Produção de Leite: Como garantir animais saudáveis e longevos Rural Pecuária O documento descreve as qualidades do touro ADRIAN para produção leiteira, incluindo altos índices de produção de leite, gordura e proteína, além de longevidade, fertilidade e saúde. ADRIAN vem de linhagens produtivas e tem 90% de disponibilidade genética. Ele é recomendado para garantir a saúde e longevidade do rebanho leiteiro.
Redes socialesHarold Dwvan Tiria HigueraLas redes sociales tienen como objetivo principal poner en contacto e interconectar personas, permitiendo la interacción entre usuarios a través del intercambio de información y facilitación de contactos. También fomentan la difusión viral de la red y posibilitan un contacto ilimitado entre usuarios inicialmente conectados en línea.
Unit 5 Task 5A_MelodieMelodie Aggrey is creating a school newsletter called "KKSH News" that will cover music, fashion, and sports. For the music section, she will write reviews of new song releases and upcoming events. Her fashion section will discuss summer clothing trends for teens and new brands. The sports section will report on transfers, upcoming games, and new sports gear. Melodie plans to include images and interactive links to websites for clothing items. She aims to balance text and images on each page to keep readers engaged.
Unit 1Neelam RawatThe document discusses innovation and entrepreneurship. It defines innovation as the successful implementation of new ideas, whether products, processes or systems. Entrepreneurship is defined as starting and managing a business to make a profit by taking on risks and opportunities. The document outlines different types of innovation like breakthrough, sustaining, new market, and disruptive innovations. It emphasizes that innovation and entrepreneurship are important for economic growth and for businesses to stay competitive through constant evolution.
DC10 Douwe Lycklama - Service innovation en ict - MicropaymentsJaak VlasveldDouwe Lycklama van InnoPay presenteerde en leidde een paneldiscussie tijdens de sessie Service innovation en ICT op het Diensteninnovatie Congres 2010 (DC10) in Almere.
Bioinformatics workshop presentationSKUAST-KashmirThis document provides an overview of bioinformatics and highlights several key points:
- Bioinformatics has emerged as a field to help analyze the vast amounts of biological data being generated through high-throughput technologies. It integrates biology, computer science, and information technology.
- The size of the human genome and rate of data generation has grown exponentially, necessitating computational approaches. International efforts like the Human Genome Project helped sequence the entire human genome.
- Bioinformatics tools and databases are used to study genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and more to better understand living systems at the molecular level and enable applications in medicine, agriculture, forensics and more. This work also raises ethical, legal and social considerations.
Java Server FacesJoão LongoO documento discute Java Server Faces (JSF), um framework para desenvolvimento de aplicações web Java. Ele aborda os benefícios de JSF, como facilitar a programação de interfaces de usuário e suportar internacionalização. Também menciona empresas que usam JSF e discute conceitos importantes como tags, beans, backing beans e regras de navegação.
Selecting The Right Technology For HR Analytics San Diego DeckMichael ManningThis document summarizes a presentation by Michael Manning from Southern California Edison on selecting the right technology for HR analytics. The presentation covers defining business needs, understanding requirements and constraints, determining whether to build internally or use an external vendor, and key considerations for the selection process. It emphasizes stakeholder involvement in requirements gathering, documenting needs in a statement of work, and testing finalist vendors with demo scenarios. The goal is to select a technology that meets the defined business need, has value exceeding cost, and will actually be launched and used.
Introdução ao OpenSolarisJoão LongoO documento fornece um resumo sobre a história do Solaris e do OpenSolaris. Apresenta as principais características e inovações do OpenSolaris como Zonas, ZFS e DTrace. Explica também como desenvolvedores e usuários podem participar da comunidade OpenSolaris.
Trabajo practico finalJesica SitjasEste documento describe una lección sobre el movimiento de rotación de la Tierra y cómo esto causa el día y la noche. La lección involucra actividades prácticas como la construcción de un gnomon y observaciones de las sombras a lo largo del día, así como el uso de videos, simulaciones por computadora y definiciones escritas para explicar y reforzar el concepto. El objetivo es que los estudiantes comprendan que mientras una parte de la Tierra está iluminada por el Sol y es de día, la otra mitad está en la sombra y es de noche,
Millennials on coffeeMinio StudioInteresting data about millenials regarding the use of coffee, instant coffeee and specialties. The information was picked up from our research presentatons made by our agency for different projects.
Resume, Wayne_SmithWayne SmithWayne Smith is seeking a challenging position that utilizes his experience in business, marketing, and sales. He has an MBA from the University of Redlands and a Bachelors of Arts also from the University of Redlands. Smith has over 10 years of experience in sales management, regional sales, recruiting, and parachute rigging for the US Army. Currently he is the Sales Manager for GT Covers where he oversees daily operations, coordinates manufacturing, and leads sales initiatives.
Causal ReasoningSylvie PelletierThe study examined the neural substrates of conditional reasoning using fMRI. It found:
1. Conditional reasoning engaged bilateral fronto-temporo-parietal regions for integrating syntactic and visuospatial processing.
2. Causal conditional reasoning specifically activated the left fronto-parietal cortex for syntactic/semantic processing.
3. Causal reasoning relied more on left lateral frontal and temporo-parietal junction regions for linguistic processing. Abstract reasoning engaged right occipito-parieto-temporal regions for spatial manipulation.
