Giuseppe MezzofantiElen EranosyanGiuseppe Mezzofanti was an Italian cardinal and hyper polyglot born in Bologna in 1772. He was ordained as a priest in 1797 and became a professor of Arabic at the University of Bologna. Throughout his career he held various positions related to languages and theology, including professor of Oriental languages, assistant librarian, and director of studies for the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. By 1858 it was reported that Mezzofanti could speak over 30 languages fluently and had basic knowledge of many others, demonstrating an extraordinary talent for learning languages.
About Vahan TeryanElen EranosyanVahan Teryan was born in 1885 in the village of Gandza in Javakheti, Georgia. He studied at the Lazarian College in Moscow, where he was exposed to symbolism and joined the Russian Social Democrats. He published his first book of poems called "Dreams at Dusk" in 1908, which earned him recognition as one of the most original lyric poets of his time. Teryan is known as the "Singer of Autumn" for his poems dedicated to autumn and love. He died in 1920, and his poems are filled with images of nature that symbolize sorrow and eventually, peace.
My HeroesElen EranosyanMy parents are my heroes because they do their best for me, love me unconditionally, and take care of me when I am sick. My mother is a doctor who heals me whenever I am ill, and both of my parents hug me to make me feel better. I appreciate all the hard work my parents do for me, and we love each other very much.
Mxitar SebastaciElen EranosyanMxitar Sebastaci was born in 1676 in Armenia to a merchant family who wanted him to continue the family business, but from a young age he felt called to a religious life. After several attempts to join a monastery as a youth that were refused by his parents, he was finally allowed at age 15 to join the nearby monastery where he took the name Mekhitar. Seeing the poor state of monastic life after centuries of destruction, Mekhitar sought to improve religious education and founded the Mekhitarist Order in 1701, which moved locations twice eventually settling on the Island of San Lazzaro degli Armeni in 1715 where Mekhitar built up the
Mxitar SebastaciElen EranosyanMxitar Sebastaci was born in 1676 in Armenia to a merchant family who wanted him to continue the family business, but from a young age he felt called to a religious life. After several attempts to enter monastic life against his family's wishes, he was finally allowed at age 15 to join a nearby monastery. There he changed his name to Mekhitar and saw that monastic life in Armenia had declined. He traveled in search of better religious education and was inspired by Western Catholic orders. In 1701 in Constantinople, he founded the Mekhitarist Order to educate Armenians, and the order later moved multiple times before settling in Venice in 1715 on the island
Giuseppe MezzofantiElen EranosyanGiuseppe Mezzofanti was an Italian cardinal and hyper polyglot born in Bologna in 1772. He was ordained as a priest in 1797 and became a professor of Arabic at the University of Bologna. Throughout his career he held various positions related to languages and theology, including professor of Oriental languages, assistant librarian, and director of studies for the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. By 1858 it was reported that Mezzofanti could speak over 30 languages fluently and had basic knowledge of many others, demonstrating an extraordinary talent for learning languages.
About Vahan TeryanElen EranosyanVahan Teryan was born in 1885 in the village of Gandza in Javakheti, Georgia. He studied at the Lazarian College in Moscow, where he was exposed to symbolism and joined the Russian Social Democrats. He published his first book of poems called "Dreams at Dusk" in 1908, which earned him recognition as one of the most original lyric poets of his time. Teryan is known as the "Singer of Autumn" for his poems dedicated to autumn and love. He died in 1920, and his poems are filled with images of nature that symbolize sorrow and eventually, peace.
My HeroesElen EranosyanMy parents are my heroes because they do their best for me, love me unconditionally, and take care of me when I am sick. My mother is a doctor who heals me whenever I am ill, and both of my parents hug me to make me feel better. I appreciate all the hard work my parents do for me, and we love each other very much.
Mxitar SebastaciElen EranosyanMxitar Sebastaci was born in 1676 in Armenia to a merchant family who wanted him to continue the family business, but from a young age he felt called to a religious life. After several attempts to join a monastery as a youth that were refused by his parents, he was finally allowed at age 15 to join the nearby monastery where he took the name Mekhitar. Seeing the poor state of monastic life after centuries of destruction, Mekhitar sought to improve religious education and founded the Mekhitarist Order in 1701, which moved locations twice eventually settling on the Island of San Lazzaro degli Armeni in 1715 where Mekhitar built up the
Mxitar SebastaciElen EranosyanMxitar Sebastaci was born in 1676 in Armenia to a merchant family who wanted him to continue the family business, but from a young age he felt called to a religious life. After several attempts to enter monastic life against his family's wishes, he was finally allowed at age 15 to join a nearby monastery. There he changed his name to Mekhitar and saw that monastic life in Armenia had declined. He traveled in search of better religious education and was inspired by Western Catholic orders. In 1701 in Constantinople, he founded the Mekhitarist Order to educate Armenians, and the order later moved multiple times before settling in Venice in 1715 on the island
2. Моя мама в детстве любила фильм “Чучело”. Мой папа
полюбил этот фильм когда ему было 15 лет. Первая премьера
фильма состоялось 14 сентября 1984 г. Режисером фильма
был Ролан Антонович Быков. Моим родителям в фильме
понравилось тот момент когда Ребята решили прогулять урок
и пойти в кино. Когда все тайком выходили на улицу,
обнаружили, что Дима оставил в классе свою копилку, в
которой хранились деньги на поездку в Москву собственно
говоря, готовясь к этой поездке, ребята так много работали,
что и решили прогулять урок. Длительность фильма 127
минут. Фильм получил Гран-при на XXXII МКФ в Лаоне.
Фильм мне тоже понравился.
Фильм, который любили мои
3. Когда Лена приходит в свой новый шестой класс, одноклассники, хоть и
улыбаются ей в лицо, но своим поведением ясно дают понять, что
презирают её. Особенно ярко выделяются следующие ученики:
Миронова по прозвищу Железная Кнопка, Лохматый, Шмакова, Попов,
Валька, Марина, Васильев и Сомов. Причина неприязни к Лене кроется
в том, что все считают её такой же чудаковатой, как и её деда, которого в
городке называют «заплаточником», так как он настолько увлечён
сбором картин, что уже долгое время ходит в одном пальто, которое от
старости пошло лохмотьями. Желая хоть как-то завоевать уважение
ребят, Лена на все их колкости в адрес неё и деда старается улыбаться и
во всём с ними соглашается, однако добивается противоположного
эффекта. Классу её поведение кажется совершенно непонятным, и
поэтому ей дают кличку Чучело, на которую Лена старается не
обижаться. И только Дима Сомов, мальчик, в которого влюблены почти
все девочки класса, оказывает новенькой поддержку. Их дружба,
переросшая во влюблённость, вскоре даёт трещину из-за следующего
трусливого поступка Димы.
Сюжет фильма “Чучело”