페이스북 이벤트 운영성혁 장페이스북에서 이벤트 개설하기
출처 : 꿈을파는가게 장성혁
메일 : jangsh48@gmail.com
페이스북 : http://fb.com/bbamajang
블로그 : blog.dreamntr.kr
Recetario de hambrebeatojuanxxiiiEste documento resume un libro publicado en 1941 titulado "Cocina de recursos" que contiene recetas económicas ideadas durante la Guerra Civil Española para tiempos de escasez. Incluye una receta para hacer una tortilla sin huevos usando harina y otros ingredientes, así como sugerencias para usar alternativas a combustibles como carbón. El autor recorrió establecimientos para ver cómo se las arreglaban durante la escasez y encontró platos hechos con flores y plantas que podrían servirse hoy en día.
HotelCo. Market Segmentation - Undergraduate Consulting Club Case CompetitionKishan SoniThis case competition was hosted by the Wharton Undergraduate Consulting Club. The case involved finding the best market segment to target to help the hotel reach maximum profitability and efficiency.
Wonder youth wonder bagsWonderyouthThere're 1 main big compartments for more things. Also, 2 extra interior zipper pouch, where you can put your wallet or others and 2 pocket-style organizers for keys (won't scratch other things in bag), card, etc.
Locamundo the ultimate location toolRickard MolinThis document discusses the evolution of location scouting over the past 30 years from using film cameras to digital cameras and networking. It notes that while early location scouting websites were not very advanced, networking is now essential for location scouts. The document encourages location scouts to use Locamundo's website to showcase their best locations, collaborate with other scouts, and make themselves more visible to the 20,000 visitors interested in locations.
DISFRUTAMOS COMO LEONESnurianajuanpeNuestro proyecto “Disfrutamos como leones”. La temática que se trabaja son los leones, de ahí el título que hemos puesto, mediante actividades que potencian el control corporal, como los desplazamientos, el equilibrio y la respiración.
The simply pure® diffuserFloraVidaDiffusers are guaranteed to perform beyond your expectations. We don't just make products, but we obsess over the quality and design of everything we touch.
The SimplyPure® diffuser is the perfect addition for small to medium sized rooms.
Our goal is to create a spa-like atmosphere in your personal living space. Why? Because you are worth it!
You can select your SimplyPure® diffuser light to be your favorite color or allow it to rotate and transform your room through hundreds of colors.
Process IntensificationRohit ShindeThe document discusses process intensification, including its history, components, methods, and case studies. Process intensification aims to shrink the size of chemical plants while increasing efficiency. It can reduce environmental impact and costs. Case studies on producing olefins from natural gas, water treatment, and power generation from waste were presented. Simulation of the waste to power process was described along with the thermodynamic packages used.
KCCHamsananda CTCrop Loans, also called short term loans for seasonal agricultural operations, are intended to cover the costs of raising crops until harvest. The Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme provides farmers crop loans through commercial banks, cooperative banks, and regional rural banks. All farmers, including small/marginal farmers and tenant farmers, are eligible for a KCC. KCC holders are also covered by a personal accident insurance scheme. Banks assess eligibility based on land available and credit history, and the scope of KCC has been expanded to include term credit and consumption needs.
IM finalJerry LEEHaigh's Chocolates is an Australian chocolate manufacturer that is planning to expand into the Chinese market. A situational analysis finds that China has strong economic growth, a huge population including a growing middle class, and cultural preferences that favor foreign brands over local ones. A SWOT analysis identifies Haigh's strengths in reputation and experience but also weaknesses in unfamiliarity with China. The recommendation is for Haigh's to directly export chocolates to China's major cities, target the middle class with a luxury positioning, and undertake an intensive initial advertising campaign along with promotions to quickly gain market share.
클라우드를 이용한 이미지 활용성혁 장구글포토, 구글프리젠테이션, 페이스북 공유사진첩, 구글 그림 등 클라우드와 SNS를 활용한 이미지 활용법입니다.
