Copy of the canterbury talesjverftukli08This document provides an introduction and guidelines for a reader-friendly edition of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales that has been put into modern English spelling. It explains that the spelling has been updated for readability while keeping the original language, grammar, syntax and vocabulary. Some discussion is provided around pronunciation, rhyme, and meter in Chaucer's works compared to modern English. The editor aims to make Chaucer accessible to general readers without requiring knowledge of Middle English.
Ignite presentationCooper321The document discusses how social networks form and operate on various levels. It explains that the simplest social network is a dyad or pair, and that dyads agglomerate to form larger interconnected webs. Various topics are then addressed in short sections, including how happiness spreads through social networks, the role of love, lust and attachment in networks, finding romantic partners through networks, health contagion through social ties, the influence of money on networks, using social networks for political campaigns, how social networking emerged and evolved both online and through virtual worlds, and that humans can be viewed as a "superorganism" due to our social networking abilities.
Property crimesocsoThis document provides information and tips to help protect homes and businesses from property crimes like burglary and theft. It discusses who typically commits these crimes, when they usually occur, and recommendations for securing doors, windows, outbuildings, and valuables. Tips include installing alarms, trimming landscaping, documenting serial numbers, leaving a radio on to simulate occupancy, and reporting any suspicious people on your property.
MarijuanaocsoThis presentation provides information about marijuana including what it is, its effects, where it comes from, how it is ingested, signs of its use, penalties for possession, and contact information for law enforcement. Marijuana is an illegal drug that comes from both domestic and imported sources and has psychoactive effects when smoked or eaten. Signs of marijuana use include red eyes, slowed speech and movements, and the smell of the drug. Possession of marijuana can result in misdemeanor charges or felony charges depending on the amount and number of offenses.
MarijuanaocsoThis presentation provides information about marijuana including what it is, its effects, where it comes from, how it is ingested, signs of its use, penalties for possession, and how to report illegal drug activity. Marijuana is an illegal drug that comes from plants and has psychoactive properties when ingested. Common methods for ingestion include smoking joints or blunts and using pipes or bongs. Signs of marijuana use may include the smell of the drug, red eyes, and drug paraphernalia. Penalties for possession in Oklahoma can include jail time and fines depending on the amount and if it is a repeat offense.
Check wash & i.d. theftocsoCheck washing is a growing crime where thieves erase ink on checks using common household chemicals and rewrite them to increase the amount payable. Acetone and bleach are commonly used to erase ballpoint pen and gel pen inks. Victims can help prevent check washing by shredding canceled checks, checking bank statements regularly, and using gel ink pens that are more difficult to erase than ballpoint or dye-based inks when writing checks. The Osage County Sheriff's Office warns residents about check washing and provides tips to avoid identity theft and check fraud.
Meth labsocsoThis document provides information about methamphetamine (meth), including what it is, how it's ingested, common signs of meth use, and how to identify a potential meth lab. Meth comes in various forms and is often snorted, smoked, or injected for its euphoric and energizing effects. Long term meth use can cause physical and psychological harm. Clandestine meth labs are dangerous and produce toxic waste. The document outlines physical and behavioral signs that may indicate meth use or production and advises contacting authorities instead of confronting a suspected user or lab.
Copy of the canterbury talesjverftukli08This document provides an introduction and guidelines for a reader-friendly edition of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales that has been put into modern English spelling. It explains that the spelling has been updated for readability while keeping the original language, grammar, syntax and vocabulary. Some discussion is provided around pronunciation, rhyme, and meter in Chaucer's works compared to modern English. The editor aims to make Chaucer accessible to general readers without requiring knowledge of Middle English.
Ignite presentationCooper321The document discusses how social networks form and operate on various levels. It explains that the simplest social network is a dyad or pair, and that dyads agglomerate to form larger interconnected webs. Various topics are then addressed in short sections, including how happiness spreads through social networks, the role of love, lust and attachment in networks, finding romantic partners through networks, health contagion through social ties, the influence of money on networks, using social networks for political campaigns, how social networking emerged and evolved both online and through virtual worlds, and that humans can be viewed as a "superorganism" due to our social networking abilities.
