Rica's Enchiladas will be hosting a fight night on September 15, 2012 at their location. Attendees are asked to bring their own beverages and lawn chairs. A small donation of $3-4 will be requested as work has been slow. The event will take place at 4019 S Talman Ave in Chicago. More information can be found on their Facebook page or by calling the provided phone number.
Este documento presenta conceptos básicos sobre potencias. Explica la definición de potencias con base entera y racional, y cómo se aplican las propiedades de potencias como la multiplicación, división y potencia de una potencia. También introduce la notación científica para expresar números muy grandes o peque?os como potencias de 10.
Este documento explica diferentes medidas de dispersión como el rango, desviación típica, varianza y coeficiente de variación. Estas medidas cuantifican cuán dispersos están los valores de una distribución con respecto a su media y son útiles para evaluar la confiabilidad de promedios y cuánto varían los valores de una distribución.
Este documento presenta una colección de proverbios de diferentes culturas que reflejan sobre temas como la naturaleza transitoria del poder y la vida, la fragilidad en comparación con la fuerza, la importancia de la prudencia y el aprendizaje, y la inevitabilidad de ciertos eventos una vez que se establece un patrón. Los proverbios provienen de las culturas árabe, china, africana, italiana y japonesa.
The document provides an overview of strategies for retiring rich and young presented by Vishal Thakkar. It discusses the importance of making one's money work harder through investment rather than just working hard. It outlines seven steps for retiring rich and young including deciding one's retirement age, buying liabilities based on needs not desires, linking liability and asset targets, planning liabilities in advance, increasing cash through knowledge and habits, making money work harder, and having job earnings and freedom ratio targets. Key investment avenues discussed include real estate, commodities, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and more.
Surface Disinfectant Market: Growth in the Number of Surgical ProceduresA. Jaiswal
The global surface disinfectant market is expected to reach USD 542.55 Million by 2020 from USD 312.17 Million in 2015, growing at a CAGR of 11.69% between 2015 and 2020. Surface disinfectant are used to clean hospital surfaces and patient care surfaces. The scope of this market report includes disinfectants used for hospitalized patient care and other related applications.
Este documento describe la cistouretrografía retrograda, un procedimiento radiográfico para evaluar el reflujo vesicoureteral y otras afecciones de la vejiga y la uretra. Explica las indicaciones del procedimiento, la rutina de imágenes, y los criterios para evaluar la vejiga, uretra y extremos de los uréteres para detectar cualquier anormalidad.
Este documento presenta información sobre el tratamiento de efluentes cloacales. Explica conceptos como DBO, DQO y diferentes etapas y métodos de tratamiento como tratamientos preliminares, primarios, secundarios y terciarios que incluyen procesos físicos, químicos y biológicos para eliminar la contaminación en las aguas residuales.
In this session I will present best practices of how open source tools (used in the DevOps and security communities) can be properly chained together to form a framework that can - as part of an agile software development CI chain - perform automated checking of certain security aspects. This does not remove the requirement for manual pentests, but tries to automate early security feedback to developers.
Based on my experience of applying SecDevOps techniques to projects, I will present the glue steps required on every commit and at nightly builds to achieve different levels of depth in automated security testing during the CI workflow.
I will conclude with a "SecDevOps Maturity Model" of different stages of automated security testing and present concrete examples of how to achieve each stage with open source security tools.
Este documento presenta una colección de proverbios de diferentes culturas que reflejan sobre temas como la naturaleza transitoria del poder y la vida, la fragilidad en comparación con la fuerza, la importancia de la prudencia y el aprendizaje, y la inevitabilidad de ciertos eventos una vez que se establece un patrón. Los proverbios provienen de las culturas árabe, china, africana, italiana y japonesa.
The document provides an overview of strategies for retiring rich and young presented by Vishal Thakkar. It discusses the importance of making one's money work harder through investment rather than just working hard. It outlines seven steps for retiring rich and young including deciding one's retirement age, buying liabilities based on needs not desires, linking liability and asset targets, planning liabilities in advance, increasing cash through knowledge and habits, making money work harder, and having job earnings and freedom ratio targets. Key investment avenues discussed include real estate, commodities, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and more.
Surface Disinfectant Market: Growth in the Number of Surgical ProceduresA. Jaiswal
The global surface disinfectant market is expected to reach USD 542.55 Million by 2020 from USD 312.17 Million in 2015, growing at a CAGR of 11.69% between 2015 and 2020. Surface disinfectant are used to clean hospital surfaces and patient care surfaces. The scope of this market report includes disinfectants used for hospitalized patient care and other related applications.
Este documento describe la cistouretrografía retrograda, un procedimiento radiográfico para evaluar el reflujo vesicoureteral y otras afecciones de la vejiga y la uretra. Explica las indicaciones del procedimiento, la rutina de imágenes, y los criterios para evaluar la vejiga, uretra y extremos de los uréteres para detectar cualquier anormalidad.
Este documento presenta información sobre el tratamiento de efluentes cloacales. Explica conceptos como DBO, DQO y diferentes etapas y métodos de tratamiento como tratamientos preliminares, primarios, secundarios y terciarios que incluyen procesos físicos, químicos y biológicos para eliminar la contaminación en las aguas residuales.
In this session I will present best practices of how open source tools (used in the DevOps and security communities) can be properly chained together to form a framework that can - as part of an agile software development CI chain - perform automated checking of certain security aspects. This does not remove the requirement for manual pentests, but tries to automate early security feedback to developers.
Based on my experience of applying SecDevOps techniques to projects, I will present the glue steps required on every commit and at nightly builds to achieve different levels of depth in automated security testing during the CI workflow.
I will conclude with a "SecDevOps Maturity Model" of different stages of automated security testing and present concrete examples of how to achieve each stage with open source security tools.