- 1 in 3 women in India will experience domestic violence during their lifetime. Crimes against women are reported every 3 minutes in India.
- Domestic violence includes physical, sexual, psychological, emotional and economic abuse within intimate relationships, usually involving male perpetrators and female victims.
- Exposure to domestic violence increases women's risk of depression, sexual/reproductive health issues, injury, death and contracting HIV/AIDS.
- The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005 provides legal protections and relief for affected women, including protection orders, residence orders, and compensation.
- My
2. '연필로 명상하기'는 해외 애니메이션을 비
롯해 수많은 프로젝트에 참여한 중견 애니
메이터인 안재훈감독과 한혜진감독이 만
나 탄생한 독립 애니메이션 스튜디오다. 수
많은 업무가 겹친 와중에서도 짬을 내 만든
1998년 <히치콕의 어떤 하루>로 한국 애니
메이션계에 혜성처럼 등장한 이들은 <리플
레이-1999년>와 <순수한 기쁨>으로 춘천
국제만화페스티벌 등 여러 애니메이션 시
상식에서 수상하면서 가능성을 점쳤다.
3. 감독 : 한혜진 , 안재훈
출연 : 박신혜 , 송창의 , 오연서 등
70년대를 살아가는 평범한 여고생의 일
상을 담은 작품. 졸업을 앞둔 소심한
주인공이 우연히 독특한 성격의 친구를
만나고 동네에 공룡발자국이 발견되는
등 크고 작은 사건을 겪으면서 자아를
찾아가는 과정을 표현함.
4. 네티즌 사이에선 2004년 SICAF
에서 공개된 단 한장의 '포스터'만
으로 유명세를 타기 시작했다.
단편 애니메이션 <관운>등 여러
작품을 통해 한국의 '지브리스튜
디오'라는 명칭까지 얻은 이들
은 이 한장의 포스터로 대변되
는 <소중한 날의 꿈>이라는 극작
용 애니메이션 제작에 여념이없었
다. 안재훈 감독과 그의 부인 한혜
진 감독을 포함해 불과 10명 남짓
한 인원으로 감당하기엔 벅찬 작
업들 이였다고 한다.
5. 감독: 한혜진 , 안재훈
원작: KBS
겨울연가는 대한민국을 대표하는 아울
러 아시아권의 이웃나라들 까지 좋
아하는 드라마 장르로 유명하다.
하지만 2009년 연필로 명상하기 제작
사를 통해 애니메이션으로 거듭난 이
작품 또한 원작 못지 않는 사랑을 받으
며 일본에서는 TV시리즈로 상영되었
다.하지만 저작권이 일본에게 있어
연필로 명상하기 제작사가 작품을 만
든것을 대부분의 사람들은 잘 모른다.
6. 세계에서 가장 유명한 애니메이션 제작사로는 픽사와 드림웍스가 있다. 이번
과제는 이 두 대표회사들의 사례도 좋고 관심이 가는 애니메이션 제작사를 주
제로 하여도 좋다고 들어 우리나라 애니메이션에는 어떤 것들이 있나 한번 쯤
생각해보고 싶어 연필로 명상하기란 한국 애니메이션 제작사를 조사해보았다.
조사하는 과정 중 계속드는 느낌이 무엇이었냐면 정말 열악하다 , 하찮아 보이
기까지 했다. 애니메이션계의 거장 미국이나 일본에 의해 크지 못한 것인가,아
니면 그만큼의 기술 능력이 부족해서 인가, 생각해보니 제일 큰 문제는 애니메
이션에 관한 한국의 국민들의 관심이 최대로 부족하고 그에 따른 지원산업도
전혀 이루어 지지 않고 있다. 연필로 명상하기의 대표적인 작품 “소중한 날의
꿈”은 물론 지금은 붶산국젵Ә화제에도 출품이 되었고 개봉 당시 평점도 엄청
높았고 한국 애니메이션에 대한 기대치도 증가한 작품으로 많이 알려져있다.
하지만 이 작품은 원래 스튜디오에서 제작을 기획하기로 하고 또 제작을 하는
기간이 꽤 오래 걸린 작품이다. 2004년을 처음으로 예고 영상이 나온 뒤 지원
7. 해 주는 배급사를 정하지 못한 까닭인지 개봉일을 2006년 , 2007년으로, 다시
2008년으로 미루다 끝내 2010 10.11 붶산국젵Ә화제에서 첫 상영을 하게된다.
왜 그렇게 개봉이 미뤄졌을까? 사실 우리나라는 애니메이션 사업이 사실상 격
이다른 미국이나 일본의 애니메이션에 의해 초토화 됐다 시피 했기에 현 시장
에서 애니메이션을 제작하고 그걸로 수입을 벌어들인다는 것 자체가 쉬운일이
아니다. 이런 상황에 기꺼이 자금을 투자해 줄 배급사를 찾기도 어려운 실정이
다. 우리나라는 만화를 단순히 어린이의 전유물로 여기는 시각이 아직도 팽배
한데 기껏 제작되는 것도 거의 어린이용 이니 너무 힘든 실정이다. 하지만 연필
로 명상하기란 제작사가 겨울연가 애니메이션을 통해 애니메이션 계에 파격적
인 효과를 보이며 사람들의 머리에 인식이 되기 시작하며 동시에 소중한 날의
꿈이란 작품으로 한국의 스크린가를 인기 있는 영화들과 함께 어깨를 나란히
할 수 있는 가능성을 보여준다. 소수의 규모로 이루어져 있는 , 회사이름 자체
가 우리는 펜만 있으면 뭐든 다 한다는 굳은의지가 보여 이런 불황한 실정에서
고집세고 끈질긴 진정한 한국인의 모습으로 그들의 꿈을 묵묵히 그린다는 점에
감동했고 한국 애니메이션계의 작은 빛이 보이기 시작했다.