Property crimesocsoThis document provides information and tips to help protect homes and businesses from property crimes like burglary and theft. It discusses who typically commits these crimes, when they usually occur, and recommendations for securing doors, windows, outbuildings, and valuables. Tips include installing alarms, trimming landscaping, documenting serial numbers, leaving a radio on to simulate occupancy, and reporting any suspicious people on your property.
MarijuanaocsoThis presentation provides information about marijuana including what it is, its effects, where it comes from, how it is ingested, signs of its use, penalties for possession, and contact information for law enforcement. Marijuana is an illegal drug that comes from both domestic and imported sources and has psychoactive effects when smoked or eaten. Signs of marijuana use include red eyes, slowed speech and movements, and the smell of the drug. Possession of marijuana can result in misdemeanor charges or felony charges depending on the amount and number of offenses.
MarijuanaocsoThis presentation provides information about marijuana including what it is, its effects, where it comes from, how it is ingested, signs of its use, penalties for possession, and how to report illegal drug activity. Marijuana is an illegal drug that comes from plants and has psychoactive properties when ingested. Common methods for ingestion include smoking joints or blunts and using pipes or bongs. Signs of marijuana use may include the smell of the drug, red eyes, and drug paraphernalia. Penalties for possession in Oklahoma can include jail time and fines depending on the amount and if it is a repeat offense.
Check wash & i.d. theftocsoCheck washing is a growing crime where thieves erase ink on checks using common household chemicals and rewrite them to increase the amount payable. Acetone and bleach are commonly used to erase ballpoint pen and gel pen inks. Victims can help prevent check washing by shredding canceled checks, checking bank statements regularly, and using gel ink pens that are more difficult to erase than ballpoint or dye-based inks when writing checks. The Osage County Sheriff's Office warns residents about check washing and provides tips to avoid identity theft and check fraud.
Meth labsocsoThis document provides information about methamphetamine (meth), including what it is, how it's ingested, common signs of meth use, and how to identify a potential meth lab. Meth comes in various forms and is often snorted, smoked, or injected for its euphoric and energizing effects. Long term meth use can cause physical and psychological harm. Clandestine meth labs are dangerous and produce toxic waste. The document outlines physical and behavioral signs that may indicate meth use or production and advises contacting authorities instead of confronting a suspected user or lab.
La superficie. matematicaKrosalesRFEl documento presenta información sobre conceptos básicos de geometría como superficies, líneas, polígonos y figuras planas. Explica que una superficie tiene dos dimensiones (largo y ancho) y un área, y que las figuras planas se representan mediante líneas de contorno. Luego define triángulos, cuadriláteros y otros polígonos, describiendo sus características y tipos. Finalmente, propone algunas actividades relacionadas con estos conceptos.
Como instalar deliciuosarielpizoEste documento proporciona instrucciones para instalar y utilizar la aplicación Delicious. Explica cómo registrarse, seguir cuentas de otros usuarios, agregar enlaces y videos, y por qué es importante para el trabajo y la empresa compartir información en esta plataforma.
PlagioyeidyloboEl plagio implica copiar o parafrasear el trabajo de otra persona y presentarlo como propio, sin dar el crédito correspondiente. Se comete plagio al divulgar, publicar o reproducir una obra ajena bajo la autoría de otra persona, usurpando los derechos morales y económicos del autor verdadero. Para evitar el plagio, se debe dar crédito siempre que se utilicen ideas, datos u otras informaciones de otra fuente.
FRANCISCO ALZURU ARJONA BCNVZLAEl documento describe los conceptos clave de la comunicación corporativa. Explica que la comunicación corporativa evalúa la situación de comunicación interna y externa de una empresa para proponer recomendaciones de mejora. También cubre temas como las percepciones, estrategias comunicacionales, comunicación interna y externa, y la imagen e identidad corporativa de una organización.
Rose Fanta EURO 2012 al 12-06-2012kuci87This document contains rosters for 8 fantasy soccer teams. Each roster lists players from different countries and their associated point values. It also shows the initial budget, amount spent, and remaining budget for each manager. The rosters include players from countries like Spain, France, Germany, Netherlands, and others.