Shooting Scriptaaron_marcusThis document provides an excerpt from a script for a television episode. It introduces the main characters Mason and Elizabeth and establishes that Mason had a dream about a past interaction with Elizabeth in an alleyway where they were drinking. Mason then wakes up distressed and rushes to get ready for work. On his way, he stops at a shop where he accidentally knocks into a woman named Liz, spilling her coffee. They arrange to meet later for a drink as Mason feels he recognizes Liz from somewhere.
OptimalBI - Approach to SegmentationOptimalBI LimitedThe document discusses analytics and segmentation. It explains that analytics has three objectives: insight, prediction, and optimization. Insight provides a deeper understanding of the present, prediction uses current knowledge to discover what will happen next, and optimization turns analytics into actions. The document then discusses decisions around whether customers are making or losing money and what behaviors need to change to make money. It provides an example residential customer segment that has relatively high costs to serve but generates high revenue and is loyal. It outlines elements of a segmentation model including customer demographics and behaviors like unit price, refunds, logins, and products used.
Shooting Scriptaaron_marcusThis document provides an excerpt from a script for a television episode. It introduces the main characters Mason and Elizabeth and establishes that Mason had a dream about a past interaction with Elizabeth in an alleyway where they were drinking. Mason then wakes up distressed and rushes to get ready for work. On his way, he stops at a shop where he accidentally knocks into a woman named Liz, spilling her coffee. They arrange to meet later for a drink as Mason feels he recognizes Liz from somewhere.
OptimalBI - Approach to SegmentationOptimalBI LimitedThe document discusses analytics and segmentation. It explains that analytics has three objectives: insight, prediction, and optimization. Insight provides a deeper understanding of the present, prediction uses current knowledge to discover what will happen next, and optimization turns analytics into actions. The document then discusses decisions around whether customers are making or losing money and what behaviors need to change to make money. It provides an example residential customer segment that has relatively high costs to serve but generates high revenue and is loyal. It outlines elements of a segmentation model including customer demographics and behaviors like unit price, refunds, logins, and products used.
Mohammed Salah-Alden Shatamohammed shataMohammed Salah-Alden Shata is seeking a position as an HRD Manager with over 25 years of experience in human resources management. He has held roles such as HR Director, Personnel Manager, and Director of Administration and Personnel for various companies in Saudi Arabia. Shata has a bachelor's degree in international business administration and has completed several management courses and training programs throughout his career.
Agriculture Research and Poverty Reduction: Pathways and Drivers in Latin A...Independent Science and Partnership Council of the CGIAR 1) Agricultural research is a key factor for agricultural development but is only one of many factors that influence rural prosperity. Understanding rural and territorial development as well as the rural-urban interface is important for rethinking agricultural research pathways.
2) Partnerships are needed for agricultural research to have impact on reducing rural poverty since pathways to impact are long, wide, and involve many other public, private, and civil society actors.
3) Agricultural research must be rethought to engage with national sustainable food systems at the rural-urban interface where many opportunities and challenges exist due to urbanization, diet changes, and food market transformations.
Storyboardsclarkelucy2051This is the completed set of storyboards for our short film.
Créer et Animer sa page Facebook - 2016Kate De GourdonPrestataires de Tourisme, commerçants, artisans, associations : comment créer et animer sa page Facebook ?
Unique gift oapuniquegift2013UniqueGift is a web-based platform that aims to provide three key services: an advice platform with stories and advice from around the world, an e-commerce platform to shop for unique products not available elsewhere, and a connect platform to link local vendors across countries that offer unique items. It also plans to provide travelers with detailed information about countries they visit like culture, food, places to see, and guidance on gifts to purchase. Market research shows strong interest in a one-stop site that helps travelers learn about destinations and choose meaningful gifts to bring home.
Reflection paper pmririani_adDokumen ini merangkum proses pembuatan video pembelajaran matematika untuk siswa SD kelas 1 yang mencakup pemilihan konten cengkleng sebagai permainan tradisional untuk memperkenalkan bangun datar, pembuatan lagu edukatif, editing gambar dan video, penambahan subtitle dan suara penjelas, serta kesulitan yang dihadapi seperti sinkronisasi lagu dan pembuatan cengkleng, keterbatasan perangkat lunak editing, dan ekspresi suara yang tepat.