출처 : 꿈을파는가게 장성혁
메일 : jangsh48@gmail.com
페이스북 : http://fb.com/bbamajang
블로그 : blog.dreamntr.kr
Herida contusaCentro de Diagnostico Tratamiento y Curación Avanzada de Heridas en la PielSe trata de paciente femenino de 70 años de edad quien sufre caída accidental cuando estaba en el baño, con el lavabo se golpea la región frontal sufriendo una contusión traumática que le produce una herida de unos 5.5 centímetros de largo por un centímetro de profundidad, al incorporarse resbala y se golpea contra la pared produciéndose otra contusión traumática en la parte media de la cabeza de aproximadamente las mismas dimensiones.
Realizamos asepsia y antisepsia con yodopovidona de la región frontal y parte media de la cabeza limpiamos las áreas con agua superoxidada, secamos muy bien con una compresa estéril, colocamos campo hendido sobre la herida de la frente y aplicamos lidocaína al 2% con epinefrina, utilizando una sutura de Nylon 3 (0) se cierra la herida en síes puntos separados.
El procedimiento antes descrito fue llevado a cabo en la parte media de la cabeza.
A los 7 días de haber ocurrido el accidente se retiran los primeros 3 puntos en forma alterna, el día 12 se retiran los otros 3.
A continuación se presentan los resultados gráficos.
1일 1슬라이드를 통한 개인 콘텐츠 관리 전략 성혁 장1일 1슬라이드의 활용방법과 실제 작성방법에 관한 강의 내용입니다.
출처 : 꿈을파는가게 장성혁
메일 : jangsh48@gmail.com
페이스북 : http://fb.com/bbamajang
블로그 : blog.dreamntr.kr
클라우드 서비스와 구글드라이브성혁 장스마트폰을 가진 수강생을 대상으로 클라우드 서비스의 기본 이해와 함께 스마트폰으로 구글드라이브를 사용하는 기본 방법을 배워보는 슬라이드입니다.
출처 : 꿈을파는가게 장성혁
메일 : jangsh48@gmail.com
페이스북 : http://fb.com/bbamajang
블로그 : blog.dreamntr.kr
Heat transfer enhancement through different circular diametrical dimple surfa...eSAT JournalsAbstract The prime objective of present work is to study experimentally the heat transfer enhancement through different circular diametrical dimple surfaces in longitudinal and lateral directions. In this paper horizontal rectangular plates of Stainless Steel and Galvanised Iron with different circular diametrical dimples (like 11mm , 14mm ) for in-line arrangements were studied in forced convection with varying laminar external flow condition. The various parameters considered for study are Reynolds Number, Nusselt number, Prandtl Number, Co-efficient of Friction, Heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate for a constant Prandtl number (0.698) It has been found that the heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate increases for various dimple surfaces as compared to plane surface. It has been also found that the heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate increases along longitudinal direction as compared to lateral direction. And it is seen that heat transfer rate is maximum for larger diameter (14mm) of dimple. For circular dimples, heat transfer enhancements (relative to a flat plate) were observed for Reynolds number range from 350 to 550. Index Terms: Dimple plates, Forced Convection, Heat transfer Enhancement
기계학습 / 딥러닝이란 무엇인가Yongha Kim기계 학습과 신경망, 딥러닝의 기초 개념을 설명합니다.
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DISFRUTAMOS COMO LEONESnurianajuanpeNuestro proyecto “Disfrutamos como leones”. La temática que se trabaja son los leones, de ahí el título que hemos puesto, mediante actividades que potencian el control corporal, como los desplazamientos, el equilibrio y la respiración.
The simply pure® diffuserFloraVidaDiffusers are guaranteed to perform beyond your expectations. We don't just make products, but we obsess over the quality and design of everything we touch.
The SimplyPure® diffuser is the perfect addition for small to medium sized rooms.
Our goal is to create a spa-like atmosphere in your personal living space. Why? Because you are worth it!
You can select your SimplyPure® diffuser light to be your favorite color or allow it to rotate and transform your room through hundreds of colors.
Process IntensificationRohit ShindeThe document discusses process intensification, including its history, components, methods, and case studies. Process intensification aims to shrink the size of chemical plants while increasing efficiency. It can reduce environmental impact and costs. Case studies on producing olefins from natural gas, water treatment, and power generation from waste were presented. Simulation of the waste to power process was described along with the thermodynamic packages used.
