Amatciems is an 80km from Riga, Latvia and consists of 12km of islands with 20,000 inhabitants. Houses can be bought there for 200,000 euros, which will provide a spectacular natural landscape. There are no paved roads, and new homes must be carefully placed to blend with the landscape without obscuring views or neighbors' land. Homes use wood, timber, or masonry with natural stone or wood facades. Each plot has utilities connected but the area primarily relies on natural freshwater reserves like ponds and streams. The international community values the simple, natural lifestyle and enjoying nature through activities like birdwatching and harvesting berries and mushrooms.
O documento fornece várias li??es de vida curtas em frases concisas. As principais li??es incluem: 1) aprender com os erros; 2) crescer n?o significa apenas ficar mais velho; 3) o silêncio é melhor do que a indiferen?a.