5.hepatic encephalopathyChanak TrikhatriHepatic encephalopathy is a neuropsychiatric syndrome caused by liver disease and the accumulation of toxic metabolites like ammonia in the blood. It can progress from mild confusion to coma. Approximately 35% of cirrhosis patients die from hepatic coma. Causes include liver damage, infection, diuretics, and certain medications. Symptoms range from fatigue and irritability to confusion, disorientation and coma. Treatment focuses on removing causes and suppressing neurotoxin production via lactulose and antibiotics. Nursing care involves monitoring for symptoms, managing fluid balance and nutrition, preventing infections, and addressing risks like injury from loss of awareness.
Ley i n-34Emmanuel WekwertEste documento establece las regulaciones para el ejercicio de las profesiones de ciencias económicas en la provincia de Misiones, Argentina. Define los requisitos para ejercer dichas profesiones, incluyendo la posesión de títulos habilitantes y la inscripción en el consejo profesional correspondiente. También especifica las funciones propias de cada profesión y sanciona a quienes ejerzan sin cumplir los requisitos o se arroguen títulos de manera indebida.
Trend and issue Chanak TrikhatriNursing is focused on providing quality care to individuals regardless of personal attributes. The document discusses trends in the nursing profession globally and in Nepal. Key trends include increased education levels, specialization, and the use of new technologies. Nursing faces challenges from aging populations and resource constraints. In Nepal, issues include low funding for education, lack of faculty, and limited leadership opportunities for nurses in the health system. The profession aims to improve training, standards of care, and recognition of nursing's role.
dysfunctional uterine bleedingChanak TrikhatriDysfunctional uterine bleeding is abnormal uterine bleeding that has no identifiable cause. It affects around 40 in 1000 women and is common in adolescents and women approaching menopause. It occurs due to disruptions in the normal hormonal cycle. Diagnosis involves examinations and tests to rule out other causes. Treatment may include medication, endometrial ablation, or hysterectomy in severe cases. Recent research is exploring the safety and effectiveness of thermal balloon endometrial ablation compared to other procedures.
ECGChanak TrikhatriACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) is a systematic training program for healthcare providers managing cardiovascular emergencies. It aims to support and restore effective oxygenation, ventilation, and circulation to achieve intact neurological function. The protocols cover initial response, treatment algorithms, cardiac arrest management using defibrillation and drugs, and identifying reversible causes of cardiac arrest like hypoxia, acidosis, and coronary thrombosis. Key skills include interpreting ECG rhythms like normal sinus rhythm, ventricular fibrillation, asystole, and pulseless electrical activity.
5.occupational lungChanak TrikhatriThis document discusses occupational lung diseases, including sarcoidosis and pneumoconiosis. Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that causes granulomas (lumps) in the lungs and lymph nodes, and is more common in African Americans, women, and those aged 20-40. Pneumoconiosis refers to fibrotic lung disease caused by inhaling mineral dusts, such as silica (silicosis), asbestos (asbestosis), or coal dust (coal worker's pneumoconiosis). Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, and reduced lung function. Diagnosis involves exposure history, imaging, and lung biopsies. Treatment focuses on removing exposure, managing symptoms, and treating
Lungs abscess and bronchitisChanak TrikhatriLung abscesses are collections of pus within the lung tissue that can develop from infections like pneumonia or from aspirating foreign materials. Symptoms may include cough, fever, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Diagnosis involves chest x-rays, CT scans, and sputum cultures. Treatment consists of antibiotics chosen based on culture results, drainage procedures, and occasionally surgery for complications. Nursing care focuses on airway clearance techniques, nutrition, pain management, and educating patients on long-term antibiotic use and preventing recurrence.
Research type on the basis of natureChanak TrikhatriThis document provides an overview of qualitative research. It discusses that qualitative research involves collecting various empirical materials like interviews and observations to understand people's experiences. Qualitative research aims to understand what people think and feel in their natural settings by interpreting phenomena based on people's own meanings. Some common criticisms of qualitative research are that the results cannot be generalized and the researcher's presence may influence the findings. The document also compares qualitative and quantitative research and discusses various qualitative methods, sampling approaches, the iterative process, grounded theory, and phenomenology.
Orem TheoryChanak TrikhatriDorothea Orem developed the Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory, which has three related parts:
1. The Theory of Self Care defines self-care, self-care agency, therapeutic self-care demand, and self-care requisites.
2. The Theory of Self Care Deficit outlines when nursing is needed to help individuals who have limitations in meeting self-care demands.
3. The Theory of Nursing Systems describes three systems nurses use to help patients - wholly compensatory, partly compensatory, and supportive-educative.
Infection prevention and safety measuresChanak TrikhatriThis document discusses infection prevention and safety measures. It begins with definitions of key terms like infection, nosocomial infection, and the chain of infection. It then reviews the history of infection prevention from ancient times through modern developments. Specific types of infections are defined, including hospital-acquired infections. Research on bacterial infections and antimicrobial resistance in Nepalese hospitals is summarized. Common microbes that cause hospital infections and strategies to prevent healthcare-associated infections are also outlined.
