Health Insurance Brochure-The Universal Insurance Company Ltd.Muhammad SameerThis document provides information about a group medical insurance program offered by Universal Insurance House to organizations. It covers three types of health plans - Basic, Standard, and Premier - that provide varying levels of coverage for hospitalization costs, outpatient care, maternity care, specialized investigations, and treatment for dread diseases. It also outlines who is eligible for coverage, what medical costs are covered, and the claims process for using the insurance at panel hospitals.
User-Centered Research on the Paying for College Website and Tools - EDUI 2014Jennifer Romano BergstromThe Paying for College website is designed to help consumers make informed decisions about college finance. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) began development with a user-centered design process for this tool-set, which is now in its 4th iteration. The college cost and financial aid comparison tool, a central feature of these resources, supports efforts by the Department of Education to standardize financial aid disclosures.
During this session, we’ll cover the most recent rounds of usability testing conducted with multiple groups across the U.S. We’ll highlight difficulties when designing and testing for multiple audiences with different needs as well as testing and iterating with live and prototype versions of the site. Data will also be emphasized as we share collection methodologies (click paths, eye tracking, questionnaires, etc.) and the importance of each. We’ll also provide insights into planning, execution, and reporting and how these findings informed major changes on the website.
Online marketing and data analyticsMHouriganThe document discusses various online marketing strategies and data analytics techniques. It covers common marketing strategies like SEO, SMO, paid advertising (PPC, CPM), email marketing, article marketing/PR, and video. It then provides more details on SEO, SMO, paid advertising, and CPA marketing. The document concludes by discussing different analytics tools and techniques like web analytics, brand monitoring, eye tracking, click tracking, and the future of digital marketing focusing on search, blogs, mobile, and replacing email marketing.
MUSIC-RESUME-TAMARI-WITKIN.PDFTamari WitkinTamara Witkin is a musician and educator with experience conducting choirs, playing organ and piano, teaching music, and performing. She holds Masters degrees in piano performance and music composition, and was trained in music education methods. Witkin has taught both privately and in public schools, and currently offers private music instruction, choir directing, and organ playing services.
Bibliometrics presentation, Window on Research June 2010Jenny DelasalleThe document discusses bibliometrics and how they are used to measure research impact and performance. It describes journal impact factors, the H-index, and citation metrics. Bibliometrics are used by universities and funding bodies like HEFCE to evaluate staff performance and target support. The document provides tips for authors to increase their citation counts and research profiles, such as publishing in open access journals and high impact journals, and using their university's research repository to boost visibility.
Grafico diario del dax perfomance index para el 12 06-2013Experiencia TradingEste documento presenta un gráfico diario del índice Dax Performance que muestra las medias simples de 1, 2, 5, 13, 34, 89, 233 y 610 períodos. Explica que las tendencias se definen por las medias y son niveles de soporte y resistencia, y que las líneas de error típico representan canales de tendencia. El objetivo del gráfico es observar cómo las medias simples pueden orientar sobre el comportamiento del mercado basado en el análisis técnico del pasado para predecir el futuro.
Scrum in Practice: A Developer’s viewBosnia AgileCompanies face challenges in usage of Scrum such as geographically distributed teams, different time zones, getting clients on board and we will take a look at some of them in this session.
The £100 million gamble that paid offNewsworksThe case study described BT Sport's launch campaign and the role that newsbrands played in amplifying the message, allowing the brand to deliver a “highly targeted, highly tailored message to an highly engaged audience”.
Graduates: How to build your personal brand (and score a job!) on LinkedInLauren GilbertWhat makes a great LinkedIn Profile for a recent graduate starting out in their career? And how can they use LinkedIn 1. become more searchable to employers looking for candidates, and 2. be "in the know" with the latest job opportunities most relevant to them?
Enterprise search in 2013 (update)Alex ManchesterA general overview of enterprise search in 2013, which has been dubbed 'the year of enterprise search' due to the nature of technology changing, SharePoint 2013's powerful search and mobile also taking off (among other things!). This was a presentation I gave at the Intranet Leadership Forum in Melbourne, April 2013.
Internet y las Tecnlogías de la InformaciónWANDIANN CONSULTORES SACLas tecnologías de la información tienen un gran impacto en ámbitos como la comunicación, la política, el comercio y las finanzas a nivel global. Permiten acelerar procesos de comunicación y oportunidades económicas, pero también plantean desafíos como la necesidad de transformación de instituciones educativas. Avances futuros incluyen vehículos inteligentes, redes de sensores inalámbricos y tecnologías para mapeos genéticos personalizados.
Использование Google Analytics в интернет магазинRezonansЧто такое веб-аналитика? Что мы знаем о посетителях сайта? Какие показатели можем узнать используя Google Analytics? Интересные факты, примеры использования инструмента веб-аналитики для правильной оценки эффективности вашего веб-сайта.
