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Jhoanna D. Ignalig
M16 #64 Soldiers Village, Sta Lucia Pasig City
Mobile Phone: 0918-2775911
E-mail: jdami00@yahoo.comjhoanna.Ignalig@safeway.com
Business Systems Analyst
floor Two World Square Bldg. Upper Mc Kinley Road; Mc Kinley Hill Fort Bonifacio, Taguig
Test Packet Review Member
 RQA will prepare the lists of test packets for review and identify resources needed to
determine priorities.
 RQA will review each individual test case and identify the objective, functionality
tested, and transaction. RQA may reach out to the POS release team or SMEs to get
additional information.
 RQA will provide prioritization recommendation.
 RQA will provide the information from activities 2 and 3 prior to the discussion with
other resources.
 RQA will facilitate the meeting with the POS release team and SMEs to discuss the
test cases for review and finalize the priorities.
 RQA will update the regression library with the changes.
Test Coordinator
 Creating the POS release/Quality Assurance Test Plan
o Review TRD, TRN IDs, TCL, and test cases
o Identify testing strategies and asses impact with project timeline
 Conduct the Test Plan Walkthrough
 Coordinating testing activities
 Reviewing test results with the testers
 Defect management
o Validating defects
o Creating defect reports
o Directing defect reports to the appropriate developer
o Conduct Defect Review meeting
o Drive for defect disposition
 Create and conduct Results Review meeting and sign off
 Clean up
o Facilitate the wrap up and lessons learned session
o Transition IDs to regression
o Check test results of archive of all IDs
o Update POS builds spreadsheet
o Update previous ALM IDs that was deferred to your current release
Backup Test Coordinator
 Takes over the role of a TC in his or her absence.
 Preparing for his current release at the same time since in the next release, he will be the
 Synchronizes his knowledge with the current TC.
Internal Test Coordinator
 Set up of the metrics at the start of the release
 Actively ensures that team status meets the target based from the timeline on a
daily/weekly and project long basis
 Closely works with the current TC to do allocation and distributions of packets
assignment to the team at the start of every release
 Updates and monitors Simulator template
o Coordination of Lab that will have simulator with payment cert team
 Asses and reassess testing strategy for retest when needed
Shift Lead
 Continuity of investigations for issues/defect every shift
 Assist shift mates with their issues, problems and challenges on testing
 Actively ensures shift mates status are on target on a dailyweekly basis
 Help the test coordinator filter out and perform additional investigations need for a
 Create, review and sends shift turn over report and metrics are updated daily
o Make sure all information are accurate
o Updates Labs status based on availability
o Manages test media (Payment, special cards)
o Accounts for the All RQA USB
 Monitors call and text from the RQA people
 Calendar SL/ELs
 Reassign test packets when needed
 Validate packets
o Priority based  Full validation
o Seasoned tester  Spot Check
 Perform Manual and Automated testing
 Edits Manual and Automated Test cases
 Do best practice investigation for issues and defects found
 Creates/drafts defect report
 View/review and update defects in ALM
 Image and configure labs including IPs for inter divisions (Acronis and IP
 Update and modify environment/files (New 10L, configuration files)
 Validate Test environment (Testing and lab Prep)
 Escalate/update next shift lead in case issue overlaps on the next shift
PriceSmart Philippines
Fort Bonifacio, Global City
Vendor Relation Coordinator
 Coordinate with the vendors about the products they want for us to be demoed
 Provides update with the vendors about the strategies they need to do, to improve the
sales of their products.
 Do reports for the vendors based on the feedbacks that was provided by the
Front End Staff :
 Process the transactions for the customers
 Assist in closing the sales and credit cards transactions for the whole day
 Process discounts for the customers based on what was implemented for the store
Robinsons Galleria
2nd Floor, Ortigas Pasig City
Human Resources Staff
 Screen applicants and schedule them for aptitude and personality testing
 Administer testing and test results
 Interpret some personality test
 Provide lists of requirements for newly hired employees
 Conduct preliminary interview for rank-and-file positions
 Release checks for those employees who are already finished their contract.
 Prepare clearance, quit claims, R1A reports, certifications and uniform summary
 Handles 201 files of employees
 Perform timekeeping for in and out of employees
Safeway Philtech Inc.
Software Test Practices Learning Session  August 15, 2011 Safeway Philtech Inc.
QTP Training  Feb. 25, 2010 Safeway Philtech Inc.
High Impact Communication Assertiveness: The Next Level Safeway Philtech Inc.
October 12-13, 2009
Delegating For Success  June 11, 2009 Safeway Philtech Inc.
RQA Team Development Workshop  Nov. 17, 2008 Safeway Philtech Inc.
ITIL Overview - October 10, 2008 Safeway Philtech Inc.
Basic computer Training - June 4, 2007 Safeway Philtech, Inc.
Customer Service Excellence - December 14-15, 2006 Alexander Consulting
Effective Presentation Skills  October 6, 2006 GuthrieJenses
Consulting Management
Fundamentals of Software Quality Assurance - February 20, 2006 Phoenix One
RTT tool Training - February 20, 2006 Safeway Philtech, Inc.
Customer Service Excellence  Dec. 13, 2005 Safeway Philtech Inc.
Creative Problem Solving - September13-14, 2005 Alexander Consulting
Basic MS-DOS Command - September 22, 2004 Safeway Philtech,Inc.
