художник Сергей Рабцевичlibrary2012Творчество новополоцкого художника Сергей Рабцевича, выставка его живописи проходит в библиотеке гимназии № 1 г. Новополоцка
Resume Summaries ExamplesAlyson WeissCertified Professional Resume Writer George Zeller from Career Moves - a division of JVS shares 4 ways to make a great first impression with hiring managers through your resume summary.
It’s all about who you know networking for the job searchAlyson WeissThis document provides guidance on networking and informational interviews for job searching. It begins by introducing Alyson Weiss as the contact person and outlines an icebreaker activity. It then defines networking as a two-way process to build connections and learn about opportunities, rather than a one-way asking for jobs. The document discusses finding networking events through personal and online contacts and provides tips for introducing oneself, following up, and requesting informational interviews. It includes examples of questions to ask during informational interviews and emphasizes practicing networking skills.
Best apps of 2012StabiloBoss1603This PowerPoint discusses the best apps to download for the iPod, iPhone, or iPad in 2012. It invites readers to leave comments with suggestions for great apps on the app store or topics they would like the PowerPoint to cover, as the creator is unsure of what to write about.
Creating a Data-Positive Culture at Your OrganizationAlyson WeissThis document discusses how to create a data-positive culture within a nonprofit organization. It recommends demonstrating the value of data on an individual level, tying data collection and analysis to the organization's mission, and dispersing data responsibilities throughout the organization. The example of YNPN Boston is provided, which aligns its data on professional development, events, and membership with its mission of engaging young nonprofit professionals to build a stronger nonprofit sector.
Stepanov ivandukan-artThis document appears to be a collection of mailing addresses and messages from various senders addressed to Ivan Stepanov. There are over 20 addresses listed from senders with names like "ivan_stepanov", "great_destroyer", and "sin_sity" along with dates and messages. The document ends with Ivan Stepanov's address and the year 2011.
художник Сергей Рабцевичlibrary2012Творчество новополоцкого художника Сергей Рабцевича, выставка его живописи проходит в библиотеке гимназии № 1 г. Новополоцка
Resume Summaries ExamplesAlyson WeissCertified Professional Resume Writer George Zeller from Career Moves - a division of JVS shares 4 ways to make a great first impression with hiring managers through your resume summary.
It’s all about who you know networking for the job searchAlyson WeissThis document provides guidance on networking and informational interviews for job searching. It begins by introducing Alyson Weiss as the contact person and outlines an icebreaker activity. It then defines networking as a two-way process to build connections and learn about opportunities, rather than a one-way asking for jobs. The document discusses finding networking events through personal and online contacts and provides tips for introducing oneself, following up, and requesting informational interviews. It includes examples of questions to ask during informational interviews and emphasizes practicing networking skills.
Best apps of 2012StabiloBoss1603This PowerPoint discusses the best apps to download for the iPod, iPhone, or iPad in 2012. It invites readers to leave comments with suggestions for great apps on the app store or topics they would like the PowerPoint to cover, as the creator is unsure of what to write about.
Creating a Data-Positive Culture at Your OrganizationAlyson WeissThis document discusses how to create a data-positive culture within a nonprofit organization. It recommends demonstrating the value of data on an individual level, tying data collection and analysis to the organization's mission, and dispersing data responsibilities throughout the organization. The example of YNPN Boston is provided, which aligns its data on professional development, events, and membership with its mission of engaging young nonprofit professionals to build a stronger nonprofit sector.
Stepanov ivandukan-artThis document appears to be a collection of mailing addresses and messages from various senders addressed to Ivan Stepanov. There are over 20 addresses listed from senders with names like "ivan_stepanov", "great_destroyer", and "sin_sity" along with dates and messages. The document ends with Ivan Stepanov's address and the year 2011.
Presentación boga constructora s.a. de c.v.eduardodelbosqueEste documento describe un proyecto de almacén llamado "Aguillón" que comenzó en septiembre de 2008. El almacén tiene 650 metros cuadrados de espacio de oficina y 1800 metros cuadrados de espacio de almacenamiento. También menciona tres compañías involucradas en el mantenimiento industrial del proyecto.
Sesame lectureAbadi BerhaneSesame is an important oil crop grown in Ethiopia. It is grown in areas receiving annual rainfall between 625-1100mm and temperatures above 27°C. The major sesame growing regions in Ethiopia include Amhara, Tigray, Benishangul Gumuz, and Somali. Sesame requires hot conditions between 25-37°C to grow and yields are optimal with annual rainfall between 500-650mm. Diseases like bacterial blight and phyllody as well as insect pests such as webworm pose challenges to production. Proper agronomic practices including intercropping, fertilizer application, and control of weeds, pests and diseases can help maximize yields.
PresuppositionNaseem UllahThis document defines and describes different types of presuppositions. It begins by defining a presupposition as something a speaker assumes to be true before making a statement, whereas an entailment is something that logically follows from an utterance. It then lists and describes seven types of presuppositions: potential presuppositions, existential presuppositions, factive presuppositions, lexical presuppositions, structural presuppositions, non-factive presuppositions, and counterfactual presuppositions. For each type, it provides examples to illustrate the meanings.