Homeless Shelter Webinar 2010Sonja Plummer MorganThis document discusses how libraries can better serve homeless patrons in rural communities. It explores perceptions of homelessness and provides solutions libraries have implemented, such as installing a public phone, collaborating with social services, and creating online resources. The document advocates keeping an open mind, applying policies fairly, and seeing homeless patrons as people rather than circumstances. It also encourages librarians to work with community partners and be leaders in addressing the issue.
Why culture is the life force of a great (international) businessMark RalphsA talk to students at University of Sussex's business school on the recent merger between UK company Good Rebels and Spanish digital group Territorio Creativo. Exploring the importance of cultural rituals in unifying a business across 4 timezones, 5 countries and 6 offices.
What Teachers Hate in MoodleRafael Scapin, Ph.D.Teachers at Dawson College find Moodle limiting in several areas: they cannot change default themes or install plugins; page customization and the gradebook interface are not user-friendly; quizzes are time-consuming; and there is no tool for synchronous collaboration or automatic social media integration. The presentation identified these pain points and provided examples of better tools like Google Classroom and Wikispaces. It concluded by inviting questions from the audience.
Business model innovationLeonardo ZangrandoLeonardo Zangrando provides training and consulting services related to business innovation and entrepreneurship. He has experience in business strategy, sales and marketing strategy, and people development. His focus areas include shaping organizations for innovation, providing tools for innovation, and bridging innovation strategy and implementation. He offers workshops on topics like business model innovation, market validation of ideas, and digital disruption. Zangrando developed his expertise since 1999 as a consultant and through managerial projects in business innovation. He helps companies restructure their innovation activities using an entrepreneurial model.
Pretotyping primer #1Leonardo ZangrandoThis slideshare is the first of a series explaining what is Pretotyping, and how to use it for early market validation.
Pretotyping helps companies with Innovation Concept Testing.
a.k.a. Make sure you are building THE RIGHT it, before you build IT right!
Pretotyping was dubbed as "the future of concept testing" by Brand Genetics, London's independent insight and innovation consultancy for consumer brands.
Pretotyping is about validating the market appeal and actual usage of a potential new product objectively and with the smallest possible investment of time and money.
Pretotyping was born in 2009 in Google by the hands of Alberto Savoia, at that time Technical Director and Innovation Agitator. The objective of Pretotyping has always been to provide large corporations with the tools to "Invent like startups, go to market like grownups".
Pretotyping is widely used as a key tool for early validation of Innovation at leading US corporations, and is now taking the leap across the pond to the UK and Europe.
Graduates: How to build your personal brand (and score a job!) on LinkedInLauren GilbertWhat makes a great LinkedIn Profile for a recent graduate starting out in their career? And how can they use LinkedIn 1. become more searchable to employers looking for candidates, and 2. be "in the know" with the latest job opportunities most relevant to them?
Enterprise search in 2013 (update)Alex ManchesterA general overview of enterprise search in 2013, which has been dubbed 'the year of enterprise search' due to the nature of technology changing, SharePoint 2013's powerful search and mobile also taking off (among other things!). This was a presentation I gave at the Intranet Leadership Forum in Melbourne, April 2013.
Internet y las Tecnlogías de la InformaciónWANDIANN CONSULTORES SACLas tecnologías de la información tienen un gran impacto en ámbitos como la comunicación, la política, el comercio y las finanzas a nivel global. Permiten acelerar procesos de comunicación y oportunidades económicas, pero también plantean desafíos como la necesidad de transformación de instituciones educativas. Avances futuros incluyen vehículos inteligentes, redes de sensores inalámbricos y tecnologías para mapeos genéticos personalizados.
Использование Google Analytics в интернет магазинRezonansЧто такое веб-аналитика? Что мы знаем о посетителях сайта? Какие показатели можем узнать используя Google Analytics? Интересные факты, примеры использования инструмента веб-аналитики для правильной оценки эффективности вашего веб-сайта.
Homeless Shelter Webinar 2010Sonja Plummer MorganThis document discusses how libraries can better serve homeless patrons in rural communities. It explores perceptions of homelessness and provides solutions libraries have implemented, such as installing a public phone, collaborating with social services, and creating online resources. The document advocates keeping an open mind, applying policies fairly, and seeing homeless patrons as people rather than circumstances. It also encourages librarians to work with community partners and be leaders in addressing the issue.
Why culture is the life force of a great (international) businessMark RalphsA talk to students at University of Sussex's business school on the recent merger between UK company Good Rebels and Spanish digital group Territorio Creativo. Exploring the importance of cultural rituals in unifying a business across 4 timezones, 5 countries and 6 offices.
