Introduction to infection controlAya El Deebintroduction to infection prevention and control
مقدمة عن مكافحة العدوي
اسس مكافحة العدي
سلسلة انتقال العدوي
احتياطات التحكم في العدوي
Work precaution
جودة الرعاية الصحيةرؤية للحقائب التدريبيةإن الاهتمام بسلامة المرضى وجودة الرعاية الصحية هو المحور الذي ترتكز عليه مزاولة المهن الطبية منذ قديم العصور. فقد جعل مقدمو الرعاية الصحية عبر مختلف الحضارات مساعدة المرضى وتخفيف آلامهم ومعاناتهم وعلاج أمراضهم غايتهم القصوى، وعلى مر القرون ومع تقدم ممارسة الطب تم طرح العديد من النظريات والأساليب والتقنيات العلاجية وتقديم الاكتشافات العلمية والطبية التي أدت بدورها إلى تحسين جودة الرعاية الصحية وجودة حياة الإنسان
كتب إدارة الخدمات الصحية والمستشفياتabdulkreem3تجميع لكافة الكتب والمراجع العلمية المتخصصة بإدارة الخدمات الصحية والمستشفيات وتصبح في متناول الجميع وفي مكان واحد
ماذا نعني بسلامة وأمان المريضAmaal Mareyتدريب قسم الجودة لتمريض المستشفى على السياسات الخاصة بسلامة وأمان المريض ضمن الخطة التدريبية الموضوعة من قبل اللجنة
الإسعافات الأولية Premiers secours Islem Soualhiلحظة إصابة أي إنسان بحادث يكون في وضعية صعبة جدا تعتبر الحد الفاصل بين الحياة والموت ، لها أهمية كبيرة في حياة الإنسان
وهنا نصل الى استنتاج أهمية التكوين في الاسعافات الأولية لكل فرد في المجتمع : في البيت في الشارع في مكان العمل ... خصوصا وأننا نعيش في عصر السرعة والتكنولوجيا التي تكثر فيه الحوادث
ولأنه لا أحد منا معصوم من الحوادث المفاجئة يدعوكم الهلال الأحمر الجزائري الى التقدم الى مقره والتكوين في الاسعافات الأولية وستجدونا منا انشاء الله الاستقبال الحسن والتكوين الجيد.
الحقن الامن.pptxHeshamElbelkassyهذا الجزء يتحدث عن الحقن الغير الامن فى الدليل القومى المصرى لمكافحة العدوى يتحدث عن الطرق المستخدمة فى التقليل من الاصابة من استخدام السرنجات والحقن الغير امنة وكيفية تقليل الاضرار الناتجة عن الاستخدام الخاطىء وايضا سوف نتعلم الاتى :
ما هو الحقن الامن safe injection
القواعد العامة للحقن الامن
استخدام ( ادوات معقمة ) للحقن
منع تلوث ادوات الحقن
منع اصابة مقدم الخدمة
المصطلحات الخاصة بمكافحة العدوى من الدليل القومى المصرى لمكافحة العدوى .pptxHeshamElbelkassyهذا العمل تسهيلا لوجه الله خالصا لمعرفة المصطلحات الخاصة بمكافحة العدوى من الدليل القومى المصرى لمكافحة العدوى
Patient SafetyAhmed Awad IbrahimLecture about patient safety, international safety goals and patient safety in egyptian standards in training course of Building Capacity for Quality Improvement Team for General Organization of Teaching Hospitals and Institutes.
مكافحة العدوي .... Infection ControlAhmed GemyThis document outlines guidelines for infection control and prevention, including universal precautions for healthcare workers. It discusses modes of disease transmission, proper hand hygiene techniques, use of personal protective equipment, and safe handling of contaminated medical supplies to prevent the spread of infections. The role of healthcare workers is to follow these protocols to minimize transmission and provide educated care for all patients regardless of infection status.
