كتب إدارة الخدمات الصحية والمستشفياتabdulkreem3تجميع لكافة الكتب والمراجع العلمية المتخصصة بإدارة الخدمات الصحية والمستشفيات وتصبح في متناول الجميع وفي مكان واحد
جودة الرعاية الصحيةرؤية للحقائب التدريبيةإن الاهتمام بسلامة المرضى وجودة الرعاية الصحية هو المحور الذي ترتكز عليه مزاولة المهن الطبية منذ قديم العصور. فقد جعل مقدمو الرعاية الصحية عبر مختلف الحضارات مساعدة المرضى وتخفيف آلامهم ومعاناتهم وعلاج أمراضهم غايتهم القصوى، وعلى مر القرون ومع تقدم ممارسة الطب تم طرح العديد من النظريات والأساليب والتقنيات العلاجية وتقديم الاكتشافات العلمية والطبية التي أدت بدورها إلى تحسين جودة الرعاية الصحية وجودة حياة الإنسان
ماذا نعني بسلامة وأمان المريضAmaal Mareyتدريب قسم الجودة لتمريض المستشفى على السياسات الخاصة بسلامة وأمان المريض ضمن الخطة التدريبية الموضوعة من قبل اللجنة
الإسعافات الأولية Premiers secours Islem Soualhiلحظة إصابة أي إنسان بحادث يكون في وضعية صعبة جدا تعتبر الحد الفاصل بين الحياة والموت ، لها أهمية كبيرة في حياة الإنسان
وهنا نصل الى استنتاج أهمية التكوين في الاسعافات الأولية لكل فرد في المجتمع : في البيت في الشارع في مكان العمل ... خصوصا وأننا نعيش في عصر السرعة والتكنولوجيا التي تكثر فيه الحوادث
ولأنه لا أحد منا معصوم من الحوادث المفاجئة يدعوكم الهلال الأحمر الجزائري الى التقدم الى مقره والتكوين في الاسعافات الأولية وستجدونا منا انشاء الله الاستقبال الحسن والتكوين الجيد.
إدارة صحية.pptxMurad56This is a presentation a bout health section management in which health team need to form work staff, and helpful in Arabic language
مهارات الاسعافات الاوليةرؤية للحقائب التدريبيةيتعرض الإنسان أحيانًا من خلال تفاعله مع البيئة لبعض الحوادث والإصابات التي تستدعي التعامل معها ومعالجتها بطريقة مناسبة وفورية.
وقد تجد نفسك -وأنت في مكان العمل أو المدرسة أو المنزل أو الشارع أو أينما كنت تقف- وجهًا لوجهٍ أمام شخص عزيز عليك أبًا كان أو ابنًا أو قريبًا أو صديقًا أو حتى شخصًا لا تعرفه قد تَعرَّض لجرح، نزيف، كسر، صدمة، أو لنوبات مرض ما، فهل فكَّرتَ ماذا ستفعل؟
وأمام تلك المواقف يجب على الإنسان أن يكون على سابق معرفة ببعض العلوم والمعارف الأساسية في الحياة، ومنها الإسعافات الأوليّة، ليستطيع من خلالها أن يُقدِّم المساعدة الإسعافية لنفسه أو لغيره، مستخدِمًا الإمكانيات المتاحة في مكان الحادث.
مهارات الاتصال في المجال التمريضي Arwa KqThe document discusses communication skills. It defines communication as a joint process between a sender and receiver involving the exchange of information and opinions using symbols to achieve specific goals. It lists the objectives of understanding communication for nurses and some barriers to communication. It covers the components of communication including the sender, message, medium, receiver and feedback. It also discusses types of communication, verbal versus non-verbal communication, and the importance of communication for personal, social, economic and psychological reasons. Finally, it discusses barriers to communication such as physical, emotional, environmental and cultural barriers and how to overcome them by understanding the audience and ensuring messages are timely, meaningful and relevant.