What Teachers Hate in MoodleRafael Scapin, Ph.D.Teachers at Dawson College find Moodle limiting in several areas: they cannot change default themes or install plugins; page customization and the gradebook interface are not user-friendly; quizzes are time-consuming; and there is no tool for synchronous collaboration or automatic social media integration. The presentation identified these pain points and provided examples of better tools like Google Classroom and Wikispaces. It concluded by inviting questions from the audience.
Business model innovationLeonardo ZangrandoLeonardo Zangrando provides training and consulting services related to business innovation and entrepreneurship. He has experience in business strategy, sales and marketing strategy, and people development. His focus areas include shaping organizations for innovation, providing tools for innovation, and bridging innovation strategy and implementation. He offers workshops on topics like business model innovation, market validation of ideas, and digital disruption. Zangrando developed his expertise since 1999 as a consultant and through managerial projects in business innovation. He helps companies restructure their innovation activities using an entrepreneurial model.
Pretotyping primer #1Leonardo ZangrandoThis slideshare is the first of a series explaining what is Pretotyping, and how to use it for early market validation.
Pretotyping helps companies with Innovation Concept Testing.
a.k.a. Make sure you are building THE RIGHT it, before you build IT right!
Pretotyping was dubbed as "the future of concept testing" by Brand Genetics, London's independent insight and innovation consultancy for consumer brands.
Pretotyping is about validating the market appeal and actual usage of a potential new product objectively and with the smallest possible investment of time and money.
Pretotyping was born in 2009 in Google by the hands of Alberto Savoia, at that time Technical Director and Innovation Agitator. The objective of Pretotyping has always been to provide large corporations with the tools to "Invent like startups, go to market like grownups".
Pretotyping is widely used as a key tool for early validation of Innovation at leading US corporations, and is now taking the leap across the pond to the UK and Europe.
Розвиток українських земель в ХIX ст. IrinaKuschРозвиток українських земель в ХIX ст. Повсякденне життя людей в хіх ст. Сільське господарство. Торгівля. Промисловість. Родини українських підприємців. Меценатство.
«ЧАРІВНА СКРИНЬКА КАЗОК МИКОЛИ ЗІНЧУКА»: віртуальна книжкова виставка до 100-...Чернівецька обласна бібліотека для дітейВидатний історик, етнограф, фольклорист, "чорнороб культури", правдивий подвижник - це все без перебільшення сказано про Миколу Антоновича Зінчука.
У 2025 році виповнюється 100 років з дня народження видатного фольклориста, який за 87 років свого життя пішки обійшов сотні гірських сіл, побував у кожному регіоні України, зустрічався з тисячами людей, які розповідали йому казки. Ця титанічна праця вилилась у сорокотомне видання "Українських народних казок".
Зінчук Микола Антонович народився 7 березня
1925 році в селі Кошелівка Червоноармійського
району Житомирської області.
Третя річниця національного спротиву російській збройній агресіїostrovskogo1898Наголошуючи на важливій ролі бібліотек у процесі популяризації історичних знань, пам’яті та історичної правди, Сергій Бутко надав авторську презентацію «Третя річниця національного спротиву російській збройній агресії» для широкого використання. Радимо переглянути матеріали, а також запрошуємо до бібліотеки, де ви зможете знайти цікаві книги, відвідати різноманітні заходи, зустрічі та дізнатися про важливі для нашої країни теми та події.
10. Засухи і неродючі
почви не дозволяли
вирощувати злаки.
Основною культурою
в Афінах стали
оливки-їх їли, з
них робили масло,
маслом освітлювали
будинки .
11. Другий за значимістю
культурою був
З нього сушили ізюм,
тиснули сік,
виготовляли вино.
Вино пили разбав-
леним.В деяких
домівках був
Виноградный прес
12. Більшість жителівБільшість жителів
Афін булиАфін були
Афінські амфоріАфінські амфорі
славилися на всюславилися на всю
14. Перикл давав
державним справам
давати себе.
Його друзями були
драматург Софокл,іс-
торик Геродот, скуль-
птор Фідій.
Але Перикла окружали
та враги намагалися
зганьбити стратега та
його друзів.
29. Перші Олімпійські ігри
Перші Олімпійські ігри
Обрання Перикла стратегом
Обрання Перикла стратегом
Похід О.Македонского
На схід
Похід О.Македонского
На схід
Обрання Солона архонтом
Обрання Солона архонтом
Троянска війна
Троянска війна 1200
До н.е.
До н.е.
До н.е.
До н.е.
До н.е.
До н.е.
До н.е.
До н.е.
До н.е.
До н.е.
Битва при Херонеі
Битва при Херонеі 338
До н.е.
До н.е.