David HuffDavid Huff, A.A.S.David Huff is seeking a position in electronics and computer technology. He has an Associate's degree from DeVry University and experience designing circuits and programming in C++, LabVIEW, and PLCs. His coursework projects included building a voltmeter with LabVIEW and a traffic light controller with a PLC. He also has 7 years of customer service experience as a cashier.
David HuffDavid Huff, A.A.S.David Huff is seeking a position in electronics and computer technology. He has an Associate's degree from DeVry University and experience designing circuits and programming in C++, LabVIEW, and PLCs. His coursework projects included building a voltmeter with LabVIEW and a traffic light controller with a PLC. He also has 7 years of customer service experience as a cashier.
Постановление о требовании открыть дело в отношении экс-спикера Владимира РыбакаАСН УкраинаПостановление о требовании открыть дело в отношении экс-спикера Владимира Рыбака
Read more http://asn.in.ua/ru/news/news/37737
Patrick Courtade ResumePatrick Courtade, CIDPatrick Courtade is a certified printed circuit board designer with 18 years of experience seeking a new position. He has extensive experience in Cadence Allegro and managing complex PCB design projects. His background includes positions at Intersil Corporation, 7 Core Inc., and Automated Circuit Design where he supervised teams and ensured quality. Courtade has an IPC certification and experience with various manufacturing standards. He provides excellent communication and problem solving skills.
ROSEMARYRosemary GtzRosemary worked for Allen Smith's furniture and interior design firm for 2 years, where she was instrumental in all graphic and art design functions including advertising materials, furniture designs, and retail graphic design for showrooms. Allen states that Rosemary is extremely proficient and talented at graphic and art design and brings creativity to her work. He wholeheartedly recommends Rosemary for any graphic or art design position.
ACTING RESUMEDoris CareyDoris Carey is an actress based in Florida. She has appeared in supporting roles in films like Endure and Sheltered Hope, and as a co-star in television shows like Hawaii Five-0 and Extra Large. On stage, she has played roles in productions such as A Raisin in the Sun, The Dawn Truck, and For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide. Carey has also taken extensive training in improvisation, on-camera work, stage acting, and Meisner technique from instructors around Florida and California.
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• - ? ?Если нашел решение в чем оно Как он решает свои проблемы Как пытается добиться
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