إدارة صحية.pptxMurad56This is a presentation a bout health section management in which health team need to form work staff, and helpful in Arabic language
مهارات الاسعافات الاوليةرؤية للحقائب التدريبيةيتعرض الإنسان أحيانًا من خلال تفاعله مع البيئة لبعض الحوادث والإصابات التي تستدعي التعامل معها ومعالجتها بطريقة مناسبة وفورية.
وقد تجد نفسك -وأنت في مكان العمل أو المدرسة أو المنزل أو الشارع أو أينما كنت تقف- وجهًا لوجهٍ أمام شخص عزيز عليك أبًا كان أو ابنًا أو قريبًا أو صديقًا أو حتى شخصًا لا تعرفه قد تَعرَّض لجرح، نزيف، كسر، صدمة، أو لنوبات مرض ما، فهل فكَّرتَ ماذا ستفعل؟
وأمام تلك المواقف يجب على الإنسان أن يكون على سابق معرفة ببعض العلوم والمعارف الأساسية في الحياة، ومنها الإسعافات الأوليّة، ليستطيع من خلالها أن يُقدِّم المساعدة الإسعافية لنفسه أو لغيره، مستخدِمًا الإمكانيات المتاحة في مكان الحادث.
مهارات الاتصال في المجال التمريضي Arwa KqThe document discusses communication skills. It defines communication as a joint process between a sender and receiver involving the exchange of information and opinions using symbols to achieve specific goals. It lists the objectives of understanding communication for nurses and some barriers to communication. It covers the components of communication including the sender, message, medium, receiver and feedback. It also discusses types of communication, verbal versus non-verbal communication, and the importance of communication for personal, social, economic and psychological reasons. Finally, it discusses barriers to communication such as physical, emotional, environmental and cultural barriers and how to overcome them by understanding the audience and ensuring messages are timely, meaningful and relevant.
مشكلات التمريض.pdfmohamedezzat558304تعتبر مهنة التمريض من المهن التي ترتبط بالمجتمع بشكل مباشر وبكافة فئاته وتعتبر أيضاً مهنة إنسانية فالممرض يتعامل مع كافة الأفراد وكافة الأعمار وهو ما يجعل من مهنته وسيلة لتقديم الخدمات الطبية وأيضاً تقديم النصح والإرشاد للوقاية من كل ما يضر صحة المريض.
2- صورة الطبيب و الممرض image of doctors & nurses- 2May Haddad MD.MPHصورة الطبيب و الممرض
في صبحية صحوية –الجزء 2
مقتطفات عن "صبحية صحوية"- إعداد د. مي حداد
يونيو/حزيران 2012 إلى يونيو/حزيران 2013
هذا المقال المصور يستكمل المقال الأول "صورة الطبيب
و الممرض في صبحية صحوية "-1 و الذي غطى مقتطفات من الفترة الزمنية نوفمبر- تشرين الثاني 2011 إلى مايو- أيار 2012
تجميد البويضات بني أمل النساء في اإلنجابDrMustafaZAKARIAوالشكوك المجتمعية حول التقنية
تجميد البويضات والحيوانات املنوية، نساء من
املغرب اقرتبت من هذا امللف الشائك لتنرش لكم
كل ما تريدون معرفته عن هذه التقنية يف السطور
القليلة القادمة
Pd aki 2019FarragBahbahThe document provides historical background on the development of peritoneal dialysis (PD) and outlines its use in acute kidney injury (AKI). It discusses:
1. The first experiments using the peritoneal cavity for uremia removal in the 1920s.
2. The development of intermittent PD in the 1960s and continuous ambulatory PD in the 1970s.
3. Evidence that high doses of continuous PD can provide appropriate metabolic control in AKI, with survival and renal recovery rates similar to other renal replacement therapies.
4. Indications for acute PD include hemodynamic instability and bleeding risks, while contraindications include recent abdominal surgery and severe peritonitis.