Emc m4 portafolio actividad integradora.Elena CEl documento describe un plan para mejorar la participación de los padres de familia en la educación de sus hijos mediante el uso de materiales audiovisuales y recibiendo comentarios de los padres. El plan tiene tres etapas e involucra explicar la importancia de la participación de los padres, enviar información relevante a través de audio y video, y evaluar si los objetivos de concientizar a los padres y que implementen sugerencias están lográndose.
Qgis install guideHiroaki SengokuThe document provides instructions for installing Quantum GIS (QGIS) on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. For Windows users, it recommends downloading the OSGeo4W installer which contains QGIS and its dependencies. For Mac users, it instructs to install GDAL and GSL frameworks before downloading and installing QGIS 1.8.0 from a specific website. For Linux users, it lists commands to install QGIS using the system's package manager. It concludes by verifying QGIS is working properly after installation.
Prinsipio de pascalJose Huerta PerezEl documento resume el principio de Pascal, que establece que la presión ejercida sobre un fluido incompresible se transmite uniformemente en todas direcciones. Explica que la prensa hidráulica ilustra este principio al transmitir presión de manera uniforme. También menciona ejemplos como elevadores e hidráulicos que aplican este principio.
Capacidades de leitura aaa maraRegina da SilvaO documento discute técnicas de leitura crítica como checagem de hipóteses, localização de informações e capacidades de leitura. Ele fornece exemplos de atividades como analisar um conto sob diferentes perspectivas e encontrar referências intertextuais em mídias diversas.
Alex CV Short Selection_emailAlex MatovicAlex Matovic led several major infrastructure projects in Australia between 2000-2013 as Project Director or team lead for the architecture firm Grimshaw. Some of the key projects included serving as Project Director for the Materials Sciences New Building at UNSW, team lead for the Brisbane Airport Landside and Stage 1 Masterplan, and concept lead for Earthpark Malaysia.
Capacidades de apreciação e de réplica do leitor final maraRegina da SilvaO documento discute o desenvolvimento da capacidade de apreciação e réplica do aluno/leitor ao apresentar textos em sala de aula. Isso envolve contextualizar o texto externamente, definir a finalidade da leitura, considerar a intertextualidade e o diálogo entre discursos, analisar como as imagens constroem sentido, e desenvolver a apreciação estética, afetiva e crítica.
2. Возрастная группа 16-50 лет
Где живут? Казахстан, Павлодар
Статус, чем занимаются? Чем интересуются? Работают
Чего хотят? К чему стремятся? Мечты. Хотят похудеть, что бы было красивое тело,
Как измениться жизнь клиента, если он воспользуется Вашим решением? Кардинально.
Персональный тренер разработает для клиента индивидуальную программу, в результате
чего он будет заниматься с удовольствием
Уровень платежеспособности. средний
Примерно число клиентов в городе, в республике, в мире. В городе 7000-8000, в республике
примерно 7млн, в мире около миллиарда
Насколько легко добраться/ достучаться до Вашего потребителя? Просто. Будут рекламы,
3. ,Позитивные потребности и проблемы избавиться от лишнего веса нарастить мышечную
Негативные потребности и проблемы не достичь желаемых результатов
Какие неприятности грозят Вашему потребителю - если не решить проблему? Не избавится от надоевших
Почему до сих пор не нашел решения своей проблемы? Потому что он не знал наш фитнес центр
Если нашел решение - в чем оно? Как он решает свои проблемы? Как пытается добиться своей цели? Он
придет к нам, получит консультацию профессионального тренера. И результат не заставит себя ждать.
Теперь он будет у нас тренироваться и добьется хорошего результата.
Что не получается? Что не устраивает его в том как он пытается решить проблему? В том какими способами
он пытается добиваться своего? В чем главный недостаток этих способов? Не получается добиться
красивого тело.
Какова реальная причина проблемы? В городе много фитнес -клубов, но не во всех есть профессиональные
Проблема регулярная или периодическая? периодическая
Каков уровень боли его проблемы от 1 до 5? 4
Каков уровень СРОЧНОСТИ его проблемы от 1 до 5? 3