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International community rallies to protect a monkey species for the first tim...Magali Vialle“The endangered Barbary macaque could get a new chance at survival at CITES CoP17”.
Johannesburg, 26th September 2016 – For the first time in 30 years, Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) will discuss increasing the level of protection for a monkey species. Barbary macaques will take center stage in Johannesburg, alongside emblematic fauna such as elephants, lions, rhinos and sharks.
International community rallies to protect a monkey species for the first tim...Magali Vialle“The endangered Barbary macaque could get a new chance at survival at CITES CoP17”.
Johannesburg, 26th September 2016 – For the first time in 30 years, Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) will discuss increasing the level of protection for a monkey species. Barbary macaques will take center stage in Johannesburg, alongside emblematic fauna such as elephants, lions, rhinos and sharks.
GtabyGabylistEl documento habla sobre las etiquetas más importantes del lenguaje HTML. Menciona etiquetas como <html>, <head>, <body>, <title>, <b>, <table> e <img> y explica brevemente para qué sirve cada una. También define qué son las etiquetas en HTML y explica que HTML es el lenguaje utilizado para crear páginas web, compuesto por etiquetas que el navegador interpreta para mostrar contenido formato como texto, imágenes e hipervínculos.
Trabajo de innovacion Michael RamirezEl documento trata sobre la transformación de la naturaleza a través del desarrollo de la tecnología y la ingeniería genética para dominar y explorar la naturaleza. Explica que los productos transgénicos inicialmente se enfocaron en agricultura y ganadería, pero luego también se aplicaron a alimentos. También describe cómo la biología molecular permite incorporar material genético de un organismo a otro de manera más rápida y eficiente que antes.
Jhoanna_Resume_UpdatedJhoanna IgnaligThis document contains the resume of Jhoanna D. Ignalig, including her contact information, work experience, roles and responsibilities in various positions at Safeway Manila and PriceSmart Philippines, seminars and workshops attended, and education history. Her most recent roles include Business Systems Analyst at Safeway Manila, where she acts as a Test Packet Review Member and Test Coordinator, facilitating testing activities and defect management. She has also held positions as Backup Test Coordinator, Internal Test Coordinator, Shift Lead, Tester, and Vendor Relations Coordinator. Her work experience demonstrates strengths in quality assurance testing, project coordination, and customer service.
GaaGabylistEl documento habla sobre las principales amenazas a la computadora como virus, gusanos, spyware, phishing y spam. Explica que el spyware y adware se pueden descargar de sitios web y recolectan información del usuario, mientras que el malware y los virus ejecutan código dañino. También advierte que las computadoras pueden usarse para acosar a otros y que guardan un registro de sitios visitados, por lo que se deben tomar precauciones como usar candados y alarmas para portátiles.
Presentation of pro relix training Sanjit DhawaleProRelix offer several professional, educational and informative services and resources for drug development and analysis on the industry to support clinical research
Bitcoin dla początkujących: Jak kupować i używać Bitcoina?Sylwester SuszekJak kupować i używać Bitcoina?
Prezentacja podczas spotkania "Bitcoin dla początkujących".
20 czerwca 2016 w Pomorskiem Parku Naukowo-Technologicznym w Gdyni.
Resume amin siamiAmin SiamiThis profile is for Amin Siami Khezri, a 30-year-old single male from Iran currently located in Mashhad. He has over 7 years of experience in network engineering and seeks a position paying 13,000,000 Rials per month. He is highly skilled in Cisco networking, Windows server administration, and network security technologies.
Start up vs Scale up - The Intern PerspectiveCian Ó CeallaighAre students asking the right questions when it comes to internships?
Do students really know what makes a successful internship or what the key factors that help them succeed?
Having worked in Dogpatch Labs & HubSpot, I've decided to dot down a few of my thoughts and hopefully get students asking smarter question.
Primeiras impressões Projeto roboticaFábio PeixotoO documento descreve um projeto de robótica na escola EMEF Prof. Mário Shonberg onde os alunos exploraram livremente um kit de robótica para criar seus primeiros projetos. Eles construíram carros e objetos sem motor e depois trabalharam em um protótipo de cavalo autômato com o professor. O projeto enfatizou a melhoria contínua de ideias à medida que os alunos encontravam problemas e refaziam seus projetos.
gaurav_singh_MCA_1YrsGaurav Singh PariharGaurav Singh Parihar is seeking a challenging job where he can apply his 12 months of experience developing Java desktop applications using Swing and working with technologies like Java, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, HTML, and MySQL databases. He has worked as a consultant and technical support executive on e-governance projects for universities and municipal corporations. Some of his responsibilities have included development, client support, server maintenance, database handling, and report generation. He is currently pursuing an M.Tech and holds an MCA and BSc in Mathematics.
Lingua portuguesa; formaçao de palavras87049476- O documento discute os principais processos de formação de palavras na língua portuguesa, incluindo composição, derivação, empréstimo, redução e neologismos.
Science to Business? Where's the Correlation?Cian Ó CeallaighA shortened version of the story of how I chose a college course, and how that course led me to a career in a totally different world!
1. Открыть ресторан
• Я хочу предоставлять услуги - рестораны и кафе
• Услуги/ продукты будут востребованы многим
слоям население
• Так как решит проблему организовать досуг
• Потребители получат мои товары/ услуги в
• Платно
Кусманова Мадина Г-301, ФХТиЕ
Мадина Кусманова
2. Клиенты
Other_ 20
• В Павлодаре
• Студент
• Хочет быть лидером
• незнаю
• 1 - низкая (мало денег)
• 5
• 1
3. Потребности и проблемы
• хочу получать удовольствие от своей работы и иметь большое достижение, но еще не
• Банкротство, но нету денег
• незнаю
• незнаю
• потрудиться
• лень
• несправедливость
• периодический
• 1
• 1