Modified therapeutic plasma-exchangeFarragBahbahThis document summarizes a presentation on therapeutic plasma exchange (PEX) given by Kamal Mohamed Okasha. It provides an overview of the PEX procedure and potential indications for PEX, including Goodpasture's Syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, cryoglobulinemia, multiple myeloma, and ANCA disease. It discusses complications of PEX and guidelines for efficacy based on recent studies. In particular, it examines the use of PEX for Goodpasture's Syndrome, noting that PEX aims to remove circulating anti-GBM antibodies and that studies have found improved outcomes, including renal function and survival, for patients receiving PEX treatment.
Hussein drug therapy in aki 3 osama alshahat 2 pptxFarragBahbahThis document discusses acute kidney injury (AKI). It notes that AKI is often not recognized or coded for correctly. The incidence of AKI is increasing globally due to factors like comorbidities. Treatment for AKI is mainly supportive as there are no effective preventative or curative treatments. Several studies discussed found that diuretics and mannitol did not prevent AKI and may increase the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy. Hydration with sodium bicarbonate or saline was compared, with meta-analyses finding sodium bicarbonate may reduce the risk of AKI compared to saline. Dopamine and fenoldopam were also discussed but did not show clear benefits for preventing or treating AK
Pres ln master class 21 oct 2019 FarragBahbahThis document summarizes key information about lupus nephritis (LN) from a lecture given by Dr. Hussein Sheashaa. It begins with an outline of topics to be covered, including histopathology/biopsy, predictors of outcome, treatment approaches, and special situations. Regarding biopsy findings, it indicates that class IV LN is most common and describes revised classification guidelines. Treatment principles focus on early, aggressive therapy to achieve remission and prevent flares/progression. Standard induction therapies are discussed as well as new options like voclosporin. Maintenance strategies and treatment algorithms are presented. Predictors of poor outcome and management of special cases like pregnancy and refractory LN are also summarized.
Fluid management in pd patientFarragBahbahThis document summarizes key aspects of fluid management in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. It discusses optimizing PD prescriptions to balance adequate solute clearance while avoiding excess dialysis fluid exposure. Factors like residual renal function, membrane characteristics, fill volume and dwell time are considered. Monitoring adequacy includes measuring clearances and adjusting therapy if targets are not met. Guidelines recommend strategies to preserve renal function like ACEi/ARB use and avoiding dehydration.
Membranous nephropathy 22 october 2019, prof. hussein sheashaaFarragBahbahThis document summarizes a presentation on membranous nephropathy (MN). The presentation discusses: 1) The pathogenesis and pathology of MN, focusing on its autoimmune nature. 2) Immunosuppression treatments for MN including calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs), rituximab, and newer therapies. 3) Algorithms and guidelines for the management and treatment of MN. 4) Recent 2019 clinical studies on treatments like rituximab and CNIs. 5) Recurrent MN after kidney transplantation. 6) The use of circulating anti-PLA2R antibody levels to diagnose and monitor MN noninvasively.
Dialysis in akiFarragBahbahThis document discusses different modalities for treating acute kidney injury (AKI) in critically ill patients, including continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) and intermittent hemodialysis. It provides pros and cons of each modality and factors to consider in determining the optimal treatment for an individual patient. While CRRT allows for more gradual fluid removal and hemodynamic stability, clearance is better with intermittent therapies. The document concludes that hemodynamic stability is the main determinant of treatment choice and clearance is optimized through combination of diffusion and convection methods.
Dkd master class FarragBahbahThis document provides an outline and summary of a presentation on diabetic kidney disease (DKD). It discusses:
1. The epidemiology, presentation, and trends of DKD.
2. The pathology and biomarkers of DKD.
3. The management of DKD, including the use of RAAS blockers, anti-hyperglycemic drugs like SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP1 RAs, and renal replacement therapies.
4. It concludes with a discussion of taking a holistic approach to DKD and lessons that can be learned from basic research on autophagy.
Gn master classFarragBahbahThe document discusses several cases of glomerular disease:
1) A 27-year-old male with nephrotic syndrome and a kidney biopsy showing IgG and C3 deposits along the glomerular basement membrane consistent with membranous nephropathy.
