Information Literacy Week 4: Research QuestionsRebecca JohnsonThis document discusses defining the need for research and formulating an effective research question. It provides examples of both too broad and too narrow research questions and explains how to refine questions. An effective research question should be specific enough to answer but broad enough to have scope. It should consider who, what, when, where, why and follow a format like "What is the impact/effect of X on Y". The document concludes with an activity to practice writing research questions and assigning the task of writing a research topic and questions for the next class.
Quarterly Faculty Newsletter Spring 2011Rebecca JohnsonExample of the quarterly faculty newsletter that provides library resources and updated information pertaining to curriculum.
95. forestacion de area arida con mezquites chilenosdec-adminEste documento describe un proyecto llevado a cabo por estudiantes de primer año de secundaria para reforestar un área árida de su comunidad con 20 mezquites chilenos. Los estudiantes plantaron los árboles y se comprometieron a regarlos cada cuatro días. El objetivo del proyecto era crear un espacio más estético y con oxígeno en su comunidad.
Corso Gratuito Formazione Formatori: MilanoTargetservicessolutionsTarget Services Solutions, ente accreditato presso Regione Lombardia, eroga presso la sede di Milano un corso gratuito per formatori.
Bygningsbachelor KEABrian DehnhardtThe document is a diploma supplement for Brian Dehnhardt, who earned a Bachelor of Architectural Technology and Construction Management from the Copenhagen School of Design and Technology in June 2011. The 3.5 year program consisted of 150 ECTS points of mandatory courses and 60 ECTS points of electives, including a specialization report and graduation project. Brian's diploma supplement provides details on his course of study, grades, and qualifications to work in the construction field or pursue further education.
Information Literacy Week 4: Research QuestionsRebecca JohnsonThis document discusses defining the need for research and formulating an effective research question. It provides examples of both too broad and too narrow research questions and explains how to refine questions. An effective research question should be specific enough to answer but broad enough to have scope. It should consider who, what, when, where, why and follow a format like "What is the impact/effect of X on Y". The document concludes with an activity to practice writing research questions and assigning the task of writing a research topic and questions for the next class.
Quarterly Faculty Newsletter Spring 2011Rebecca JohnsonExample of the quarterly faculty newsletter that provides library resources and updated information pertaining to curriculum.
95. forestacion de area arida con mezquites chilenosdec-adminEste documento describe un proyecto llevado a cabo por estudiantes de primer año de secundaria para reforestar un área árida de su comunidad con 20 mezquites chilenos. Los estudiantes plantaron los árboles y se comprometieron a regarlos cada cuatro días. El objetivo del proyecto era crear un espacio más estético y con oxígeno en su comunidad.
Corso Gratuito Formazione Formatori: MilanoTargetservicessolutionsTarget Services Solutions, ente accreditato presso Regione Lombardia, eroga presso la sede di Milano un corso gratuito per formatori.
Bygningsbachelor KEABrian DehnhardtThe document is a diploma supplement for Brian Dehnhardt, who earned a Bachelor of Architectural Technology and Construction Management from the Copenhagen School of Design and Technology in June 2011. The 3.5 year program consisted of 150 ECTS points of mandatory courses and 60 ECTS points of electives, including a specialization report and graduation project. Brian's diploma supplement provides details on his course of study, grades, and qualifications to work in the construction field or pursue further education.
David Baum Speech at Gigabit Copper 2016SckipioDavid Baum, co-founder and CEO of Sckipio presented as a keynote speaker at the Gigabit Copper 2016 conference in Brussels on March 8, 2016.
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