Christina Torres_IT_ProjectManagerChristina SaucedaThis document is a resume for Christina Torres applying for a Project Manager position. She has over 3 years of experience in construction roles and residential/commercial renovation projects. Her skills include interpreting engineering drawings, communicating effectively, working well under pressure, and applying project management tools like scheduling and risk analysis. Her education includes a Project Management certificate and a Bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering Technology. Her work experience includes positions as an Engineering Technician and Project Manager at various manufacturing companies, where she developed test processes, managed projects, and solved production issues.
Social kickstart reviewReview productSocial Kickstart is a software tool that allows marketers to manage multiple Facebook pages and fan pages. It provides tools for conducting market research, creating engaging content from sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube, and scheduling posts. The tool also allows marketers to build retargeting audiences, create Facebook ads easily, and gain insights from page metrics. Social Kickstart aims to help marketers maximize their reach and generate revenue through their fan pages.
CVAshley CortesiAshley Cortesi is a human resources professional committed to enabling companies to better utilize their employees. She has experience recruiting and staffing, developing employee training programs, creating electronic records systems, and managing benefits administration. Cortesi holds a Bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management and is affiliated with several professional organizations.
NominaluisUn contrato es un acuerdo entre partes que genera derechos y obligaciones. Para que haya un contrato de trabajo se requiere una actividad personal del trabajador subordinado al empleador a cambio de un salario como retribución del servicio.
Emmanuele Rotondi - ResumeEmmanuele RotondiEmmanuele Rotondi has experience in marketing and ticket sales for sports organizations. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Sports Management from St. John's University and an Associate's degree from SUNY Sullivan County Community College. Currently he is a Marketing Intern for St. John's University Athletics where he assists with promotions and sales. Previously he had internships in ticket sales for the Brooklyn Nets and Barclays Center, and marketing for the New York Islanders.
Classroom Barricade DevicesVernon Kelley, ICML, CFDI, CPL, CMIL, IFDIThe document discusses the need for classroom barricade devices as an interim security measure for schools facing the threat of active shooters. While many door hardware professionals are unwilling to consider barricade devices due to life safety code violations, the author argues that active shooters now pose a greater risk to students than fires. The author proposes interim standards for barricade devices, including that they only be used in buildings with fire suppression systems and that their operation be simple. The standards also call for minimizing impacts to other regulations and including expiration dates for barricade devices to motivate developing nationwide security standards.
BRENDA L SCHOENLEBrenda ShoenleBrenda Schoenle has over 17 years of experience in banking, including roles in customer service, mortgage lending, and loan servicing. She has a background in Microsoft Office applications and loan origination systems. Currently she works as a wholesale/residential lender at First Niagara Bank where she processes loan applications, verifies broker licenses, and analyzes mortgage rates. Previously she held positions as a senior mortgage specialist and closing coordinator at First Niagara Bank.
Professional Skills Career Launch How-To Guide 2016 final (1)Denise DiRienzo, Ed.D.The document provides information about the Professional Skills Career Launch course, including:
- An overview of the course content and modules focused on developing job search, career readiness, and professional skills.
- Details on accessing course materials through an online Blackboard site for two courses - one for all majors and one for engineering students.
- Instructions for students to purchase required textbooks or access them for free through provided links.
- A guide for navigating through the online course modules and materials on the left sidebar of the Blackboard site.
financial freedom 1602 (1) (1)Vince SCULLYThis document outlines 8 steps to achieve financial freedom: 1) Spend less than you earn by creating a budget and tracking spending. 2) Save for retirement by consolidating super funds and minimizing fees. 3) Build an emergency fund of $1000 or more. 4) Pay off debts by paying minimums on all debts and focusing on highest interest debts first. 5) Prepare for the unexpected with appropriate insurance. 6) Get paperwork in order by decluttering files and setting up a filing system. 7) Invest surplus funds after establishing an emergency fund. 8) Buy and pay off a home by saving a deposit and continuing minimum repayments while paying down the loan balance.
WIFM event session 2 by Veldhoen + Company 17 November 2015Veldhoen + CompanyIn our second Women in Facility Management (WIFM) session we focused on "How to plant the seed to unlock the value of your real estate" and discussed several ways how we can align HR, IT and the CFO in the process of change.
MSLGROUP CREATIVE+ brochureMSLThe document provides information about the creative services offered by MSLGROUP CREATIVE+. It summarizes their team of over 50 professionals who have worked with over 25 MSLGROUP offices globally on over 500 projects. It then lists and describes the various creative services offered, including branding, collateral, print production, web design, multimedia, and digital offerings like custom web applications, ecommerce, mobile apps, and social media apps. It provides examples of case studies and clients that MSLGROUP CREATIVE+ has worked with, including in Asia, EMEA, and the Americas. It concludes by describing the team strengths and an organizational overview.