2) A 78-year-old female admitted with nephrotic syndrome after a history of NSAID use, with a biopsy showing focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
3) A 26-year-old male with nephrotic syndrome and renal impairment, whose biopsy demonstrated membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis with C3 deposition and subendothelial electron dense deposits. Follow up showed elevated
IbrahimFarragBahbahA 30-year-old man presented with lower limb swelling, shortness of breath, and decreased urine output for 2 weeks. He had a history of drug abuse including heroin, tramadol, and marijuana. Initial labs showed severe kidney dysfunction with a creatinine of 7.5 mg/dl. A renal biopsy was performed which showed acute tubular injury, focal interstitial nephritis with eosinophil infiltrate, and mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis. He was started on hemodialysis and steroids. After treatment, his kidney function improved and he was discharged with a creatinine of 1.5 mg/dl.
Aya elsaeid 1FarragBahbahA 19-year-old male gym player presented with decreased urine output, fatigue, loss of appetite, joint pain, nausea, and vomiting for one week. Lab results showed impaired renal function. He has a history of artheralgia treated with long-acting penicillin. Investigations showed positive ANA and anti-ds DNA. A renal biopsy was done which revealed lupus nephritis class 4, indicating an active inflammation. The treatment plan includes high dose steroids, immunosuppressants, and supplements.
Interstial nephr mohamed abdallahFarragBahbahThis document discusses tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN), a pattern of renal injury characterized by inflammation and edema of the renal tubules and interstitium. TIN is most commonly caused by drugs (71% of cases) and infections (15% of cases). On biopsy, TIN shows lymphocytic infiltration of the tubules and interstitium with tubular atrophy and normal glomeruli and vessels. Treatment involves withdrawing the offending agent and supportive care. Corticosteroids may aid recovery but their effectiveness is debated. Prognosis depends on factors like duration of the insult and degree of fibrosis - complete recovery is more likely if treatment begins early.
Fasting ramadan nephrology prospective prof. osama el shahateFarragBahbahDr. Osama El-Shahat is the head of the nephrology department at New Mansoura General Hospital and vice president of the Dakahlia Nephrology Group. The document discusses kidney disease (CKD), transplantation, dialysis, and recommendations. It provides examples of how some animals fast during certain periods by not eating and reducing activity. It also discusses fasting guidelines for patients with illnesses, noting that those with more severe illnesses should generally be exempted from fasting. The document analyzes a study on the effects of Ramadan fasting on renal function in CKD patients and notes that more large studies are needed. It also reviews a case of a hypertensive patient wanting to fast for Ramadan
Ramadan fasting & kidney disease may 2019FarragBahbahRamadan fasting is a unique metabolic model that consists of alternating periods of fasting and feasting rather than continuous fasting. During the fast, the body breaks down fat stores and releases fatty acids into the bloodstream to be used for energy. This process can help eliminate toxins from the fatty acids. Fasting has also been shown to help reduce inflammation and support the immune system. However, fasting also carries risks and may not be appropriate for certain groups like pregnant women, those with medical conditions, or people on medication. Proper hydration and electrolyte replacement is important when fasting to avoid health issues.
Vascular access 2019FarragBahbah- Short-term catheters should only be used for acute dialysis or limited hospital use. Non-cuffed femoral catheters are only for bed-bound patients.
- Long-term catheters should be used with a plan for permanent access and prefer those capable of high flow rates. Choice depends on local experience and goals.
- Long-term catheters should avoid the same side as a maturing arteriovenous access, if possible.
Parathyroidectomy alshimaaFarragBahbahThis document summarizes the medical history and treatment of a 55-year-old male patient with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis for 17 years and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Medical treatment with cinacalcet and calcitriol was unsuccessful in lowering his high calcium, phosphorus, and PTH levels. Consultations with ENT and cardiology found no issues. The doctor decided that parathyroidectomy was the best option to treat his tertiary hyperparathyroidism that was not responding to medical treatment.