5.hepatic encephalopathyChanak TrikhatriHepatic encephalopathy is a neuropsychiatric syndrome caused by liver disease and the accumulation of toxic metabolites like ammonia in the blood. It can progress from mild confusion to coma. Approximately 35% of cirrhosis patients die from hepatic coma. Causes include liver damage, infection, diuretics, and certain medications. Symptoms range from fatigue and irritability to confusion, disorientation and coma. Treatment focuses on removing causes and suppressing neurotoxin production via lactulose and antibiotics. Nursing care involves monitoring for symptoms, managing fluid balance and nutrition, preventing infections, and addressing risks like injury from loss of awareness.
Ley i n-34Emmanuel WekwertEste documento establece las regulaciones para el ejercicio de las profesiones de ciencias económicas en la provincia de Misiones, Argentina. Define los requisitos para ejercer dichas profesiones, incluyendo la posesión de títulos habilitantes y la inscripción en el consejo profesional correspondiente. También especifica las funciones propias de cada profesión y sanciona a quienes ejerzan sin cumplir los requisitos o se arroguen títulos de manera indebida.
Trend and issue Chanak TrikhatriNursing is focused on providing quality care to individuals regardless of personal attributes. The document discusses trends in the nursing profession globally and in Nepal. Key trends include increased education levels, specialization, and the use of new technologies. Nursing faces challenges from aging populations and resource constraints. In Nepal, issues include low funding for education, lack of faculty, and limited leadership opportunities for nurses in the health system. The profession aims to improve training, standards of care, and recognition of nursing's role.
dysfunctional uterine bleedingChanak TrikhatriDysfunctional uterine bleeding is abnormal uterine bleeding that has no identifiable cause. It affects around 40 in 1000 women and is common in adolescents and women approaching menopause. It occurs due to disruptions in the normal hormonal cycle. Diagnosis involves examinations and tests to rule out other causes. Treatment may include medication, endometrial ablation, or hysterectomy in severe cases. Recent research is exploring the safety and effectiveness of thermal balloon endometrial ablation compared to other procedures.
ECGChanak TrikhatriACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) is a systematic training program for healthcare providers managing cardiovascular emergencies. It aims to support and restore effective oxygenation, ventilation, and circulation to achieve intact neurological function. The protocols cover initial response, treatment algorithms, cardiac arrest management using defibrillation and drugs, and identifying reversible causes of cardiac arrest like hypoxia, acidosis, and coronary thrombosis. Key skills include interpreting ECG rhythms like normal sinus rhythm, ventricular fibrillation, asystole, and pulseless electrical activity.
5.occupational lungChanak TrikhatriThis document discusses occupational lung diseases, including sarcoidosis and pneumoconiosis. Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that causes granulomas (lumps) in the lungs and lymph nodes, and is more common in African Americans, women, and those aged 20-40. Pneumoconiosis refers to fibrotic lung disease caused by inhaling mineral dusts, such as silica (silicosis), asbestos (asbestosis), or coal dust (coal worker's pneumoconiosis). Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, and reduced lung function. Diagnosis involves exposure history, imaging, and lung biopsies. Treatment focuses on removing exposure, managing symptoms, and treating
Lungs abscess and bronchitisChanak TrikhatriLung abscesses are collections of pus within the lung tissue that can develop from infections like pneumonia or from aspirating foreign materials. Symptoms may include cough, fever, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Diagnosis involves chest x-rays, CT scans, and sputum cultures. Treatment consists of antibiotics chosen based on culture results, drainage procedures, and occasionally surgery for complications. Nursing care focuses on airway clearance techniques, nutrition, pain management, and educating patients on long-term antibiotic use and preventing recurrence.
Research type on the basis of natureChanak TrikhatriThis document provides an overview of qualitative research. It discusses that qualitative research involves collecting various empirical materials like interviews and observations to understand people's experiences. Qualitative research aims to understand what people think and feel in their natural settings by interpreting phenomena based on people's own meanings. Some common criticisms of qualitative research are that the results cannot be generalized and the researcher's presence may influence the findings. The document also compares qualitative and quantitative research and discusses various qualitative methods, sampling approaches, the iterative process, grounded theory, and phenomenology.
Orem TheoryChanak TrikhatriDorothea Orem developed the Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory, which has three related parts:
1. The Theory of Self Care defines self-care, self-care agency, therapeutic self-care demand, and self-care requisites.
2. The Theory of Self Care Deficit outlines when nursing is needed to help individuals who have limitations in meeting self-care demands.
3. The Theory of Nursing Systems describes three systems nurses use to help patients - wholly compensatory, partly compensatory, and supportive-educative.
Infection prevention and safety measuresChanak TrikhatriThis document discusses infection prevention and safety measures. It begins with definitions of key terms like infection, nosocomial infection, and the chain of infection. It then reviews the history of infection prevention from ancient times through modern developments. Specific types of infections are defined, including hospital-acquired infections. Research on bacterial infections and antimicrobial resistance in Nepalese hospitals is summarized. Common microbes that cause hospital infections and strategies to prevent healthcare-associated infections are also outlined.