إدارة صحية.pptxMurad56This is a presentation a bout health section management in which health team need to form work staff, and helpful in Arabic language
Tb meninHanadi AlbashaTuberculosis and meningitis are infectious diseases that can be deadly if not properly treated. Meningitis in particular can kill and its transmission must be controlled through proper distribution methods. The presentation provided an orientation on these diseases and thanked attendees for listening.
Personal protective equipment sequenceHanadi AlbashaThe document provides instructions for safely putting on and removing personal protective equipment (PPE). It describes the proper order for putting on a gown, mask or respirator, goggles or face shield, and gloves when working in a environment requiring infection control precautions. When removing PPE, the outside of the gown, gloves and front of the mask are contaminated and should not be touched with bare hands. PPE is removed in reverse order by either removing gown and gloves together or separately followed by goggles or face shield and mask. Hand hygiene is emphasized before donning and after complete removal of PPE.
جودة الرعاية الصحيةرؤية للحقائب التدريبيةإن الاهتمام بسلامة المرضى وجودة الرعاية الصحية هو المحور الذي ترتكز عليه مزاولة المهن الطبية منذ قديم العصور. فقد جعل مقدمو الرعاية الصحية عبر مختلف الحضارات مساعدة المرضى وتخفيف آلامهم ومعاناتهم وعلاج أمراضهم غايتهم القصوى، وعلى مر القرون ومع تقدم ممارسة الطب تم طرح العديد من النظريات والأساليب والتقنيات العلاجية وتقديم الاكتشافات العلمية والطبية التي أدت بدورها إلى تحسين جودة الرعاية الصحية وجودة حياة الإنسان
كتب إدارة الخدمات الصحية والمستشفياتabdulkreem3تجميع لكافة الكتب والمراجع العلمية المتخصصة بإدارة الخدمات الصحية والمستشفيات وتصبح في متناول الجميع وفي مكان واحد
ماذا نعني بسلامة وأمان المريضAmaal Mareyتدريب قسم الجودة لتمريض المستشفى على السياسات الخاصة بسلامة وأمان المريض ضمن الخطة التدريبية الموضوعة من قبل اللجنة
الإسعافات الأولية Premiers secours Islem Soualhiلحظة إصابة أي إنسان بحادث يكون في وضعية صعبة جدا تعتبر الحد الفاصل بين الحياة والموت ، لها أهمية كبيرة في حياة الإنسان
وهنا نصل الى استنتاج أهمية التكوين في الاسعافات الأولية لكل فرد في المجتمع : في البيت في الشارع في مكان العمل ... خصوصا وأننا نعيش في عصر السرعة والتكنولوجيا التي تكثر فيه الحوادث
ولأنه لا أحد منا معصوم من الحوادث المفاجئة يدعوكم الهلال الأحمر الجزائري الى التقدم الى مقره والتكوين في الاسعافات الأولية وستجدونا منا انشاء الله الاستقبال الحسن والتكوين الجيد.
الحقن الامن.pptxHeshamElbelkassyهذا الجزء يتحدث عن الحقن الغير الامن فى الدليل القومى المصرى لمكافحة العدوى يتحدث عن الطرق المستخدمة فى التقليل من الاصابة من استخدام السرنجات والحقن الغير امنة وكيفية تقليل الاضرار الناتجة عن الاستخدام الخاطىء وايضا سوف نتعلم الاتى :
ما هو الحقن الامن safe injection
القواعد العامة للحقن الامن
استخدام ( ادوات معقمة ) للحقن
منع تلوث ادوات الحقن
منع اصابة مقدم الخدمة
المصطلحات الخاصة بمكافحة العدوى من الدليل القومى المصرى لمكافحة العدوى .pptxHeshamElbelkassyهذا العمل تسهيلا لوجه الله خالصا لمعرفة المصطلحات الخاصة بمكافحة العدوى من الدليل القومى المصرى لمكافحة العدوى
Patient SafetyAhmed Awad IbrahimLecture about patient safety, international safety goals and patient safety in egyptian standards in training course of Building Capacity for Quality Improvement Team for General Organization of Teaching Hospitals and Institutes.
