Сколько клиентов вы теряете из-за неправильной настройки телефонии, руководи...CoMagicИз вебинара вы узнаете об ошибках телефонных продаж, причинах ухода клиентов к конкурентам и способах избежать потери заказов и недополучения прибыли. Возможности современной телефонии позволяют оптимизировать бизнес-процессы, значительно улучшить качество обслуживания и увеличить конверсию.
De problematiek van niet-genormeerde parameters voor grondverzet.easyFairs_belgiumDe problematiek van niet-genormeerde parameters voor grondverzet. Presentatie tijdens IFEST 2012, op dinsdag 14 februari 2012 in Flanders Expo.
A Constituição brasileiraMatheus Sousa1) O documento apresenta trechos da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, destacando os princípios fundamentais e direitos e garantias fundamentais.
2) Inclui os objetivos fundamentais da República, como construir uma sociedade livre, justa e solidária, e garantir direitos como igualdade perante a lei e liberdade de expressão.
3) Detalha direitos individuais como inviolabilidade do lar, sigilo da correspondência, livre exercício de trabalho, e coletivos como liberdade de reunião e associação
Ralph Folz: "Ковергенция данных/Измерений и Медиа"sersnickThe document discusses the convergence of data, technology, and media in digital marketing. It notes that modern marketers face new challenges integrating multiple channels like social media, search, mobile, and video. The document calls for marketers to shift from campaign-based thinking to continuous consumer interactions and focus on business outcomes over outputs. It also addresses challenges like the lack of data interoperability across major online players and the need to better connect online and offline data and metrics. The document provides recommendations for agencies, advertisers, and entrepreneurs to leverage data and technology opportunities in digital marketing.
eMarketer Webinar: Eight Trends to Watch for Social Marketing 2015EMARKETERThis document discusses eight trends for social marketing in 2015 according to a presentation by Debra AhoWilliamson from eMarketer. The key trends discussed are: 1) social ad spending will increase but marketers need better targeting, 2) social media will become more integrated into overall marketing, 3) less content but targeted to specific platforms, 4) focus on internal metrics for ROI measurements, 5) prepare for mobile-only users, 6) embrace but improve social video, 7) redefine real-time marketing as delivering the right message at the right time, and 8) go beyond Facebook as other networks grow. The document provides analysis and recommendations for marketers regarding each trend.
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