Health & Nutrition in Russia 2016 - Ингредиенты Для Специализированных Пищевы...Nutrition & BiosciencesHealth & Nutrition in Russia 2016 - Ингредиенты Для Специализированных Пищевых Продуктов
"Метаболическая дисфункция при сепсисе: клинические проявления и подходы к ко...rnw-aspenДоклад с XVI Межрегиональной научно-практической конференции "Искусственное питание и инфузионная терапия больных в медицине критических состояний" 21-22 апреля 2016 г.
Ярошецкий А.И. "Рефидинг-синдром ближе чем нам кажется"rnw-aspenДоклад с 15 Межрегиональной научно-практической конференции "Искусственное питание и инфузионная терапия больных в медицине критических состояний" 21-22 мая 2015 г
"Опыт организации группы нутритивной терапии в федеральном научно-клиническом...rnw-aspenДоклад с XVI Межрегиональной научно-практической конференции "Искусственное питание и инфузионная терапия больных в медицине критических состояний" 21-22 апреля 2016 г.
"Нутриционная поддержка детей с органическими поражениями головного мозга" З...rnw-aspenДоклад с XVI Межрегиональной научно-практической конференции "Искусственное питание и инфузионная терапия больных в медицине критических состояний" 21-22 апреля 2016 г.
V.4 training on marketing mongolia jan feb 2013 Эрдэнэцогт АмарThis document provides an agenda and overview for a workshop on marketing essentials for members of the Wool & Cashmere Association in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in February 2013. The workshop is hosted by the Agricultural Marketing and Brand Development Project in association with international and national experts. The agenda covers topics such as marketing basics, market research, customer retention, pricing strategy, export readiness, finding foreign buyers, and B2B marketing best practices. The project aims to help Mongolian cashmere and leather companies with branding, assessing brand potential, matchmaking with buyers, and establishing a brand management agency.
Flyer for hk cashmere world fair introducing mongolian noble fibreЭрдэнэцогт АмарMongolia is known for its nomadic culture and exotic fibers like cashmere. The document discusses Mongolian Noble Fiber, a certification for rare and luxurious fibers that come exclusively in their natural colors as produced by Mongolian nomads through traditional herding practices. Fibers bearing the Mongolian Noble Fiber insignia include rare shades like "blue" and "red" found only in Mongolia. The certification helps promote sustainable herding and the preservation of Mongolia's nomadic traditions.
Mongolia stage 01 product sheet 04Эрдэнэцогт АмарPlace of origin matters greatly to customers and their perception of products. Products from certain countries are viewed more favorably and can command higher prices. Mongolia is presented as a new source country with exotic fibers and leathers that brands can capitalize on due to positive place of origin effects. The Agricultural Marketing and Branding Development Project connects Mongolian producers with foreign companies and provides branding advice to help companies benefit from Mongolia's provenance.
Mongolian noble fibre presЭрдэнэцогт АмарThe document discusses Mongolia's unique cashmere and yak fibers. It describes how some rare fiber types disappeared due to economic and social changes in the 1990s. Researchers worked to rediscover these "lost treasures" like red cashmere from Bayandelger. The project developed a branding strategy around these rare "noble fibers" of Mongolia to revitalize the cashmere industry and promote the unique qualities of Mongolian fibers.
Lkhagvaa inter.conf 2010tЭрдэнэцогт АмарThe document discusses new concepts about human development and classification based on energy. It proposes that humans consist of 70% energy and 30% physical body. It defines three main types of humans (α, β, γ) based on their energy characteristics like energy level, accumulation, consumption, and metabolism rate. Various laws are formulated around these energy characteristics and how factors like body size, metabolism, lifespan vary inversely with body surface area. Limited nutrition programs are suggested to balance the energy characteristics of different body types.