مكافحة العدوي .... Infection ControlAhmed GemyThis document outlines guidelines for infection control and prevention, including universal precautions for healthcare workers. It discusses modes of disease transmission, proper hand hygiene techniques, use of personal protective equipment, and safe handling of contaminated medical supplies to prevent the spread of infections. The role of healthcare workers is to follow these protocols to minimize transmission and provide educated care for all patients regardless of infection status.
إدارة صحية.pptxMurad56This is a presentation a bout health section management in which health team need to form work staff, and helpful in Arabic language
Tb meninHanadi AlbashaTuberculosis and meningitis are infectious diseases that can be deadly if not properly treated. Meningitis in particular can kill and its transmission must be controlled through proper distribution methods. The presentation provided an orientation on these diseases and thanked attendees for listening.
Personal protective equipment sequenceHanadi AlbashaThe document provides instructions for safely putting on and removing personal protective equipment (PPE). It describes the proper order for putting on a gown, mask or respirator, goggles or face shield, and gloves when working in a environment requiring infection control precautions. When removing PPE, the outside of the gown, gloves and front of the mask are contaminated and should not be touched with bare hands. PPE is removed in reverse order by either removing gown and gloves together or separately followed by goggles or face shield and mask. Hand hygiene is emphasized before donning and after complete removal of PPE.
PneumoniaHanadi AlbashaThis document provides precautions for various infectious diseases including the duration of precautions needed. It notes that for adenovirus and varicella-zoster, immunocompromised hosts may require extended duration of droplet and contact precautions due to prolonged virus shedding. It also recommends contact precautions be used for multidrug-resistant bacteria and skin lesions caused by group A streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus.
PpeHanadi AlbashaThe document provides guidance on proper personal protective equipment (PPE) use in healthcare settings. It describes the sequence for donning PPE as gown first, then mask or respirator, goggles or face shield, and gloves last. It provides instructions for selecting, putting on and taking off each type of PPE item, including gowns, masks, respirators, goggles, face shields and gloves. The document emphasizes performing hand hygiene after removing PPE and lists standard and expanded precautions for different clinical situations.
H1 n1+sarsHanadi AlbashaSwine influenza, or H1N1 influenza, is a contagious respiratory disease in pigs that can be transmitted to humans through contact with infected pigs or environments contaminated with the virus. It tends to cause high rates of illness but low mortality of 1-4%. Treatment consists of rest, fluids, fever reducers, and antiviral medication within 48 hours of symptoms. The H1N1 vaccine was released in 2009 and consisted of two doses for children under 10 and one dose for others 10 and older.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a rare viral respiratory disease caused by the SARS coronavirus. It was first reported in 2003 with about 8,273 total cases. SARS may be suspected in patients
Chain of infectionHanadi AlbashaThis document discusses the chain of infection and its six links: agent, reservoir, exit portal, means of transmission, entry portal, and susceptible host. It provides examples for each link and explains how interrupting any single link can prevent disease transmission. The six links are agent (pathogen), reservoir (where the agent lives), exit portal (how it leaves the host), means of transmission, entry portal, and susceptible host. Each link must be connected for transmission to occur.
surgical site infection Hanadi AlbashaThis document summarizes evidence and opportunities for preventing surgical site infections. It discusses how endogenous colonization and various patient, procedure, and surgical team factors can increase infection risk. Effective prevention strategies include: (1) reducing patient endogenous colonization through decolonization protocols and proper preoperative care; (2) appropriate use of antibiotic prophylaxis during surgery; and (3) maintaining proper asepsis through careful surgical technique and strict adherence to infection control measures by the surgical team. While some strategies like supplemental oxygen or certain wound dressings have less clear evidence, implementing a bundle of the most effective practices can significantly reduce surgical site infection rates.