KCCHamsananda CTCrop Loans, also called short term loans for seasonal agricultural operations, are intended to cover the costs of raising crops until harvest. The Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme provides farmers crop loans through commercial banks, cooperative banks, and regional rural banks. All farmers, including small/marginal farmers and tenant farmers, are eligible for a KCC. KCC holders are also covered by a personal accident insurance scheme. Banks assess eligibility based on land available and credit history, and the scope of KCC has been expanded to include term credit and consumption needs.
IM finalJerry LEEHaigh's Chocolates is an Australian chocolate manufacturer that is planning to expand into the Chinese market. A situational analysis finds that China has strong economic growth, a huge population including a growing middle class, and cultural preferences that favor foreign brands over local ones. A SWOT analysis identifies Haigh's strengths in reputation and experience but also weaknesses in unfamiliarity with China. The recommendation is for Haigh's to directly export chocolates to China's major cities, target the middle class with a luxury positioning, and undertake an intensive initial advertising campaign along with promotions to quickly gain market share.
클라우드를 이용한 이미지 활용성혁 장구글포토, 구글프리젠테이션, 페이스북 공유사진첩, 구글 그림 등 클라우드와 SNS를 활용한 이미지 활용법입니다.
출처 : 꿈을파는가게 장성혁
메일 : jangsh48@gmail.com
페이스북 : http://fb.com/bbamajang
블로그 : blog.dreamntr.kr
Herida contusaCentro de Diagnostico Tratamiento y Curación Avanzada de Heridas en la PielSe trata de paciente femenino de 70 años de edad quien sufre caída accidental cuando estaba en el baño, con el lavabo se golpea la región frontal sufriendo una contusión traumática que le produce una herida de unos 5.5 centímetros de largo por un centímetro de profundidad, al incorporarse resbala y se golpea contra la pared produciéndose otra contusión traumática en la parte media de la cabeza de aproximadamente las mismas dimensiones.
Realizamos asepsia y antisepsia con yodopovidona de la región frontal y parte media de la cabeza limpiamos las áreas con agua superoxidada, secamos muy bien con una compresa estéril, colocamos campo hendido sobre la herida de la frente y aplicamos lidocaína al 2% con epinefrina, utilizando una sutura de Nylon 3 (0) se cierra la herida en síes puntos separados.
El procedimiento antes descrito fue llevado a cabo en la parte media de la cabeza.
A los 7 días de haber ocurrido el accidente se retiran los primeros 3 puntos en forma alterna, el día 12 se retiran los otros 3.
A continuación se presentan los resultados gráficos.
1일 1슬라이드를 통한 개인 콘텐츠 관리 전략 성혁 장1일 1슬라이드의 활용방법과 실제 작성방법에 관한 강의 내용입니다.
출처 : 꿈을파는가게 장성혁
메일 : jangsh48@gmail.com
페이스북 : http://fb.com/bbamajang
블로그 : blog.dreamntr.kr
클라우드 서비스와 구글드라이브성혁 장스마트폰을 가진 수강생을 대상으로 클라우드 서비스의 기본 이해와 함께 스마트폰으로 구글드라이브를 사용하는 기본 방법을 배워보는 슬라이드입니다.
출처 : 꿈을파는가게 장성혁
메일 : jangsh48@gmail.com
페이스북 : http://fb.com/bbamajang
블로그 : blog.dreamntr.kr
Heat transfer enhancement through different circular diametrical dimple surfa...eSAT JournalsAbstract The prime objective of present work is to study experimentally the heat transfer enhancement through different circular diametrical dimple surfaces in longitudinal and lateral directions. In this paper horizontal rectangular plates of Stainless Steel and Galvanised Iron with different circular diametrical dimples (like 11mm , 14mm ) for in-line arrangements were studied in forced convection with varying laminar external flow condition. The various parameters considered for study are Reynolds Number, Nusselt number, Prandtl Number, Co-efficient of Friction, Heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate for a constant Prandtl number (0.698) It has been found that the heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate increases for various dimple surfaces as compared to plane surface. It has been also found that the heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer rate increases along longitudinal direction as compared to lateral direction. And it is seen that heat transfer rate is maximum for larger diameter (14mm) of dimple. For circular dimples, heat transfer enhancements (relative to a flat plate) were observed for Reynolds number range from 350 to 550. Index Terms: Dimple plates, Forced Convection, Heat transfer Enhancement