Introduction to Lean Analytics for Lean Startup Circle SFLean Analytics
An introduction to Lean Analytics for the Lean Startup Circle SF event. Covers the basic topics of analytics, Lean Analytics framework, and a number of case studies from companies such as Circle of Friends, Localmind, Static Pixels and more.
Introduction to Lean Analytics for Lean Startup Circle SFLean Analytics
An introduction to Lean Analytics for the Lean Startup Circle SF event. Covers the basic topics of analytics, Lean Analytics framework, and a number of case studies from companies such as Circle of Friends, Localmind, Static Pixels and more.
2019/11/20(水) 19:00 ~ 21:30
Plug and Play Shibuya by 東急不動産 (東京都 渋谷区道玄坂 1-10-8 渋谷道玄坂東急ビル1F)
[主催] Plug and Play Japan株式会社