Cleaning and sterilizationHanadi AlbashaThis document discusses sterilization and disinfection methods used in healthcare settings. It defines sterilization as destroying all microorganisms including bacterial spores through processes like heat, chemicals, irradiation and more. Disinfection eliminates pathogens but not bacterial spores. Cleaning removes visible soil first. Items are categorized based on sterility/disinfection needs. Common sterilization methods include steam autoclaving and chemical sterilants. Disinfection methods discussed are aldehydes, halogens, quaternary ammonium compounds, alcohols, acids and hydrogen peroxide.
central line related blood stream infection Hanadi AlbashaThis document provides guidelines for defining and identifying central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It states that a CLABSI is a laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection where a central line was in place for over 2 days, including the day of the infection. It also defines criteria for laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infections and references sources for the guidelines.
Wcms 742058 arabic versionHisham Burkan محاضرة تتحدث عن ضمان السلامة في اماكن العمل اثناء جائحة كورونا
covid -19
تم اعدادها من قبل منظمة العمل الدولية بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للسلامة والصحة المهنية الموافق 28/04/2020 وقد قمت بترجمتها وتنسيقها ارجو ان تكون مفيدة لكم ويمكنكم عرضها للعاملين في مؤسساتكم .
تمنياتي لكمبالتوفيق
م.هشام احمد بركان
HAPHanadi AlbashaThis patient is a 77-year-old woman admitted to the ICU with a stroke who has now developed hospital-acquired pneumonia. She has risk factors including COPD, recent intubation, and NG tube feeding. Laboratory results show increased white blood cell count and creatinine. Initial empiric antimicrobial therapy should cover typical and atypical pathogens, including Pseudomonas if risk factors are present. Therapy should be de-escalated once culture results are available. Generally, 7-8 days of antimicrobial therapy is sufficient for hospital-acquired pneumonia.
ventilator acquired pneumonia Hanadi AlbashaThis document discusses ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), including its definition, epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis, prevention, and management. VAP is pneumonia that develops 48 hours or more after a patient has been put on a ventilator. It can occur in up to 28% of mechanically ventilated patients and the mortality rate is high at 27-76%. Risk factors include intubation type and route, prior antibiotic use, and comorbidities. Diagnosis involves clinical, microbiological, and radiological evidence. Prevention strategies include education, hand hygiene, ventilator circuit maintenance, oral decontamination, and the VAP bundle. Treatment recommendations include following local antibiograms and initially covering common
MERS-COV Hanadi AlbashaThis document provides guidelines for the case definition, triage, and infection control procedures for patients with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). It defines suspected, probable and confirmed cases of MERS and outlines the triage process to rapidly identify patients. It also provides recommendations for standard, contact and airborne precautions based on the patient's condition. Personal protective equipment and environmental cleaning procedures are described to prevent the transmission of MERS in healthcare settings.
HandhygineHanadi AlbashaThis presentation outlines the importance of hand hygiene in healthcare settings to prevent the spread of infection. It discusses how lack of proper hand hygiene leads to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in over 1.4 million patients worldwide each year. The presentation introduces the "My 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene" approach and explains that a multimodal strategy including system changes, training, evaluation, reminders, and safety culture is needed to improve low global hand hygiene compliance rates.
Sharp injuryHanadi AlbashaThis document discusses sharps injuries among healthcare personnel and recommendations to prevent such injuries. It notes that there are an estimated 385,000 sharps injuries annually, with nurses being the occupational group most commonly exposed. The six devices that account for most injuries are disposable syringes, suture needles, winged-steel needles, intravenous catheter stylets, phlebotomy needles, and scalpels. Over a third of injuries are disposal-related. Recommendations include using safety-engineered devices, safe handling practices like neutral zones, and proper disposal in closable sharps containers.