4. Social reasoning activated right inferior frontal and insular regions for social cognition. Physical reasoning engaged left fronto-parietal regions for non-social
Reflective TextLeah AllardThis reflective essay discusses a group project to curate a photography exhibition titled "Pigment" at the Two Fat Ladies gallery. The student organized the exhibition website but faced challenges with communication and meeting deadlines. Through this experience, the student learned about the importance of communication, time management, and prioritization when collaborating in a group project. Overall, it was a valuable learning experience despite the challenges encountered along the way.
Unit 1Neelam RawatThe document discusses innovation and entrepreneurship. It defines innovation as the successful implementation of new ideas, whether products, processes or systems. Entrepreneurship is defined as starting and managing a business to make a profit by taking on risks and opportunities. The document outlines different types of innovation like breakthrough, sustaining, new market, and disruptive innovations. It emphasizes that innovation and entrepreneurship are important for economic growth and for businesses to stay competitive through constant evolution.
DC10 Douwe Lycklama - Service innovation en ict - MicropaymentsJaak VlasveldDouwe Lycklama van InnoPay presenteerde en leidde een paneldiscussie tijdens de sessie Service innovation en ICT op het Diensteninnovatie Congres 2010 (DC10) in Almere.
Bioinformatics workshop presentationSKUAST-KashmirThis document provides an overview of bioinformatics and highlights several key points:
- Bioinformatics has emerged as a field to help analyze the vast amounts of biological data being generated through high-throughput technologies. It integrates biology, computer science, and information technology.
- The size of the human genome and rate of data generation has grown exponentially, necessitating computational approaches. International efforts like the Human Genome Project helped sequence the entire human genome.
- Bioinformatics tools and databases are used to study genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and more to better understand living systems at the molecular level and enable applications in medicine, agriculture, forensics and more. This work also raises ethical, legal and social considerations.
Java Server FacesJoão LongoO documento discute Java Server Faces (JSF), um framework para desenvolvimento de aplicações web Java. Ele aborda os benefícios de JSF, como facilitar a programação de interfaces de usuário e suportar internacionalização. Também menciona empresas que usam JSF e discute conceitos importantes como tags, beans, backing beans e regras de navegação.
Selecting The Right Technology For HR Analytics San Diego DeckMichael ManningThis document summarizes a presentation by Michael Manning from Southern California Edison on selecting the right technology for HR analytics. The presentation covers defining business needs, understanding requirements and constraints, determining whether to build internally or use an external vendor, and key considerations for the selection process. It emphasizes stakeholder involvement in requirements gathering, documenting needs in a statement of work, and testing finalist vendors with demo scenarios. The goal is to select a technology that meets the defined business need, has value exceeding cost, and will actually be launched and used.
Introdução ao OpenSolarisJoão LongoO documento fornece um resumo sobre a história do Solaris e do OpenSolaris. Apresenta as principais características e inovações do OpenSolaris como Zonas, ZFS e DTrace. Explica também como desenvolvedores e usuários podem participar da comunidade OpenSolaris.
Trabajo practico finalJesica SitjasEste documento describe una lección sobre el movimiento de rotación de la Tierra y cómo esto causa el día y la noche. La lección involucra actividades prácticas como la construcción de un gnomon y observaciones de las sombras a lo largo del día, así como el uso de videos, simulaciones por computadora y definiciones escritas para explicar y reforzar el concepto. El objetivo es que los estudiantes comprendan que mientras una parte de la Tierra está iluminada por el Sol y es de día, la otra mitad está en la sombra y es de noche,
Millennials on coffeeMinio StudioInteresting data about millenials regarding the use of coffee, instant coffeee and specialties. The information was picked up from our research presentatons made by our agency for different projects.
Resume, Wayne_SmithWayne SmithWayne Smith is seeking a challenging position that utilizes his experience in business, marketing, and sales. He has an MBA from the University of Redlands and a Bachelors of Arts also from the University of Redlands. Smith has over 10 years of experience in sales management, regional sales, recruiting, and parachute rigging for the US Army. Currently he is the Sales Manager for GT Covers where he oversees daily operations, coordinates manufacturing, and leads sales initiatives.
Causal ReasoningSylvie PelletierThe study examined the neural substrates of conditional reasoning using fMRI. It found:
1. Conditional reasoning engaged bilateral fronto-temporo-parietal regions for integrating syntactic and visuospatial processing.
2. Causal conditional reasoning specifically activated the left fronto-parietal cortex for syntactic/semantic processing.
3. Causal reasoning relied more on left lateral frontal and temporo-parietal junction regions for linguistic processing. Abstract reasoning engaged right occipito-parieto-temporal regions for spatial manipulation.
4. Social reasoning activated right inferior frontal and insular regions for social cognition. Physical reasoning engaged left fronto-parietal regions for non-social
Reflective TextLeah AllardThis reflective essay discusses a group project to curate a photography exhibition titled "Pigment" at the Two Fat Ladies gallery. The student organized the exhibition website but faced challenges with communication and meeting deadlines. Through this experience, the student learned about the importance of communication, time management, and prioritization when collaborating in a group project. Overall, it was a valuable learning experience despite the challenges encountered along the way.
1. КТТ (КазТемирТранс)
• Я хочу создать агентский бизнес по транспортировке
грузов по ж/д транспорту
• Услуги/ продукты будут востребованы малым,
средним бизнесом и частными лицами,
• Так как моя идея решит проблему невозможности
доставки автотранспортом требуемые ресурсы
• Потребители получат мои товары/ услуги через офис
и интернет
• Платно
Кристина Борисова
Стр-302, Архитектурно-