Hardware&NetworkConfiguration - September 15, 2004 Safeway Philtech,Inc
TestingMethodology&Techniques-September 7,2004 Safeway Philtech,Inc
4690 Store SystemsTraining-August26,2004 Safeway Philtech,Inc
Communication and Interpersonal Skills  October 15, 16, 17, 2014 AMA
 Pasig City
Rizal Technological University
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Psychology
 Perez, Quezon
Perez Quezon Academy
 Perez, Quezon
Perez West Elementary School

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  • 1. Jhoanna D. Ignalig M16 #64 Soldiers Village, Sta Lucia Pasig City Mobile Phone: 0918-2775911 E-mail: jdami00@yahoo.comjhoanna.Ignalig@safeway.com WORK EXPERIENCES RECENT TASKS PRIMARY ROLE Business Systems Analyst SAFEWAY MANILA 15th floor Two World Square Bldg. Upper Mc Kinley Road; Mc Kinley Hill Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Test Packet Review Member RQA will prepare the lists of test packets for review and identify resources needed to determine priorities. RQA will review each individual test case and identify the objective, functionality tested, and transaction. RQA may reach out to the POS release team or SMEs to get additional information. RQA will provide prioritization recommendation. RQA will provide the information from activities 2 and 3 prior to the discussion with other resources. RQA will facilitate the meeting with the POS release team and SMEs to discuss the test cases for review and finalize the priorities. RQA will update the regression library with the changes. Test Coordinator Creating the POS release/Quality Assurance Test Plan o Review TRD, TRN IDs, TCL, and test cases o Identify testing strategies and asses impact with project timeline Conduct the Test Plan Walkthrough Coordinating testing activities Reviewing test results with the testers Defect management o Validating defects o Creating defect reports o Directing defect reports to the appropriate developer o Conduct Defect Review meeting o Drive for defect disposition Create and conduct Results Review meeting and sign off Clean up o Facilitate the wrap up and lessons learned session o Transition IDs to regression o Check test results of archive of all IDs o Update POS builds spreadsheet o Update previous ALM IDs that was deferred to your current release
  • 2. POSITIONS HANDLED Backup Test Coordinator Takes over the role of a TC in his or her absence. Preparing for his current release at the same time since in the next release, he will be the TC. Synchronizes his knowledge with the current TC. Internal Test Coordinator Set up of the metrics at the start of the release Actively ensures that team status meets the target based from the timeline on a daily/weekly and project long basis Closely works with the current TC to do allocation and distributions of packets assignment to the team at the start of every release Updates and monitors Simulator template o Coordination of Lab that will have simulator with payment cert team Asses and reassess testing strategy for retest when needed Shift Lead Continuity of investigations for issues/defect every shift Assist shift mates with their issues, problems and challenges on testing Actively ensures shift mates status are on target on a dailyweekly basis Help the test coordinator filter out and perform additional investigations need for a defect Create, review and sends shift turn over report and metrics are updated daily o Make sure all information are accurate o Updates Labs status based on availability o Manages test media (Payment, special cards) o Accounts for the All RQA USB Monitors call and text from the RQA people Calendar SL/ELs Reassign test packets when needed Validate packets o Priority based Full validation o Seasoned tester Spot Check Tester Perform Manual and Automated testing Edits Manual and Automated Test cases Do best practice investigation for issues and defects found Creates/drafts defect report View/review and update defects in ALM Image and configure labs including IPs for inter divisions (Acronis and IP configuration) Update and modify environment/files (New 10L, configuration files) Validate Test environment (Testing and lab Prep) Escalate/update next shift lead in case issue overlaps on the next shift PriceSmart Philippines Fort Bonifacio, Global City
  • 3. SEMINARS and WORKSHOPS Vendor Relation Coordinator Coordinate with the vendors about the products they want for us to be demoed Provides update with the vendors about the strategies they need to do, to improve the sales of their products. Do reports for the vendors based on the feedbacks that was provided by the customers Front End Staff : Process the transactions for the customers Assist in closing the sales and credit cards transactions for the whole day Process discounts for the customers based on what was implemented for the store Robinsons Galleria 2nd Floor, Ortigas Pasig City Human Resources Staff Screen applicants and schedule them for aptitude and personality testing Administer testing and test results Interpret some personality test Provide lists of requirements for newly hired employees Conduct preliminary interview for rank-and-file positions Release checks for those employees who are already finished their contract. Prepare clearance, quit claims, R1A reports, certifications and uniform summary Handles 201 files of employees Perform timekeeping for in and out of employees Safeway Philtech Inc. Software Test Practices Learning Session August 15, 2011 Safeway Philtech Inc. QTP Training Feb. 25, 2010 Safeway Philtech Inc. High Impact Communication Assertiveness: The Next Level Safeway Philtech Inc. October 12-13, 2009 Delegating For Success June 11, 2009 Safeway Philtech Inc. RQA Team Development Workshop Nov. 17, 2008 Safeway Philtech Inc. ITIL Overview - October 10, 2008 Safeway Philtech Inc.
  • 4. Basic computer Training - June 4, 2007 Safeway Philtech, Inc. Customer Service Excellence - December 14-15, 2006 Alexander Consulting Effective Presentation Skills October 6, 2006 GuthrieJenses Consulting Management Fundamentals of Software Quality Assurance - February 20, 2006 Phoenix One RTT tool Training - February 20, 2006 Safeway Philtech, Inc. Customer Service Excellence Dec. 13, 2005 Safeway Philtech Inc. Creative Problem Solving - September13-14, 2005 Alexander Consulting Basic MS-DOS Command - September 22, 2004 Safeway Philtech,Inc. Hardware&NetworkConfiguration - September 15, 2004 Safeway Philtech,Inc TestingMethodology&Techniques-September 7,2004 Safeway Philtech,Inc 4690 Store SystemsTraining-August26,2004 Safeway Philtech,Inc Communication and Interpersonal Skills October 15, 16, 17, 2014 AMA EDUCATION TERTIARY: Pasig City Rizal Technological University Bachelor of Science in Industrial Psychology SECONDARY: Perez, Quezon Perez Quezon Academy PRIMARY: Perez, Quezon Perez West Elementary School