Burattino Jacopo e teatrinoMaria ConcettaGiochiamo con Jacopo.
Socio da associação dos surdosabreusurdo AbreuO documento discute o conceito de sócio de associações sem fins lucrativos de acordo com o Código Civil brasileiro. Ele explica que um sócio de associação não tem uma finalidade empresarial, mas sim social, cultural ou desportiva. O texto também fornece exemplos de associações e discute os benefícios e direitos dos sócios, como passe livre e eventos gratuitos.
Emmanuele Rotondi - ResumeEmmanuele RotondiEmmanuele Rotondi has experience in marketing and ticket sales for sports organizations. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Sports Management from St. John's University and an Associate's degree from SUNY Sullivan County Community College. Currently he is a Marketing Intern for St. John's University Athletics where he assists with promotions and sales. Previously he had internships in ticket sales for the Brooklyn Nets and Barclays Center, and marketing for the New York Islanders.
Classroom Barricade DevicesVernon Kelley, ICML, CFDI, CPL, CMIL, IFDIThe document discusses the need for classroom barricade devices as an interim security measure for schools facing the threat of active shooters. While many door hardware professionals are unwilling to consider barricade devices due to life safety code violations, the author argues that active shooters now pose a greater risk to students than fires. The author proposes interim standards for barricade devices, including that they only be used in buildings with fire suppression systems and that their operation be simple. The standards also call for minimizing impacts to other regulations and including expiration dates for barricade devices to motivate developing nationwide security standards.
BRENDA L SCHOENLEBrenda ShoenleBrenda Schoenle has over 17 years of experience in banking, including roles in customer service, mortgage lending, and loan servicing. She has a background in Microsoft Office applications and loan origination systems. Currently she works as a wholesale/residential lender at First Niagara Bank where she processes loan applications, verifies broker licenses, and analyzes mortgage rates. Previously she held positions as a senior mortgage specialist and closing coordinator at First Niagara Bank.
Professional Skills Career Launch How-To Guide 2016 final (1)Denise DiRienzo, Ed.D.The document provides information about the Professional Skills Career Launch course, including:
- An overview of the course content and modules focused on developing job search, career readiness, and professional skills.
- Details on accessing course materials through an online Blackboard site for two courses - one for all majors and one for engineering students.
- Instructions for students to purchase required textbooks or access them for free through provided links.
- A guide for navigating through the online course modules and materials on the left sidebar of the Blackboard site.
financial freedom 1602 (1) (1)Vince SCULLYThis document outlines 8 steps to achieve financial freedom: 1) Spend less than you earn by creating a budget and tracking spending. 2) Save for retirement by consolidating super funds and minimizing fees. 3) Build an emergency fund of $1000 or more. 4) Pay off debts by paying minimums on all debts and focusing on highest interest debts first. 5) Prepare for the unexpected with appropriate insurance. 6) Get paperwork in order by decluttering files and setting up a filing system. 7) Invest surplus funds after establishing an emergency fund. 8) Buy and pay off a home by saving a deposit and continuing minimum repayments while paying down the loan balance.
WIFM event session 2 by Veldhoen + Company 17 November 2015Veldhoen + CompanyIn our second Women in Facility Management (WIFM) session we focused on "How to plant the seed to unlock the value of your real estate" and discussed several ways how we can align HR, IT and the CFO in the process of change.
MSLGROUP CREATIVE+ brochureMSLThe document provides information about the creative services offered by MSLGROUP CREATIVE+. It summarizes their team of over 50 professionals who have worked with over 25 MSLGROUP offices globally on over 500 projects. It then lists and describes the various creative services offered, including branding, collateral, print production, web design, multimedia, and digital offerings like custom web applications, ecommerce, mobile apps, and social media apps. It provides examples of case studies and clients that MSLGROUP CREATIVE+ has worked with, including in Asia, EMEA, and the Americas. It concludes by describing the team strengths and an organizational overview.
Burattino Jacopo e teatrinoMaria ConcettaGiochiamo con Jacopo.
Socio da associação dos surdosabreusurdo AbreuO documento discute o conceito de sócio de associações sem fins lucrativos de acordo com o Código Civil brasileiro. Ele explica que um sócio de associação não tem uma finalidade empresarial, mas sim social, cultural ou desportiva. O texto também fornece exemplos de associações e discute os benefícios e direitos dos sócios, como passe livre e eventos gratuitos.
2. Найпоширеніше
джерело пилу на
Землі — це її грунт.
Вітер видуває
величезну кількість
частинок грунту, які
високо в небо і
переносяться на
багато тисяч
3. Друге місце в першості
виробництва пилу
займають солі морів і
В атмосферу потрапляють
найдрібніші крапельки
води, які утворюються з
бульбашок, що
піднімаються з дна океану.
Краплі миттєво зникають,
а кристалики солей
залишаються в повітрі.